On getting to the lobby, I found myself torn between the options of going to the gym to let off some steam, attempting to practice the latest tricks Alfred had taught me, or making my way to the King’s study to see if, as usual, he was still awake.
On second thought, I thought maybe if I go there Paisley might be with him, and I wouldn’t want to be caught in the middle of something I should have avoided. These days are very delicate and any little thing could trigger the truth spilling out. It shouldn’t have to be from me.
I left for the gym to practice power control. Since I was in my nightie I won’t do anything to exert energy, just some minor mind control, and other minor tactics.
Lately, I have been having severe thoughts about my other power. I know I am a Greyhound. But being a Hybrid means I possess two powers inside of me. I only know of my wolf powers, till date I haven’t discovered what other powers reside in me.
I didn’t want it to bother me, but most of the stories I’ve heard about hidden Hybrid powers are that they are deadlier than the ones that show forth at once. I sincerely hoped mine won’t be like that. I am a peaceful person, I wouldn’t want to be a container of power that wreaks havoc on humanity.
I reached the gym, went to the secluded part, and sat on the yoga mat on cross legs, placing my fingers together with my eyes closed in slow meditation. Numbing my senses wasn’t as easy as many crazy ideas whirled in my head-all of which revolved around my powers. How did I become a Hybrid when none of my parents are? My father is a pack warrior and a very powerful one. He is an ash wolf. And my Mom, I often heard him say she was also a great pack warrior and white wolf. My sister is a Greyhound like me but not a Hybrid. So how did I become one?
I wish I could see my Mom in my dream once more so I could ask her if any of our bloodline was a Hybrid, maybe my great grandparents or the past generation of our ancestors. I knew one of my grandparents before she passed away, she wasn’t a Hybrid. She was also a white wolf.
With these thoughts swirling in my head, there was no way I could concentrate. I stood and dusted my butt, and walked out of the gym room. Tomorrow, I would ask Alfred some questions about Hybrids, hopefully, he will have an answer for me. Knowing my bloodline would help me ascertain what other power I was likely to have.
Crossing the threshold between the gym and the hall that led to the living room, I busted out into the lobby and eventually gave in to the urge to go to the King’s study.
When I got to the front door I listened in to catch any sound coming from within, but didn’t hear any, so I knocked lightly and pushed the door open to peer in.
He was there seated at the back of the desk, a bottle nestled in his left hand. His eyes were drooling close showing he must be inebriated.
“What are you doing here? You should be asleep…” he dragged, hissed, and pushed the bottle to his lip to take a swig.
I scoffed and walked in. “What are you doing awake yourself? Can’t you disappoint me one day and not be here with that?” I pointed at the bottle which I moved hastily to snatch from his hand. “You will die early if you keep drowning yourself with this.” I sniffed it and nearly emptied my bowel.
He chuckled a trembling sound. “Is that a curse?”
“It’s the truth.” I went to keep the bottle in the minibar and came to stand in front of him, crossing my hands in front of me. “Are you still angry with what happened back there?” I asked him calmly even if I knew the answer.
“What do you care?”
I exhaled and sat on top of the desk to take his right hand in mine. He stilled but retrieved it. “There are better ways to handle situations than getting yourself drunk. By the way, I’m sorry about it.”
“Don’t say you are sorry. You ain’t my mother,” he spat and tried to withdraw his hand but I held tighter. He glowered at me.
“I might not be your mother, and I can’t specifically say she was wrong… but it wasn’t nice of her to blame you for what happened to me. Yet, it also wasn’t right for you to talk to Paisley in that manner. Very unkind words for someone she was putting up with.” I eyed him.
His bleary eyes were fixed on me in strict scrutiny before he asked, “Are you taking her side now?”
“I am simply saying you can do with a little bit of respect for women.”
He pfft and rapidly snatched his hand away from me. “You mesmerize me, Danika. I could swear I see the hate and jealousy in your eyes each time you see us together and now you take her side?”
