By nightfall, the majority of the people that came for the wedding had dispersed back to their keeps, including the high-ranking wolves from other packs together with whoever they came with. Just a few persons from other packs were left behind for the night ceremony which already kicked off immediately after the temple prayer bell went.
That was the first time I saw Theresa in the entire day. I know the weight of her resentment of me since our debacle was exposed, however, I didn’t expect it reached the extent of her not attending my wedding. If not for me, at least for her son.
Since Alfred vanished, somehow she has been mopping about, just like the last time. So, every one of us avoided her like the plague. Nevertheless, I thought she would lay aside all her grievances, including Alfred’s self-exile withdrawal, and be happy for us. All that was crushed when not even a ‘happy married life’ wish came from her, not to mention attendance.
Then, during the banquet comprising of me, Alonso, Lance, and his mate, the high-ranking wolves from other packs, and pack members from our pack present to witness the final round of the wedding, most especially the priestess, a rotund woman of sharp green eyes that was almost terrifying. I would have liked to invite Mrs. Dolly, but Mary and Nadia suggested giving it time. Today was my wedding and there shouldn’t be any need for avoidable friction. So, I made sure a lot of souvenirs were sent to her and her family, on behalf of the royal family which they also represent. Theresa appeared.
I was gobsmacked when the door to the biggest hall in the room where the banquet was being organized, opened and there she stood, her sharp-witted eyes roving around the table until they stopped at me, as usual, her disdain jarring at me.
Unlike before, I wasn’t bugged anymore. I recollect her words so clearly telling me that even though Alonso married me, she will never give me her blessings as the future Queen. While it was devastating that the woman who was supposed to carry me on as the mother I never had would look at me with so much loath, I have made my peace with her hatred. As long as I have my mate with me, and he takes my side, that is all that counts.
So all I did, was in reverence to her and to show her I do not share in her indifference, I stood up to the chagrin of even my mate, and seeing that I stood, every other person at the table stood to her, to show her respect.
She walked in elegantly and came to sit down on the left-hand side of Alonso where Lance was before but quickly vacated for her.
“You can sit,” she said mildly, and we did as she said.
“Thanks for joining us,” I craned my neck to say to her, still happy that at least she showed her face.
“I didn’t come here for you, Danika…” She batted her eyes venomously at me, “I only came because I was bored inside my room, plus, even though my son had chosen a path to his downfall, I will still be there for him.” It was like a knife twisted in my guts, still, I smiled jovially and nodded.
We ate in silence afterward, after which the crowd went into a merry spree, dancing and performing diverse creativities for our entertainment. I found it very fascinating and was even happier when I saw my friends dancing along the crowd later on in the arms of men, particularly Mary who I am hoping so fervently recovers from her trauma.
“From your facial expression, I will think you want to join in the fun, huh?” Alonso whispered to me.
I broke into a full grin and nodded. “Very much,” I said.
He grunted in disappointment. “It’s quite unfortunate that these things are only performed for the entertainment of the King and his Queen. You are not allowed to dance there until we are about to leave when we will give them the final dance and leave the party to them.”
“Okay, then I will wait.” I snickered, sneaking my hand into his elbow to hold him. He was warm and his skin supple to my touch. “Today is the happiest day of my life, Ally,” I divulged to him.
I felt his body shake and deduced he was laughing. “If only you know how I’m feeling now.”
“Not as much as me. You have made my dream come true,” I said as I kissed his forearm, “I thought I would never experience this…” I leaned my head where I kissed, savoring the warmth.
“Well, what will you say when I tell you I never ever wanted to experience this again until I met you?” I knew about that. I knew that was why he never wanted to accept me and it warms my heart that at last, he let go of his fears.
“Thanks for changing your mind, Ally. I promise to be a good mate to you…” I mewled, rubbing his arm softly.
“And thanks for accepting me after everything I did to you, and I swear on my life to be the best mate to you.” He twisted toward me, took my face in his huge palms, we shared lengthy regard for each other, every other thing disbanding into thin air, leaving only us behind.
When he bent and took my lips in a slow kiss, I sighed and melted into him. I didn’t know how long we kissed but by the time we parted, massive hoots and applause went off in the air from our conceding spectators.
“Well, it seems we started entertaining them on time…” He hissed with a smile-the type that makes my heart skip and my stomach clench.
