Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-6-28

After we began the tongue duel, I used both hands then to hold his pants so I could pull the zipper down, reached in for his cock, snorted air upon feeling it, and then took out his black steel feeling rod from its confinement.
I then broke the kiss and said, “George please fuck me with it. I need it.” It was as long as Charles’s and maybe a tad thinner but still above average.
I heard, “Sure precious, let’s strip and then before I do that, I want you to give me some head so I can judge your mouth action. We can do that by 69’ing with me on my back.”
After stripping we laid on the carpeted floor since the bed was occupied. When George had turned, I saw he had put on a condom.
He was on his back and I lowered my dripping pussy to his waiting mouth. I took his pole and started to lick it all over. I had made up my mind once I took it in my mouth, I would not let air get in and I would practice what he told me earlier and try to mimic Heather’s action.
I heard Tony going, “Ugh… ugh… ugh…”
I knew from those sounds he was feeling good.
I then engulfed Georges cock head and began that sucking-swallowing action while mouth fucking him. I had wrapped a hand around the black rod. The little finger was resting at his balls.
I notice my nose was getting closer to my hand and I had to make the decision to move it or leave it. I closed my eyes not wanting to see how much was in my mouth. I then felt the warm head inside my throat somewhere, where I had never felt it before.
I did slow the mouth movements concentrating on breathing. With the slower mouth movements and no gagging I let it go further and further into my throat. I was tensing for pain or a gagging sensation but it did not occur. In the mean time my clit was getting ready to explode from his tonguing.
I braced for the cum, concentrated on not opening my mouth to moan, or even arch when it hit me. I moaned hard on his cock when the orgasm surged through me and breathed fast and hard through my nose. When the orgasm subsided I realized my nose was in his balls. I wanted to open my mouth and laugh that I had done it but quickly realized I would be in trouble.
I heard Heather say, “You did it Karen, now get him off. I will play with his balls to speed him up. Keep doing what you are doing until he softens.
In the mean time I told Tony he could fuck your ass. You can kill me later. Enjoy the ride hon, you have earned it.”
Tony was digging for lubricating juices and George was working on my clit with his tongue again. Heather said, “Andy’s is going to stand and straddle you Karen and reach under to play with your boobs.”
After George fires, I am going to go play with Tony’s balls as he is fucking that hole he wants so much, so he gets off and we can get out of here.”
Everything became a blur after that.
“Com’on Karen, get with it, we have to work today.”
That startled me to be conscious. I blinked my eyes and then it dawned on me as to what had happened and it was not a dream.
Everyone was dressed but me.
The guys came up and thanked me and kissed me and drugged their palms over my mound. When George came to say bye, I tossed my arms around him, kissed him and said, “Any time you want a piece of this white tail ask. It will never be refused.”
We kissed again; he did the swipe on my mound like the other two, then licked the palm of his hand in front of me and said, “You can bet that white ass of yours I will be wanting more of it.”
He gave me a cheek kiss and left. I had tears flowing.
Heather handed me my clothes. I dressed and I walked out with tears still trickling. Now and then I would pass a guy and get a pat on the ass and hear, “Congratulations Karen, can I be next?”
On the way home there was not a sound from either of us. When we arrived at my place I said, “Heather please stay over and sleep with me.”
“Be happy to Karen. We did not talk at all. We showered in quiet, and in bed I snuggled into her, pressing my boobs into her back, held one of her breasts and said, “Thanks coach for everything. I love you.”
She used a hand to squeeze the hand that was holding her breast and said, “Your welcome hon, sleep well.”
I woke up in the AM with Heather holding me like I did her before falling asleep. I felt her rolling the nipple of the tit she was holding.
“Heather, was I set up last night or was that all accidental?”
“It was a set up and you took the bait and went for it. Only half the girls do that but it has the benefit for them to work at it or drop the pursuit.”
“Now you will have to do something similar for Ann when she is ready. That is if you are a member by then.”
“With me and the two guys I took care of my obligation to the club. Andy and Tony both had orgasms before you came in. Tony’s doing me was a fake cum to see where you would go. When it was obvious you were going all the way, he knew he would get to do you because I told him earlier he could if it went far enough.”
“Isn’t that neat how you go there all tense, and come out glowing? George came up with that idea years ago they tell me. Now you can see why he has no problems when his hormones need attention.”
“The only hitch is you need to select two guys that will work with you as team. When Tony asked me last night if he could fuck me I said, ‘Yes, provide you take part in a set up and find another guy.'”
“When he asked who the girl was and I told him you, he grabbed me, lifted me off the floor, made two circles screaming at the top of his voice, ‘Yes, Yes, Yes, Oh god, Yes!'”
“The girls that have been with George after being with Henry first say that if you were blindfold you could not tell them apart either from voice, tenderness, easy going and always showing genuine interest. They even have the same cock dimensions. I have never been with Henry.”
“I guess my debt is to George and I always make sure once a month I treat him. Many times I will go to him for counseling if I am struggling with something. He is so neat. He taught me about this judgmental thing about people. Many times we just sit and talk. You might catch five to six girls and sometimes guys in a conversation with him all at the same time. He is like a magnet. I can not explain it. He stirs emotions that are non-sexual but you end up in the sack with him doing something sexual.”
“I had that feeling when he was holding me when we went into the room. I was the one who started it. I wanted just to be a close as possible. I took his hands and put them on my breasts. It snowballed from there. Well do we have time to play or not?”
“Sure do.”