Book:Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers Published:2024-7-13

I missed Mia. I missed her with a pang. I didn’t think that I could stay far away from her any longer. It was easier staying far from home when I wasn’t a mated wolf but it wasn’t the case now. My mind was conflicted and my heart longed to be home where she was.
It was affecting my body as well and I had gone weaker and wasn’t discharging my duties properly. I wasn’t the only one as I had expected. I wasn’t the only one mated to Mia and missing her. The three of us were weak and the major had noticed immediately the second day that we reported for duties. We got tired easily and were easily distracted.
He had teased us about losing our abilities because we had been away from so long and had told us to get back in shape as soon as we could. I shook his head. If only that he knew. He didn’t know that what we needed wasn’t more trainings but being by the side of our mate.
There was no way that Mia could be allowed to stay and live here with us as she wasn’t an officer. We were the one that would have to go to be with her but I didn’t think that the major would want to give us another leave.
I didn’t think that I would want to stay long as an officer. I would love to retire. I didn’t think that I was going to be able to endure being far apart from Mia. I would love to retire but it wasn’t a decision that I could take alone.
I had to ask my brothers if they were willing to retire as well. I couldn’t retire and leave them alone to continue working. We couldn’t stay apart and we had to make this decision together.
I was miserable without Mia but I was going to suffer as well if I was apart from my brothers.
I decided to find my brothers to ask them of what they thought of retirement. I stood up and was about to leave when Susan, a female officer, walked up to where I was.
I sat back down, looking at her and wondering why she had found me. She had to have been looking for me for her to here. She couldn’t have stumbled on me here. I had moved far away from the men into a far place when I needed my privacy to think.
I wondered why she had found me. “Officer Susan.”
She snorted. “Come off the formality. We have been working together for months and you still insist on the title. I thought that you would have changed by the time you come back from your leave.”
I smiled at her. “I’m sorry, officer. Old habits hardly die, I guess.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m going to call you by your first name. It’s up to you to decide what you want to call me.”
I stared at her, wondering why she was suddenly insisting on having me call her by her first name. I didn’t get along with many of the officers in the barracks especially the females as I preferred to be alone.
I didn’t think that was why she had come to find me as well. “Is there a problem, officer that you are here?”
She snorted at my reluctance to stop calling her by her title but she didn’t say anything about it. She shrugged and I was glad that she decided to let sleeping dogs lie.
“I’ve been looking for you.” She informed me.
I nodded. “I know that. I know that you wouldn’t have been here if you hadn’t been looking for me. I’m asking if there is a problem that you were looking for me.”
She snorted. “You can be cold sometimes.”
I was silent, wondering if I was meant to apologize for that.
She continued when she realized that I wasn’t going to say anything to what she had said. “Is there anything wrong in being concerned about a colleague who wasn’t around for months and came back weak? You talk as if you don’t miss us as we missed you.”
I caught the smile in her voice as she said the last sentence. She wasn’t referring to anyone in the unit except her. Even if I had thought of anyone in the unit and missed them, I wasn’t going to admit it to her to avoid her going about and thinking that I was referring to her.
I knew girls like her. I had had dozens like her throw themselves at me and knew how to avoid them. I was surprised though that she had a crush on me and I wondered when it started. I wouldn’t have suspected it as she was one of the hardworking female officers that I respected.
I should have suspected when we had come back and her smile had been the brightest.
“I didn’t miss anyone at all.” I informed her. “I was too busy to care about anyone else.” I was too busy fighting to save my life and that of my family; fighting trolls, vampires, guardians, dark wizards and elves but I didn’t think that she needed that information.
She laughed. “You sound selfish but you know how to be cool at the same time.”
I snorted. “I wasn’t trying to be cool.” I said blandly, wishing she would just go and leave me alone. It was going to be time for dinner soon and I would like to talk to my brothers before then. I didn’t want to walk out on her and be seen as rude. Regardless of how bored and uncomfortable she was making me, I was still a gentleman and I had to act as one.
She chuckled. “Now you sound funny.”
I snorted. “I don’t. I think you would have to excuse me, officer.” I said to her. I wasn’t going to sit here, talk with her and bore myself out of my wits while trying to be a gentleman.
“Here. I got it for you from the clinic.” She said, extending a bottle to me.
“What is this?” I asked her, looking at the bottle in her hand.
She sighed. “Will you have it first before you start to query me? I noticed that you have been weak and got it for you.”
“Thank you but I’m fine.”
“Does that mean that you don’t want this?”
“No.” I replied.
She seemed hurt. “Why?”
“Did you get for my brothers? We have all been weak.”
She blushed. “I didn’t think that far.”
I snorted. She did, she just didn’t care about my brothers. She didn’t have to lie to me.
“Thanks for your concern but I didn’t want the tonic. I don’t need it. I would have gone to the clinic to get it myself if I needed it myself. I would be fine without it.”
“Okay.” She whispered, sounding broken but I wasn’t bothered. It was just a ride and moreover, she would be fine.
She was one of the strongest ladies I knew, apart from Mia. Ah! The thought of Mia reminded me of how much I missed her.
My brothers walked into the space and were stunned to see her. I didn’t blame them. They had been used to seeing me alone here whenever they came to get me. I hid a smile. I couldn’t believe that I was coming to find them as an excuse to leave Susan and they had come for me themselves.
She saluted them and left. Jack turned to me as soon as she was gone. “What was that about? Why is she here?”
I smirked. “Don’t worry about her.”
I didn’t think I had ever been happy to see my brothers in my life. Susan wouldn’t have left if they weren’t here. I thought that I had seen the last of Susan but I couldn’t have been more wrong. If only I had known, I would have worried about her.