Samma POV.
I got to my bedroom, it’s still mine, mated or not it’s mine! I got into my bathroom, got my jeans down, and groaned! I still have the stupid pull-up on, I don’t need that! Keira makes me wear them while in little space, but I’m not I don’t need them tonight or through my stay with my family.
I kicked the jeans off before slipping the stupid protection layer off me, I decided to take a shower, yeah a cold shower seems good right now, I lost everything and got under the water stream. I kept messing with the water temperature, I just couldn’t make it perfect as Keira can.
Miss mama, my wolf whines, but I ignore him, we don’t miss her not yet, I tell him, he needs to know that. After just showing in water that’s a bit too cold, I left the bathroom, dressing myself with some sweats I left back here and a Tshirt, I buried myself under the blankets, they don’t smell like the one I sleep with Keira, they don’t smell like her.
That felt bad, but I ignored it, I closed my eyes and slept, this is my old bedroom, this is my old bed, this was my home for too long, I shouldn’t be feeling like this. My wolf whining that he wants her wasn’t helping, I just closed my eyes and slept, I don’t remember much later, just someone’s arms holding me down, I didn’t want the touch I yelled, screamed wanting the touch off!
“Sammy calm down, Calm Down” I heard my dad says in a very firm voice, it was his alpha voice, except it didn’t work on me like it used to before, he’s not my alpha anymore, Keira is. Well, that’s a new discovery even for me.
“It’s okay Sammy it’s just a nightmare” Alvy, my favorite brother says he always slip in bed with me when I have nightmares or feeling bad.
“I have him dad” Alvy says telling our father to leave, I was grateful for that, the second Alvy took the blanket off me, I felt cold air hits me. Was it cold or something, Alvin touched my face and said something, I didn’t really get it, all I wanted was for his hand not to touch me.
I felt my brother move me off the bed, but I didn’t want to leave, I didn’t want to move, I wanted to get back to sleep now, but he still got me off bed and into the bathroom, when the light turned on. It’s when I knew what went wrong, I’ve wet myself but I wasn’t in little space! I’m big right now!
“It’s okay little brother, don’t cry just take it off” Alvy says turning the water on for me, I don’t appreciate help to shower, I’m not three anymore.
“I can do it” I say my voice a mix of little and big, Alvy looked like he’s about to say no, but he can’t seriously help me shower, I’m sixteen, when my mate does it, well she’s my mate!
“I’ll wait for you outside” he says thankfully letting me go to shower alone, but I had no clothes on me here, I had to go out to find my clothes.
“I got these from Sophia,” he says handing me something, what did he get off Sophia’s?
I took everything he gave me and went back inside to get dressed, he got me a damn pull-up!
“Alvin!!!” I yell from the bathroom, how did he know about this! it’s one accident, maybe I just had too much juice before I went to bed.
“You’re a little Sammy, all little use them, come on. We can cuddle and get back to sleep in my room” He promises me from the outside, I whined, I stumped my foot, I cursed just under my breath. Before pulling the Mickie mouse pull-ups, I asked my brother for more clothes which he got me.
I got outside to find my bed sheet stripped and clean, he held my hand and took me toward his room, the nightmare was on-again, I felt really bad now, I didn’t want to cuddle, I slept on my own side of the bed.
“Sammy, you’re burning up, open your mouth for me” I heard my brother says but I keep my mouth shut.
“Now Samuel, open your mouth” he says again in a firm voice, forcing my mouth to open before he slips something inside my mouth. It’s a baby syringe, he just gave me some kind of medication, I hate medication ever since I was younger, this is how he got me to take my meds.
“We need to call his mate, he’s sick” I heard Alvy says to someone else but I was busy sleeping.