In a palace occupied by Aufdzek and his family,
“What was wrong with this entire palace? Every day, there is blood, corpses, and murder everywhere. I have moved them to the dungeon so they will not go crazy. This situation is terrifying. Is this a sign of a witch from the forbidden forest coming?” muttered Aufdzek, confused.
The thirty-nine-year-old man could not sleep, thinking about the fate of his own family. His wife was fast asleep while their child slept in a separate room, and the current situation was making him anxious.
For unknown reasons, I could not rest tonight. A hunch said that something terrible was going to happen. Hopefully, God Brazakh protects us all. I was afraid that Lord Utzkah’s words would come true, because the dream at that time was really scary, as if he were alive and real, thought the burly man.
Not knowing what to do, the young man walked to the window and opened it. Outside, the moon was shining powerfully and beautifully, so whoever looked at it would definitely feel happy. However, in the sky, on the moon, there was a woman accompanied by two large black dogs. That immortal goddess was floating in the air and was looking straight at Droitzon’s descendants.
“Prepare to die, for now, is your last moment on earth, Aufdzek. Asiles will not be able to help at all, for she can only be in the light, and I rule over the night. The messenger you have been looking to be killed already survived. Alexa will be your executor. I can’t wait to take that idiot to the Underworld and torture him to death,” said Goddess Magia.
Suddenly, Aufdzek felt a cold breeze coming from outside the window. This confused the man. “Why is it so cold? It is weird because the snowy season has passed, and now it is summer. Is it because it is nighttime, so the wind feels more piercing?” muttered the man with the thick beard.
Unintentionally, Aufdzek looked towards the sky, precisely towards the full moon. The tall, well-built man was stunned, then rubbed his eyes several times as if he could not believe the sight he had just seen. A woman was standing floating and accompanied by two black dogs. That immortal goddess was gazing at the last emperor of the mortal class.
“A… a… a…”
The man, who has two children, as soon as possible closed the window. Aufdzek’s heart was racing as if he had met a ghost. “Oh my. Isn’t that the Goddess Magia? Why did she appear here? Do not say it if-”
Aufdzek did not dare to finish his sentence. The man looked panicked, but did not know what to do.
Meanwhile, the witches had arrived at the palace. They arrived at several separate points, as marked by Brazam Gaelith. The High Priest and The Chosen One appeared where they first went eight years ago, and only this time, the landing was not as painful as the first.
Each group moved and then began to slaughter one by one the soldiers they encountered with weapons, spells, and whatever else they brought from home. Screams could be heard as many of the servant girls ran for their lives. The soldiers fought back with all their might, but they were also pushed back, so many chose to flee, and some were killed.
The red-robed man and the hazel-eyed girl also joined the battle. Alexa and Brazam mercilessly killed every soldier they encountered. They moved to another area where groups of witches were fighting fiercely.
Alexa looked around, searching for the whereabouts of the targeted man. Brazam, knowing this, without further ado shouted, “Search Aufdzek at all points! Do not fail!”
“Yes, High Priest!” said the witches.
Where is the damn man who still maintains the rule to kill the messenger of Goddess Magia? Because of him, Mom and Dad could not help but abandon me, their own child. Damn, Aufdzek! He is a bastard! I will take revenge tonight! Alexa cursed inwardly, and the virgin held a grudge against him.
Alexa quickly moved to a quiet area, then began casting spells to find the target and saw the man with the thick beard and his wife waking up their two children to leave.
Without thinking, the resourceful girl said as soon as possible, “O De Magia, letznth merwth uqtz!” [1] The twenty-year-old girl disappeared and moved straight into Aufdzek’s nursery.
A couple was shocked to see an unfamiliar woman appear suddenly and a short distance away. The silence was tense, especially since each of them was holding a child.
“Filthy blood! Now welcome the death you were destined for. Since you separated me from my parents, so will your family!” said Alexa coldly.
“How dare you kid-”
“Bretzhie!” [2] Alexa said in a loud voice. A spell was cast on the two children, rendering them unable to make a sound.
A man with a bushy beard was terrified as he saw his life partner and his two children but could not utter a word. They had tears in their eyes as if they had been born mute. The woman who had been bullied for twelve years while living in an orphanage gave him a cold, cynical look.
Alexa cast the spell in a low voice, aiming to stiffen the bodies of the three members of the Aufdzek family, and it actually happened. The bodies of the emperor’s wife and two children were hardened, and they could not move at all, like people made of wood.
“I am sorry, darling,” said the husband as he placed the trio’s bodies on the bed.
Without further ado, Orfintzh Aufdzek ran away from there. Knowing that his end was near, he did not think about anything else, so he tried to save himself.
I have to save myself as soon as possible! It is unbelievable! This situation does not make sense, but it really happened. O, Goddess Asiles, help us! Aufdzek called an immortal goddess in his heart, but the goddess could not help him at all.
“Ow, so you wanna play with magick? I will show you how to play!” said Alexa with a creepy smirk on her pretty face.
Before leaving the place, the young lady looked at each one on the bed, “Deltnx meroxtnh yrewnx hetz gruqnth dearth!” [3] she said hatefully.
The three pairs of eyes that owned Aufdzek’s family gradually closed, and they entered dreamland. Alexa turned her gaze towards the door, which was still open.
“Cowards will always run, but I will get you and make you an offering to Goddess Magia. O De Magia, letznth merwth uqtz!”
[1] O De Magia, letznth merwth uqtz! = O Goddess Magia, take me to my destination!
[2] Bretzhie! = Shut up!
[3] Deltnx meroxtnh yrewnx hetz gruqnth dzarth! = Now you sleep, and when you wake up, the memory is erased!