“So it seems.” I hid my face in his body, my cheeks burning up.
“What do you think if we retired early, my Queen?” he crooned. “As it seems, Mr. Siv thinks enough time has been wasted already to have the Alpha King’s mark embedded on your neck for us.”
“We can’t leave them.” I giggled, tapping his arm jovially.
“They will party till dawn hope you know that?”
“Till dawn?”
“Yeah… That’s the tradition.”
“Okay, then we can come back later?”
“Of course, my Queen, after all, we will have to give them our royal dance. But for now,” he said as he stood and tugged me up, “they are so engrossed that they won’t even see us disappear.” His eyes found his mother whose eyes were intent on us, and sighed. “Or maybe a few.”
I held my belly as I shook with laughter. “I don’t think she would mind… if I’m judging correctly, I think she is enjoying herself with that unfortunate Mrs. Daffodils.”
“Correct! So let’s go!” He took my hand and led me out and no one asked us anything.
When we reached the step, he scooped me into his arm in bridal style and my cheerful giggles filled the halls.
“I have to make sure my bride and heir are safe.” He climbed the stairs two at a time.
“Now, isn’t that a gentlemanly behavior on your part?” I ticked my brow.
“Whatever my Queen think it is…”
When we entered the room, he dropped me on the bed and stood up and began releasing himself from his three-piece black tuxedo. Just as he flung the jacket to the armchair and started unbuttoning his shirt rapidly, our ecstatic romp was interrupted by a fierce knock at the door.
“Who the hell?!” Alonso said under his breath and I withheld from trembling with laughter at his present facial expression. I pitied whoever it was out there because he looked like he was going to roast him or her.
My friends!
I jumped up. “Maybe it’s my friends.”
He twisted his lips grimly and said, “Then it’s their death day.”
“No!” I giggled energetically and rushed forth to stop him from strangling my poor friends. But when the door opened, it wasn’t my friends standing there but the Beta, looking like the devil was after him.
“Man! Why ain’t you responding to my fucken link?” Lance spun.
Alonso combed his fingers through his sleek matted hair, in frustration. “What do you want, Lancelot? Today is my wedding!”
“Get your shits together, man, this is not your first wedding!” I cringed from his tone, somehow hurt that he would say that. From Alonso’s expression, I knew he felt likewise.
What is wrong with him?!
“Two elders just died! All the guards at the boundary were murdered and this time, their parts were ripped to pieces as though the enemy lost control. I have a feeling that this is not good,” he went on rapidly, gesticulating randomly. This informed me of the reason behind his agitation.
Alonso was alert at once, grabbing me and facing him. “I have to go, now, Munchkin.”
My panicked eyes searched his, the initial passion dissolving into oblivion. “I have to come with you!”
“No! Never! Are you serious?! You know who they are and why they are here! They must have heard today is my wedding and now they are on the rampage!”
“I am strong, I can’t let them hurt you!”
“That shouldn’t bother you!” He stalled and shook me until I was looking at him intently, albeit frantic. “I won’t lose you, you hear me? Stay here, lock all the doors. I will place a barrier after I call your friends to stay with you, okay?”
“Shhhhh, please do this for me. If I lose you, I might…” He shook his head and continued, “I might die.”
I saw the desperation in his eyes and I couldn’t allow myself to argue anymore so I nodded frantically.
“Bring me her maids, Lancelot,” he ordered and Lance rushed out.
“You have to be alright, you promise?” I took his hands which I noticed were trembling. I kissed them and plastered them on my cheek. “Promise me!”
“I-i will, my love.” He cupped my cheeks and kissed me intensely as tears flooded my face. Why today?! On my wedding day! Everything was going perfectly!
“Here they are!” the voice of Lancelot broke us apart.
“We have to go now, you two make sure no harm comes to my mate, and under no circumstance should she leave this room.” He instructed my friends and they nodded, their faces bearing a frightening posture. “No circumstance!” he finished.
“Yes, your highness!” they said in unison and with one last hard kiss, he swung around and left with Lance.
I heard the commotion break out below but I couldn’t do anything, since I was locked in here. I am supposed to be out there helping to keep the pack intact while my mate is gone, but leaving would mean disobedience to him especially as I know the reason behind his order.
So there we stayed together, waiting, praying, sweating, and gnashing our teeth each time we heard a scream.
Then, it happened at once.