Things were settled after the goodbyes and then little Emily was on her way with Walden’s soldiers. All through the night, Maggie couldn’t sleep due to her anxiousness. She hoped that her baby would make it through the border unnoticed.
She wished it could have been sooner, but things were delayed due to the former disputes, but Walden assured her that Maggie would be safe in her arms by morning. It’s only a few hours away till then, but yet it seems so far.
“Calm down, Maggie. Everything will be fine,” her wolf assured her.
She hopes so. She just hopes so.
Walden beamed as he watched mother and daughter reunite the next morning. It was such a beautiful sight, as Maggie, after the men brought her daughter in, rushed to the hall and dropped her knees in tears as she embraced her.
“Mommy! Mommy! Why are you crying?” Three-year-old Emily asked her.
“Nothing, my love,” Maggie smiled, wiping her eyes. “Mommy is just happy, that’s all.”
“I thought people only cry when they are sad.”
“No, baby… sometimes people cry when they are happy too.”
Woah,” Emily gasped wide eyed upon the insight from her mother. “I didn’t know that people also cry when they are happy, mommy. I want to cry now because I am happy to see you.”
Maggie smiled at her again with swollen eyes. “There’s no need for that, honey. You can still smile if you are happy.”
“Okay, mommy.”
As Maggie took her hand and led her daughter towards the door, she stopped by Walden who had been standing there, watching them.
“There are still some things I want to discuss with you now, sire, but not in front of my daughter.”
Walden nodded, “okay. I think I should still have a few more moments to spare. You can drop Emily off in the pack house nursery and meet me back here.” He then passed a friendly smile at Emily, who only smiled back shyly, burying her face at the back of her mother’s leg.
“Okay, sire. Thank you so much.”
A few moments later, Maggie was back after dropping off Emily as Walden had said. It was hard to say goodbye to her baby for a while after just reuniting, but this talk with alpha Walden was very important and Maggie didn’t want to delay it any further especially now that he had helped her.
They both settled as she took a seat in front of him and began to speak.
“I want to first start by thanking you for all you’ve done for me and my daughter. You are truly a good alpha, and words cannot explain how much I feel about what you’ve done for me.”
“There’s no need to keep thanking me, Maggie. I already know that you appreciate it so much. You are one of the most humble and high-spirited persons I’ve ever met.”
She bowed, “thank you sire. I apologize for this but where I am from, we don’t take too many such favors without at least giving something back in return.”
“There is no need to give anything back to me, Maggie. I did what I did to simply help you and not because I wanted something from you.”
“I know, sire. I know, but still, I wouldn’t ask to speak to you about this if I didn’t feel that there was something I could offer. My conscience would be satisfied if I could at least do you a small favor to show my appreciation.”
Walden was beginning to get annoyed by her words. Did she think so lowly of him that he would help her simply because he wanted something from her? What exactly was going through her mind?
“You may leave now, Maggie. I’ve told you that I don’t want anything from you,” he snapped.
He saw her face, her innocence then. She didn’t have any particular thoughts except for wanting to show him some kindness the same way he’d shown her. Nothing more.
Seeing that she might have crossed some lines, she decided to give up on trying to persuade him to ask for something, maybe it’s just best to accept what was given to her and carry on with her daughter before she annoys the alpha any more than she already has.
“Thank you, sire.” She whispered as she got up to leave. “I’m sorry if I might have said some things to upset you…”
He didn’t answer, only remained in thoughts as he pondered on something, his fingers brushing his chin.
When she didn’t get a response from him, she cautioned herself not to act any further as she headed for the door. At least now she was free. She would be looking forward to hugging her Emily all through the night.
She hadn’t gotten far from her seat before his voice then stopped her, letting out what he’d been thinking of just a few seconds ago, as it appeared he’d changed his mind.
She turned back immediately to face him. “Yes sire?”
“You said you would do anything for me to show your appreciation, no matter how little, right?”
“Of course, sire. I may not have much but I…”
He stopped her, not just her words but her heart, only for a second. His next words made her regret ever coming to him to ask this. She realized then that she should have just kept her mouth shut and accepted what he gave without trying to give back.
“I want you to read my fortune.”
The back of her spine froze. Of all things, why did he have to ask her for this? Even after hearing the story of how she almost got killed by the neighboring alpha, now to deal with another one.
“I am sorry, s-sire,” she stuttered, “but I will have to refuse this one.”
Walden saw the fear boldly written on her face. From her previous tale, he knew and understood the reason for her reluctance. He hadn’t thought of asking for this before, but then with her persistence and all that’s been going on with him lately, he needs to know if there should be any reason at all to carry on with life, and Maggie here is the only one who can tell him that.