I was standing by the window looking outside, oblivious to every other activity around me, as well as trying to drum out the spontaneous scream coming from everywhere around the pack, which at present, seemed very distinct due to the chaos going on in my head.
I was afraid more than I thought I had ever been before-not even the day the vampires came into my room the other night. Most of my fear spanned from Lance’s succinct words about the level of their seriousness this time around. That means they came with a determined mindset and this is nothing but doom.
Alonso. I just hope they don’t hurt my mate. I don’t think I would ever live past the experience. On my wedding day for that matter.
Tears cascaded down my face as I fought to withhold myself from barging out that door. These people are absurd if they think I will agree to marry their King. What were they thinking? If they have something against our Kingdom, as people of substantial rank and intelligence, it would have been best to try and work things out diplomatically than invade with the most ridiculous mindset of trying to take me away to their King as revenge?
I was deeply absorbed in my own thoughts, so much so that the silhouette of tree branches dancing outside the closed window appeared blurry to me. I completely disregarded my friends behind me, or at least, that’s what I thought.
They were murmuring something amongst them which I didn’t give attention to as my mind sourced for a solution while soaked in abject apprehension.
Rapid footfalls fell across the hall outside and ran towards our room, which dragged my focus back, and impulsively, I started striding there in fear that it might be inhabitants of our packs seeking refuge. At least this is the least I can do to help.
“Stop, Danika!”
“Danika, open the door!”
All at once, the noise banged.
I paused in confusion, instantaneous goosebumps splitting out of my pores and every part of my body became frozen to a spot.
“Danika!” They kept banging at the door, “It’s Mary, and I’m with Nadia! What is going on? Please open up!”
Is this what I’m thinking? If Mary and Nadia are knocking on the door, then who are those I’m with inside?
Seeing that their camouflage has been exposed, my so-called friends decided to show themselves. “Turn around, slowly!” one of them ordered and gradually with the minimalist motion I never thought I could pull off, I twisted to them, my eyes widening further. Standing before me weren’t Mary and Nadia as before, but two fierce-looking ladies who from what I just saw I could deduce are shifters.
“What the hell?” I mouthed in shock.
“Surprised!” The one with very sharp red hair, more tinted than mine careened and twirled on her feet in bogus jubilance. “Your mate thought he is smart and this time we outsmarted him! Who would think the great Alonso, King of the wolves has lost his wits.” She vaulted forth, my heartbeat thudding thunderously in uttermost panic.
“Danika!” The knocking went on.
“Oh, shut those two up once and for all!” the red hair ordered the other in a brisk tone and she nodded once and swerved to the door!
My stomach twisted as I snapped out of my panic at once and pivoted, running after her. “Please do not hurt them! They are my best friends. Please.. m… whatever you want I will do but do not hurt them…” I implored with my hands together in front of me, my facial expression mangled.
The messenger paused, her eyes going to the one behind us, and at once I flicked my eyes from one to the other, my forehead still furrowed in in-depth worry, panting loudly.
The red hair smirked and trod toward us, one step at a time. “Very well, put them to sleep and…” she stopped in front of me, her finger finding a tendril of my hair fallen to my face, and twirled around her finger, “you will do whatever we ask or… kiss your friends goodbye!” she spat venomously. I nodded frantically.
“Good,” she said as she took my right wrist and pulled me back into the room. Oh, Gad. How could this have happened? Alonso! What would he do when he finds me dead? My baby! I fought the desire to rub my belly so as not to draw their attention to it. It was one thing to threaten me with my friends but with my baby, I might die while awake.
“What do you want?” I bombarded faster at the red-haired as we were left alone.
“What do you think?”
“I will never marry your King!” I teetered. “It is foolishness for him to think otherwise….”
She let loose and chimed with mirth as though I just cracked a billion bucks joke. “That would be for him to decide!” Her eyes wavered to the back as the key rattled and the other lady came back.
“This is unfair! Why will you people not leave us alone! Today is my wedding day!”
“Exactly the point! That bastard thinks he could hasten and marry you to deprive our King of having you. But…” She dangled her head about ridiculously. “He failed!” They both reeled with laughter once more and she staggered forth and pinched my wedding dress which made me jump out of her reach, still overwhelmed by their presence.
