113.Rest in the Midst of Trouble

Book:Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers Published:2024-7-13

Oh my! I was tired, stressed out and whatever else I could use to describe my fatigue. It wasn’t easy, making all those journey that we had been on but there was nothing we could do about it.
I needed a break but we had to keep on going. The snake had been crazy but that wasn’t my major concern. We had to find a reason that all those creatures were attracted to Mia. I wondered if it was because the dark wizard had left his taint on Mia because she was marked and no one else, not even weird supernatural creatures should find her appealing.
That damned dark wizard. He had surely done something to Mia. I sighed. That had to be it. I couldn’t wait to get rid of him. That meant that we had to save two people now instead of one. I boiled with determination as we moved on our journey, walking faster than the other to gear them when they seemed tired.
I wasn’t going to walk faster than normal else I was going to arouse suspicion about what was wrong with me. I didn’t want to tell the others about my hypothesis. It was normal for me to keep it to myself and not make the others worry. I didn’t want Mia to know. I didn’t even think she was worrying about that so I didn’t want to trouble her when she might have no cause for alarm.
I could be wrong and there was no need to ruin the poor girl’s day.
I only hoped that no one else that we meet find her attractive again.
“Let’s stop here.” Quinn said, glancing at Mia.
I nodded in understanding. She was tired and trying hard not to show it, pushing herself after by sheer will. We would be deluding ourselves, claiming to love her and letting her walk in that state.
She had tried, really did. She had walked faster and longer today than she had done on all of our previous journeys. She was gradually turning and becoming a werewolf. She was getting stronger by the minute and her appetite had increased too. Her senses were also improving. She only needed the full moon to complete her transformation.
I had no doubt that she was going to be a fine wolf. I wondered what time of fur she was going to have. I was convinced that she was going to have a silver fur while John and Quinn were convinced that she was going to have a black fur. I couldn’t wait for the night of the full moon so I could know that I was right.
Regardless of what the color of her fur was, I knew she would be beautiful. That was Mia. She radiated anywhere she was, I hoped that she could dim the glow a bit while we were here. I was annoyed that those ugly creatures dared to think of wanting my woman.
My woman! I smiled at the words, feeling joy pump through my heart. I couldn’t believe that she was ours already and was glad that she had followed us on this trip. She wouldn’t have gotten closer to us if not that we were all here and we would have to still work on seducing her after this trip when we get home. That was a hassle that we didn’t want to think of.
She was ours and that was enough to wash away all the heartaches I had felt while trying to make her love me.
Her voice broke me out of my thoughts. “I’m not tired. Let’s keep going. The tree might be closer than we think.”She insisted.
I chuckled. Of course, she would. She was as stubborn as a mule. I saw Quinn glancing at me and I nodded, knowing what to do.
“I’m tired.” I sighed and sat on the ground.
My clothes were already sweaty and dirty. What would a bit more dirt do to it?
John sighed, playing along. “Stand up, Jack. How can you be tired when Mia isn’t? Let’s continue on our journey. We might be almost there as she had said.”
I barked out a mock laugh. “You should know I don’t care about stuff like that. If I’m tired, I’m tired. I don’t care if Quinn is not. It’s my body and I deserve some rest.”
I said, knowing that she was tired but didn’t want to admit it to us so she wouldn’t be seen as weak. I knew she was always worried of being our weakness but she didn’t have to be. It wasn’t her physical limitations that made us always want to protect her. Even if she was a werewolf as strong as we were, she would always be our weakness because we loved her. I hoped those words made her stop feeling guilty about slowing us down. She didn’t have to push ourselves for us. We were glad that she was here and had fallen in love with us. That was enough boost to keep us going on the journey.
I continued. “Even if we find the tree today, it’s not certain that we will find the exit back to the human world today as well. Who knows what adventure lay on our path on our way out of here so let’s rest while we can.”
Quinn sat on the ground beside me. “He is right. We should rest while we can.”
“But there is still time to walk some more.”
“And it will be dark soon. We need to fix our tents and make dinner while there is still daylight over us. As good as our eyesight is at night, I don’t like relying on it too much.” Quinn explained to her.
I knew that he was lying about the last sentence. If anything, he loved to walk at night, unnoticed by anyone but he didn’t want to fix dinner at night for Mia’s sake. Moreover, as we moved deeper into the island, we could see less of the moon. It was as if the moon had been banned from that part of the island and that had made us to have more of early nights and early mornings.
Strangely, we couldn’t see the moon but we could see the sun. The sun here was weird. It rose as early as five in the morning.
“Now that you talk of dinner, it seems like I’m hungry.” John said as he sat down.
Mia sighed, her eyes brimming with smiles as she sat down and stared at us. “You naughty boys. Okay, let’s have dinner and rest.”
“Good.” I smiled at her. “You made the right choice, Mia.”
She snorted. “As if you gave me a choice in it.”
“You actually do.” I said to her. “All of us will be on our feet of you decide to walk some more.”
“Don’t worry.” She yawned. “Now, that I’ve sat down, I realized that I’m tired more than I knew.”
We all laughed at her confession. I was glad that I had forced her to stop or she would have woken up with sore legs tomorrow.
“What do we have for dinner?” I asked Quinn. He was in charge of the kitchen this week.
“Should we roast some meat?”
Mia shuddered. “Maybe not. Making fires had never been favourable for us. What if another creature appeared?”
“Hush!” I said to her. “Don’t jinx it. We should have a party and eat some meat to celebrate ourselves for coming this far.”
“Okay. If that is what you want.” She agreed.
“Yes, that is what we want.” We grinned and started making the fire.
We made as much meat as we could, eating till our jaws ached. We cheered, laughed and talked all night as well, discussing what what we were going to do when we get home. It was a good night and I didn’t think I have had this much fun in a while ever since we got to this place. The only memorable event in this island was the night we had marked Mia and she had broken our curse.
I knew that was the same for my brothers as well. I smiled as I watched Mia pop the last piece of meat into her mouth. She wouldn’t have taken it as well if we hadn’t told her that we were full.
I was glad that she had gotten tired and Quinn had made us to have an early stop. It was good. I went to bed feeling like I was floating on the clouds, even though I was sleeping on a mat spread of a land filled with sand.
It was all about the mind and I chose to see good only from that moment on.