I astonish myself too with most of my utterances. But deep down in my heart, after hearing everything Paisley said, I realized part of this wasn’t her choice. If anything, he caused this and I won’t fail to let him know that. “You know you are to blame for all this, right?”
His brows lifted. “How am I to blame?”
“You want to marry her because of an alliance,” I threw the words straight to his face, gauging his reaction. He didn’t flinch or look like what I said had any consequence. His expression was stable, void of any emotions.
“She has been widening her mouth to you, hasn’t she? Fast friends indeed!” he snagged at me.
I pushed him back to the chair. “She didn’t say anything but someone else did!”
“Who did? My brother? How many people have you been discussing me with?”
I knew he was getting angrier. He was already vexed, just looking for an avenue to pour out his amounted aggravation. I won’t give him that satisfaction. We have to start learning to sort out issues rather than fighting through them.
“It’s not your brother either and who told me isn’t any of your business.” I reached for his hand once more and he shrank away from me. It hurt me but this is not the time for stupid sentiments. “Look Alonso you are a great King, a King that puts his people’s needs before his own. It’s rare to find your kind in this present time with everyone fighting to acquire more power and territories. You simply need to calm down…”
He suddenly stood from the chair and walked away from me. One of his hands was on his waist and another on his face as if holding himself back from exploding at me.
“Stop! Just stop Danika. I know what you are doing. You are trying to make me change my mind about you, right? You want me to send her away, but you don’t want to come out plain. You are acting all nice and good so I change my mind about this, and decide to renege on my plan!” He clapped his hand ridiculously, “Well played, but let me say this. It won’t work! I have already made my decision and it’s final! Gad, you are manipulative!”
I sat there gobsmacked, pondering his words over and over again. I might be embittered that he chose Paisley over me, still, that wasn’t why I came here. I am not manipulative… if I were, maybe by now I would have become the Luna Queen. I have seen manipulative people and I am nothing like them. How dare he accuse me of something that cruel!
I stood and ambled toward him, and without thinking it through, my hand collided with his cheek. His face twisted to the side and slowly returned to meet mine with a lopsided smirk. “I said the truth, didn’t I?” he asked me.
“You are a self-conceited bastard, Alonso. I am trying to help you and you think you can talk trash to me?”
“Help me? You who haven’t helped yourself want to help me?”
“I see the reason why everyone thinks you are a monster! I swear to Gad I am a tad bit close to becoming your mother’s ally!” I was shaking now with fury, not the least scared I just slapped the King.
I saw his shoulders tense, the veins on his forehead almost popping out from shock mixed with anger at my statement. “You don’t mean that,” he said slowly, his bleary eye now flashing with something else.
I took a steady breath to rein in my rage. Even if I wanted to say more hurtful things to him, I have to remember that I came here to help him and not to drive him crazy with fury. I balled my fist by my side and inched closer toward him. His hunky body dwarfed me, but I didn’t mind. “Let’s get you to bed, Alpha King, you are not in your right senses.”
He didn’t step away when I reached him nor did he recoil when I took his hand in mine and started pulling him towards the door. Right now, he seemed like a little baby whose mother was appeasing after saying something mean to him.
When we eventually got to his room-without anyone seeing us, I wanted to leave him at the door and go to my room, but I needed to make sure he was asleep before I would leave. So I led him in and aided him to the bed.
He quietly jettisoned his shirt and flung it away, leaving him only in his trouser which I was grateful for because my heartbeat was already boosted at the sight of his ripping glistening chest. Focus Danika! You are in his room anything can happen.
To add to my discomfort, he stood and removed his trousers, exposing his white taut thick thighs. Oh, Gad. He knew what he was doing because right then his murky eyes were fixed on me. I swallowed loudly.
Okay, that’s it.
I smiled weakly and said, “Try to get some sleep, I will leave now.” I twisted forcefully to leave but he caught my hand and yanked me to that hard chest. A large wheeze of air swung off my lungs.
Holy moly!
“Stay!” A word. An order.