Chapter 181:
Balancing Acts
Chris’s POV
He sighed, exhaustedly letting his body slump back into his chair, eyes trailing to rest on the obnoxious pile of papers resting in the center of the office desk. His apartment was as messy, drafts of papers, notes and old coffee cups on most surfaces; the only thing that said was that he had been working hard and long during the night. Working with Megan was like a tornado, but as much as he was past elated what this might give to his breaking career, this started to catch up with him.
A knock at the door broke the spell. “Come on in!” he replied wistfully, not for a delivery or a lousy distraction.
The door opened, and Megan came in-resolution and exhaustion etched across her face. “Hey, Chris. You got a minute?”
Chris moved into a more upright sitting position and gestured to the chair opposite him. “Of course, Megan. What’s going on?”
Megan sat down, massaged her temples, and said, “I have to juggle everything, training, appearances, the book…It’s all too much.”
Chris nodded sympathetically. “I can imagine. You must be going through a lot.”.
“It’s like I’m walking on a tightrope, and I don’t want to fall off,” she replied tensely. “I want to do my best in that ring, give it everything, but the book deadlines are pounding me over the head. And there’s this constant pressure thing to stay in character.”
“That has to be tough. Balancing all of it, I mean,” Chris concurred. “So, how’s the training?”
“It’s hard,” Megan confessed. “Coach Jane has been on my back twice as hard. I’m so exhausted, but I also realize that I’ve got to do it to be able to stay in the game.”
Chris hitched forward, propping himself on his arms, and his face became pensive. “I wonder if there’s a way to take some of the pressure off. Have you asked Jane to let up on your schedule or maybe let you off the hook for some of the book work?”
“I’ve talked with Jane a bit, but she’s pretty insistent about the way to follow the program,” replied Megan, now more with a sigh. “She thinks it’s all about keeping me at the top of my form, but with everything else going on in my life, it’s hard to keep up.”
Chris mulled it over for a moment. “That might help if we set some sort of boundaries with the book work. Maybe we just set certain times for the writing and the editing, so you’re not always switching gears.”
Megan looked at him with the slightest bit of relief as she replied, “That sounds like a good idea. I just need to figure out how to communicate that to Jane without coming across that I’m not committed.”
“Maybe you can start it off by showing her the work we have been doing on behalf of that book,” Chris suggested. “Then tell her that you are working efficiently and it is not a matter of not doing the work but rather that you cannot handle the overall workload.”
Megan nodded as though encouraged. “I guess I could approach her about it; I just can’t find the right time.”
“That makes sense,” Chris agreed. “Maybe just try thinking that you’re making sure you’re at the top of your game in the ring and in your writing; otherwise, you’re not feeling like you’re showing favoritism for one or the other.”
“Yeah, I’ll do that,” Megan agreed, nodding. “Thanks for talking this out with me; it’s nice to know I’m not the only one having trouble.”
Chris smiled. “We’re all in this together. If there is anything I can do to help with the book, or if you need an extra pair of eyes on something, just let me know.”
“Actually,” Megan said, leaning forward, “I could use some help with the next chapter. I’ve been hung up on a few details, and I’m not sure if I’m getting the right message across.
“Alright,” Chris said as he stood up to get his notebook. “Let’s go through it then. What seems to be the problem?”
Megan slid open her laptop and opened the document. “I mean, I’m trying to say that this really was one of those real pivotal moments in the book for me when at one point during the fight, I had a big decision to make. I am wanting to get it to hit hard but somehow I just can’t find the appropriate words.”
Chris read through the draft, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Okay, I see what you’re aiming for. Maybe try focusing on the emotions you were feeling at that moment. Describe the inner struggle, and the stakes involved with that.”
“I have, trust me,” Megan said, looking frustrated. “It still feels off. I want it to resonate with readers, feel like they’re in the ring with me.”
Chris rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe you should add some sense-based details, describe what you saw, what you heard, what you felt. This might work really splendid in order to bring the scene to life.” Megan’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that is a great idea! I had never looked at it from that perspective before. Let me try.” “Good,” Chris encouraged with a smile, “Let me know if you need any more help. I’m here for you.
Megan shut her laptop and got to her feet. “Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate it. I just needed a different perspective, I suppose.”
“I’m glad I could help,” Chris replied as he too got up. “And remember, everything’s a balancing act, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You’re doing great, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.”
A smile washed over Megan, and she felt a renewed sense of determination. “Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll definitely take that to heart.”
As Megan turned to go, Chris added, “And hey, if you ever want some time off or just a chat, pop around any time.”
Megan smiled back. “I’ll do that. Goodbye, Chris.”
“See you, Megan,” was the response as she left and closed the door behind her.
He sat down again, satisfied that everything had gone well. He knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, such moments made the journey all worthwhile. It was guiding Megan through the tough times and balancing his own responsibilities that got him closer to the project and to her.