I have always heard about shapeshifters but I have never seen one physically. This was so overwhelming for me, particularly as they are enemies. They can do bizarre things and no one would suspect a thing about them. It’s their nature.
When their laughter receded, the red-haired faced me with a menacing expression. “It was nice cracking us up, Luna Queen, but right now, it’s time to go.” She reached to grab me but I jerked away forcefully.
“I am not leaving my mate protection for you! I am not going anywhere, do you not get it?!” I bunched my fist, holding in my rage. My mate isn’t here and I wouldn’t want whatever it is that took place the last time to happen. I have so many things at stake. My baby, mate, my friends! I have to be rational.
“It either you come with us voluntarily, or, we will make you, all the same, you are leaving this shithole!” she snarled to my face.
“Please…” my eyes roved about frightening as I pleaded, “my mate. He would be devastated when he finds me missing. I beg you.”
It appears they came here to laugh me to death because, at my plea, they busted out laughing. “Do you think us fools? Everything that has taken place so far was orchestrated by us. Even the person that came to inform him of the murder was one of us… there was no murder anywhere! The noise, everything!”
My heart stopped. “What do you mean by that?”
“We simply mean to say, your mate has been taken care of…”
“No!” I staggered back, my hand to my chest, restrained tears springing to my eyes at her utterance. “You didn’t kill him, did you?”
She lifted her head up in mock thought. “Well, let’s just say he is in a better state. Of course, we won’t be so stupid as to kill him when we know what that would imply… we can’t have a war on our hands now when this period would be marked by festivities following the homecoming of our bride.” She checked me out with awkward humor in her eyes.
“I am not your bride!” I screamed. “Where is my mate?” I asked, lowering my hand to calm myself. I have to be stable, they didn’t do anything to him. Surely, if they did I would have felt it. Possibly hypnotized him like the last time or maybe… “Did you-did you overdose him with Wolfbane? Silver? Please talk to me!” My hormones were serving up.
“Millie, hurry up let’s leave here, I’m exhausted drinking in their stupid scents!” the other wolf hammered, bringing the red-haired back from savoring torturing me.
She took a bold step toward me and I gulped, still restraining myself. I will go with them if that’s what they want. I just need answers. “Don’t do anything stupid, lady. Don’t forget your friends’ lives lies in your hand…” She took my hand and placed it on her face.
What is she doing?
“Slowly, mmm, yeah, just like that?”
“What are you doing?” I voiced my thought raggedly.
“Taking a little of your essence. It would help us leave here without anyone’s knowledge.”
I bucked. “You are seriously taking me? You are warping me?”
“Never been more serious… Do you know what would happen to us if we failed like those pricks did the last time?” She scoffed. “Please let me concentrate, I have a family depending on the success of this mission to survive the wrath of the King.”
I bit into my lower lips to hold back from lashing back at her. Perhaps, I have to see this King. If he is bent on taking me, it might just be his death warrant. I will need to speak to him and see for once if I will end this madness. I am officially the Luna Queen here, and I am carrying Alonso’s heir. Come what may, I am not giving that up for anything. Not even the vampire kin-
“Arh!” I bent over as a severe pain struck my midriff.
“Easy, beauty. I know you are a powerful one, so this would be somewhat painful for you… don’t fight it.” My body trembled with apprehension. For goddesses’ sake, I pray they don’t hurt my baby. I don’t think I would be able to hold myself back from destroying them if they do. “Arh!” I fell to my knees, Muse becoming agitated as I fought to tame her.
“Make sure you keep your powers contained, we don’t want things messy.” Her voice rose over the haziness building in my vision, as bizarre noises drummed in my ear. Something odd was happening to me.
“Yes!” one of them cried and like magic, all the pain I was feeling washed off. I shook my head and quickly stood up, smacking my palm against each other. When I turned around, I jolted in alarm as I looked at my replica.
Instinctively I rushed to the mirror to look at myself, “Uh-huh?” They busted out laughing at my reaction from behind while I fought so hard to remain normal in the midst of this entire charade. I was looking at the face of one of them. Meaning she is me, I am now her.
“Now, let’s go, beauty… As quiet as… Don’t forget that so many lives lie in your decision to cooperate…” She took my hand and led me out of my room, my eyes watering at the sight of my friends sprawled on the ground in front of my room helplessly.
Alonso, I hope he woke up and come save me!