“I love it,” was my response.
“Good because in a few minutes some will be delivered. If you need to potty, it is behind that door on the back wall. I excused myself and went to the potty.
When I returned there was a cart with plain spaghetti and different sauces or plain melted butter to put on it.
George told me to take as much as I wanted and to use my fingers to taste the five different sauces that I could mix with it.
Also on the cart were three different flavors of milk shake; strawberry, chocolate and vanilla.
I chose the strawberry. We sat down to eat. We continued with the question and answers while eating.
After about ten minutes George said, “Karen, watch what I do next and then you try it.”
My eyes bugged as a single strand of spaghetti about a foot long was sucked in and down. He did it with a second and third.
I then heard, “I will not take you to the next lesson until you can easily do what I just did.”
After the first one we sat and laughed at my attempt. With each additional one I did a tad better. George then said, “Use the straw and drink as much of the shake as you can, without opening your mouth for air.”
He watched me and then smiled as I took a break for air after my third swallow.
“Okay precious you need to do some home work. It will take practice, so do some whenever the opportunity and time are available. When you have mastered swallowing the spaghetti in one suck like I do, be sure it is the same length or longer and can drink a glass of liquid with a straw without taking a breath of air through your mouth give me a call and we will take the next step. Here is a simple question, “How are you going to breathe with a cock in your throat for 10, 15, 20 minutes?”
I smiled. I heard, “Smart girl; now you are welcome to practice on my cock anytime you are up to it.”
By now I was not looking at him as senior citizen, but more like a college professor.
“Karen here is my number. Give me a call when you have two hours minimum to devote to the topic. You will not need a member to come back, just make an appointment with me and I can come to your place also.”
“At the next lesson I will have some toys for you to practice with. You may have one already and that is a dildo. Time your self how long you can suck on it before needing to open your mouth.”
“Let’s go find Heather and you can go plan the rest of the night. By the way, from what I observed this evening you are about 75% of the way there. Some girls start at 40% so congratulations.”
He reached for my hand and smiled after he had it in his. “We will do fine together. You are very relaxed now. Your body temperature is normal and just a tad above because of the wine I’m sure. Com’on let’s find Heather.”
I reached for the back of his neck, pulled him close and gave him a cheek kiss and said, “Thanks for the time and advice.”
In return I got a smack on the ass and heard, “Nice buns precious.”
“Let me make a call and find the location of Heather?”
He returned and said, “Shall we? She left instructions for us to proceed to a room she is in. She is entertaining two guys and that we should not hesitate about coming in.”
“Do you end up often in rooms where a girl is entertaining guy?”
“About once a week Karen; depends on the circumstance.”
When we arrived at the room, George knocked on the door waited, maybe 20 seconds before opening it and going in.
When I took two steps into the room which was aglow in red, I saw Tony, Charles’s friend, fucking Heather in the ass, while she was deep throating a guy whose face I could not see because he was eating her and Tony’s legs blocked the view.
I heard, “Hi Karen, Heathers occupied but stick around. Maybe you will join us,” coming from Tony.
I had frozen in my tracks. My eyes focused on the action on the bed. Heather’s mouth was working the entire cock length. It looked like a foot long in the dim red light. Tony had his hands on her hips, drilling her ass slowly and was smiling at me. I was stunned because here it was live in front of me. It was not a porn video.
Tony then said, “Karen since I have some money invested in you, will you let me do this to you some day? From the little I have seen of your ass so far it is appealing to me.”
I was still in shock and did not answer. My eyes were focused on Heather’s mouth action.
I inhaled deeply when George wrapped his arm around me, standing behind me and placing his hands on my stomach leaning into me saying, “Pay particular attention to her mouth action; notice no breaking of contact. Notice her cheeks drawn in like sucking a long piece of spaghetti. Notice the long and slow travels of her mouth. Look, her nose is in the guy’s balls and she is still swallowing. Look at her throat muscles working as she is swallowing.”
I heard Tony say, “I bet your ass is tighter than Heather’s Karen. Have you considered giving me the honor of maybe being the second guy there? Heather told me that Charles paid a visit to it already.”
I took George’s hands and placed them on my boobs. I was dressed in a knit top, no bra, and jeans. Listening to Tony, watching the action and doing what George had asked me to do was getting to me. I wanted more. Just George being so close and holding me was erotic. I knew George could feel the rock hard nipples pressing into the material and now the palm of his hands.
I could feel his cock begin to expand, pressing into my butt. That was making me hotter thinking I was turning on an older man.
“Look carefully at Heather there Karen. Notice she has not taken any breaths through her mouth. She has the breathing control needed through her nose. Look at her resting with her nose in Andy’s balls. Andy’s cock is way past the gag point. If you suck and swallow there will be no gag reflex Karen. The secret is no air; it is like one continues swallowing of food. We don’t gag when we swallow. We swallow with our mouth shut.”
George had his chin on my shoulder. He had straightened his cock which was now in the crack of my butt. There was no mistaking it.
He was massaging my breasts with his hands. Tony was telling Heather how good her ass was on his cock.
I closed my eyes, reached behind me, gave the hard cock a squeeze and I heard, “Karen, I hope it is your intension to relieve me of this problem that seems to have arisen between you and me.”
George was such a nifty guy, I let go of his cock, turned around, took the cock into my hand again, gave him a kiss while placing my hand on the back of his head to pull him to me.