“Miranda, I know that the both of us have never really gotten along quite well, I know we’ve had plenty of misunderstandings in the past, but I came here to tell you today that I am not your enemy.”
Miranda wasn’t getting any of this, neither did she have the time as she still had people waiting to see her, “what is it you really want, Samara? What exactly do you want to say to me?”
“I came here to pay my last respects to your father. He was truly a great wolf.”
“Yes, he was.” Having concluded that Samara didn’t have any other important thing to say, Miranda decided to turn away before Samara stopped her.
“Wait… um Miranda!”
What was up with this couple today that didn’t want to leave her alone? “What is it, Samara?” She asked impatiently.
“I just wanted to say that I am sorry for anything that I might have ever done in the past to hurt you. I know I did wrong, and now I realize all of my mistakes. I never should have come between you and Walden. Ever.”
“No, Samara… correct yourself. You should have. In fact, it was the goddess’s plan for you to do so, because from my hurt… the pain you caused me, I found something more fulfilling… I found love that I never thought I’d find in all of my years, and I have no one but you to thank for that. So, thank you, Samara, thank you so much.”
“Miranda… I didn’t come here to ask you to get back with Walden… whoever you decide to be with now should be your choice entirely.”
“Really? So why then did you come to me?”
“I came here thinking to talk to you… I want us to reconcile and put the past behind us… I want us to be friends, Miranda.”
Upon hearing her words, Miranda immediately burst into laughter, which left Samara wondering where the humor was in whatever she’d said.
“Miranda… I’m serious about what I said… I know it might seem strange to you… me coming here like this and all, but I really am sincere with all of what I said just now. I want us to be good friends…”
“Enough with the bullshit, Samara!”
Samara was taken aback by her lashing out, “Miranda, I…”
“Listen to me, Samara. I might not know everything about what you do behind closed doors, but if there is one thing I am sure of; it’s that you are not a good person.”
“Why are you talking like this, Miranda? I came here to you and…”
She didn’t let her finish, “It’s alpha Miranda to you, miss! You might think that you have everyone around you fooled Samara, but you haven’t the slightest idea of what I think of you. If you did, you wouldn’t even dare to walk up to me like this.”
Miranda was raising her voice, and was beginning to call the attention of the other wolves around. Samara felt embarrassment then, the kind that made you want to dig up a hole to crawl into.
“Ok, alpha Miranda, please, calm down… you’re making a scene…”
“I do not care!” Miranda barked. “I do not care if everyone here today discovers the skeleton you’ve been hiding in your cupboard. After I disgrace you today, you will never dare to think that we can ever be friends in this life or another. You forgot that I am now an alpha, my senses are more sharpened than they’ve ever been before and I can smell a rat even from a far distance. Never you try to come near or befriend me again, Samara. This is your last warning!”
That bitch! That good for nothing bitch! What gave her the effrontery to think she can talk to her that way? All because she is now an alpha? She dares to humiliate her in front of all the other pack wolves! Just like that!!!
Samara felt like shedding tears at that point that Miranda walked away from her, leaving her to look like a complete idiot. Because of this, Samara will not dare to show her face in another gathering for years to come… and it’s all because of Miranda.
She must pay! The bitch must pay! If she doesn’t pay for anything at all, she must pay for what she did to her today. Samara swore that she must pay!
She looked around. Thankfully, Walden didn’t witness the fight. He’d left the square to converse with the other alphas in another part of the crescent. Had it been he did see what happened, she would have had a lot of explaining to do as to what her true motives were.
That King Rakur! What is he up to till now? Why hasn’t she gotten any word from him since the last time they saw? Is he not aware that her plans cannot forge ahead without carrying him along? Samara is growing impatient with every second that passes. She needs to know what the king is planning… she needs to know what is going on, and she needs to know it now.
“Patience,” she heard her wolf’s voice, trying to comfort her… but she can’t keep calm… she’s angry… boiling… her heart is racing like a sport’s car. She’s…
Her angered thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sight of Walden walking towards her. Fear then replaced the fury in her heart. Why was he coming to meet her now? Had he found out about the fight with Miranda?
“How are you doing, Samara?” He asked her. She calmed down then, as his demeanor made her realize that he hadn’t a clue as to what just went on here a few minutes ago.
“I’m fine sire. It was a great service, and I’m glad I came.”
“Yes, I am too. I came here trying to see if I could still mend things with Miranda, but then of course, my luck failed; she still won’t change her mind.”
“I’m sure she will one day sire, you never can tell what will happen in the future.”
“Of course, one can never tell.”
Samara wondered then why Walden was meeting her like this. He’d been giving her attitude for a long time now, and is suddenly all friendly once again. She feared what he was about to say next.
“Something tragic happened, Samara. I just found out from some of the Lotus wolves I know. It turned out that the Valledor we thought to be our friend was a traitor.”
She feigned surprise in response, like it was something she was just hearing for the first time.
“Valledor? The lotus beta? A traitor… how? How is this possible?”
“Yes… it happened. He is no longer the lotus beta though; he was stripped of the position right before his execution. I thought it strange that Valledor was not in attendance on one of such honorary occasions, until I went asking around after him, then I found out he tried to conspire against alpha Jireh to kill Miranda and take her throne.”
Upon hearing the words, Samara feigned astonishment, covering her mouth with both hands, “oh, goodness… that’s terrible.”
“Yes, it is… and I can only imagine how bad Miranda must have felt finding out about it… right after the death of her father who held Valledor very dearly.”
“Executing him must have been a hard choice for her to make as an alpha, but then she had to do the needful to protect her throne.”
“Yes, she did. Miranda has been through so much, and I cannot blame her if she still rejects me up till this point, she might not even know what she’s doing because of the many emotions running through her mind. She needs a lot of support even as an alpha…”
Where was Walden headed with these words? Samara wondered in her mind. What exactly was he driving at?
“… I might not be able to solve all of her problems, but I deem it fit as someone who loves her to at least lend her a hand of support.”
“What kind of support do you wish to give her, sire?”
“That’s why I came to you, Samara, because that’s the point where I will need you.”
Samara didn’t understand… “need me? What for sire? How could I possibly be the one to help you give Miranda support?” Especially after what’s just happened.”
Then came the words, the most heart shattering words Samara has ever heard.
“I need you to send a hundred of your strongest wolves to Miranda. They will aid her in the upcoming wars.”