A whirlwind of activities had been going on around the pack for some time now. The palace had become very busy with pack members coming around every day and leaving due to the upcoming full moon ceremony that they had been meeting for its planning.
His incessant meetings with the elders as well as making sure the border was safe from intruders, had made the King very occupied during the day that most times when he came home, he fell asleep without coming to my room. So, our meeting these days was kinda minimal. But, not to worry, just as he is busy with the elders and the pack’s activities, so was I also busy making sure our plans are nailed.
The last time I spoke to him three days ago when he was on his way to the conference room and we had coincidentally crossed paths at the stairs and he had pulled me into the pillar to steal a kiss, he told me he had sent a letter to the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack, being Paisley’s father, requesting his presence at the palace, and he would be coming in a fortnight!
Ever since then, I have been praying that nothing soils this plan. Not even Paisley whose room I’m preparing to head to this morning to lay siege so that she doesn’t leave the mansion today.
Humming delightedly, I tied the rope at the neck of my baby pink shirt, picked up my phone, and twisted around to leave the room, coming to a halt as the door opened to Nadia. She paused, her curious eyes taking in my elegant dress with a hint of amusement.
I burst into laughter at her expression. Well, when you are planning to bring down a lion, you have to wear a lioness camouflage to lure him in. Paisley is a barbie and she likes it when I play dress-up with her. I don’t know what it does for her, nor do I care to know. But, for the purpose of my plans, I have to play along.
“You look…” She did the devouring sound with her teeth and bashed the door behind her. “I didn’t know you can look this hot without my help.” She gave me a good look up, her smile expanding. “Well, I hope everything works out fine. Mary said Roland is bringing Mrs. Dolly in by 12 o’clock. The Queen should be out by then and Alfred too.”
“Yeah, they should. I spoke with Alfred this morning and he said he was leaving by 11 am.”
“Great, this is 11:00 already he should be on his way out…” She opened the door, then paused and slowly faced me with a troubled countenance. “What are you going to do with her when you get there? I mean, I know you hate being in space with her. Are you just going to stare at her? What if she makes any move at you, you know in-”
“Don’t worry!” I cut off with a flap of my hand. “We never run out of what to say. Just tell Mary that Roland should try to bring Mrs. Dolly in on time so that we would finish up fast before the return of Theresa or Alfred.”
“Oh, okay. I will,” she said and left.
With a final glance around the room -a habit I have developed since the vampire attack, to take note of where everything is so when I get back, I can easily spot any mishap. Taking note of the position of my stuff, I sauntered out of the room down the hall towards the direction of Paisley’s room.
I knocked, and looked around the hall impulsively, hoping I wasn’t too late. I knocked once more when there was no sound, going ahead to pull the knob. It was locked.
Oh, Gad! She couldn’t have left the mansion already, could she? I had sent Nadia out earlier to help keep an eye outside, to come back in the next one hour when I’m done preparing which was exactly what she did. There is no w-
Footfalls padded across the room until the keys jiggled and the door flew open to review Paisley. But there was something off about her. She wasn’t as excited as she usually is whenever she sees me, nor is she looking like I’m welcomed. It looked like she was doing something strenuous and had been uprooted from it.
Unlike her, her hair looked askew, implying she had run her hand through it in a haste, and there were smudges of her lipsticks on her neck-something she must have missed while concealing her sin. Who could she have been with? Has she found another lover?
I blinked hard and focused on her, swallowing down the question on my lips, still taking in her awry appearance, skeptically. She was even in a robe! Interesting. If only I can get evidence of who this lover is, it would make things double easier for us. Oh, the King needs to hear this! Come to think of it, what if it’s the king in there? No! I would feel it, plus, she wouldn’t hesitate shoving it at my face.
“Hy!” I snickered impishly. “I-i thought I should stop by and, you know, chat!” Something possessed me, I made to pass through but she quickly blocked me.
“Yeah! I mean, of course. I wanted to do the same later, you know…” She returned the snicker, tucking her hair behind her ear in unmistakable anxiety.
“Are you busy? It seems you are…” I motioned inside the room.
“No!… I mean, yeah! I am kinda very busy with… something!” Her forced smile improved, perhaps wishing I would go away. This is not good for our plans.
“Look, I really need you to help me with something. If you are busy in your room and don’t want me inside, then let’s go to mine. It’s urgent, please,” I told her, craning my neck in if I could catch anything, which was futile.
She hesitated with a thoughtful look, then sucked in air and said, “Okay, let me get something. A minute,” she implored with her index and closed the door.
I stood there in wonder, my curiosity piqued now more than ever. How am I going to know who this mysterious lover is? Could it be that it’s the real owner of her pregnancy that she is pinning on the King?
The door flew open once more and she came out, closing it rapidly and going as far as locking it. That was what sealed my suspicion that there was a man inside that room. My suspicion about her having a lover is finally justified.
“Let’s go, Danika,” she beckoned, her hand coming around my forearm to drag me towards the direction of my room.
Who is this man? That was all that was going through my mind on our way to my room.