Sandy has been looking for Jaffar for days. The last time they saw, he let her know that he was on a short break from guard duties and was going to return home for a short while, but he never came back. Sandy needs to know about Samara’s whereabouts before she can proceed forward with her plans. She also needs someone she trusts to accompany her, but Jaffar would have been the only such person to help her.
“Where is he?” She wondered to herself. Packhouse guards would never go on breaks longer than two days. It’s been five days already, and still no sign of Jaffar.
Jaffar promised her that he would be back to help her on time the last time they spoke, but up till now, Jaffar is no where to be found.
The fifth day came and Sandy couldn’t hold on to her patience anymore. She decided to ask round the pack house guards and see if she could get Jaffar’s address. She was worried, and who knows if something bad might have happened to this loyal guard of hers whom she’s placed so much trust?
When she finally got the address, she headed out the next day in search of his home. As usual, she’d told her brother that she was going for a walk, but Walden didn’t seem to care about much nowadays, as he was probably still wallowing in the after pains of Miranda’s firm and final rejection.
The guard’s small house wasn’t too far away from the packhouse, as it was located in the nearby town. Sandy had to pass through the market place and a group of commoners before getting there. When she finally reached, she knocked on the door, and then a young wolf, probably in his twenties who slightly resembled Jaffar opened up the door for her.
“Greetings, miss,” he said to her. “How may I help you?”
“Good morning, um… My name is Sandy, and I came here looking for Omega Jaffar. He’s a night shadow pack house guard and I believe he lives here.”
He stared at her sharply before shrugging. “Yes, he does… sometimes. I’m his brother, and who might you be?”
“I’m his friend from the packhouse. He returned home a few days ago for a short break off duties and hasn’t come back up till now.”
Surprise met his expression as he spoke, “are you sure? Because he ought to be back at the packhouse by now. That’s where he left here for four days ago.”
“Four days ago? But I have not seen him in the packhouse since after he left.”
“Are you sure about that, miss? You know the packhouse is very big. You must have probably missed sight of him or something.”
“There is no where I didn’t search for him. Jaffar did not return to the packhouse, I can surely guarantee that because if he did, he would have reported to me.”
“Reported to you? I’m sorry, are you an officer?”
“Yes, I am.”
“I am wondering why another officer would come here to send for him again when one of you came here to do the same thing before he left.”
Samara raised a brow, “what do you mean by this?”
“Jaffar was going to stay longer but he left after an officer came here to call him on short notice from the pack house. Said it was an emergency.”
“An emergency? What officer was this?”
“I think Jaffar called him officer Killian or something… I don’t remember much about their conversation, only that my brother had to leave immediately after.”
Sandy felt a sharp headache then after putting two and two together. Officer Killian, if Sandy is not mistaken, is Samara’s assistant. Now Sandy realizes the real reason for Jaffar’s disappearance. Jaffar never returned to the packhouse with Killian, only the goddess knows where he was taken, but in Sandy’s whole life, she’s never felt so much guilt before as to what might have happened to the poor guard.
“Samara! Samara!!!” Sandy yelled her name as she stormed into her bedroom without knocking. Samara was seated on her bed when the princess walked in. Her face showed dissatisfaction as to the way Sandy entered.
“Do you now hate so much that you do not even show common courtesy when entering into my personal space? Huh, Sandy?”
“I do not care about your personal space, Samara. Now tell me, what have you done with Jaffar?”
“Jaffar? Who is Jaffar?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know who he is! You mean to tell me that you don’t know the guard your assistant went to call from his home a few days ago?”
Samara shrugged. “Killian does that all the time. It could have been anyone.”
“Do not deny that you don’t have anything to do with his disappearance, Samara, because whether you like it or not, I will get to the bottom of it.”
“Sandy, I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I really do feel bad for you. With the way I see it, you’ve already lost your mind carrying about all these pointless accusations.”
“Do not disrespect me, Samara. Don’t forget that no matter how much my brother supports you, I am still superior to you.”
“You’ve lost my respect the minute you thought it was okay to barge into my room to point accusing fingers at me without any proof, and just wait till your brother finds out how much snooping around you’ve been up to.”
“One of your trusted soldiers is missing without a trace, and you call that snooping around. Why is it that you didn’t even bother to do any investigation if you are already aware about it?”
Samara yelled, “because I have more things to worry about than the life of some worthless soldier, and do not forget that I am no longer responsible for any night shadow guard, I no longer hold any responsibility for them, neither am I obligated to make any investigations if they disappear, and it’s all thanks to you, princess.”
Of course, Sandy has forgotten that Samara is no longer an officer, but Killian is, and Samara still controls Killian, so removing Samara from the force did no good, but rather gave Samara less to worry about in terms of duties…
“If you’re done intruding my privacy, you can take your leave now, Sandy. I was just about to take a nap before you barged in here so mannerlessly.”
“If I find out you did anything to hurt Jaffar or make him disappear. I swear on Conor’s grave that I won’t rest until you pay for your crimes.”
In response, Samara smirked sarcastically, “get out of my room, princess. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”