“He will come!… you have to believe me! Walden and I have no relationship and we never will!”
“No relationship… What makes you say that, princess?”
“I’m telling you the truth! It’s the truth and nothing but the truth! I don’t know whoever gave you the idea that Damian and I are that I are in a suffering relationship but it’s a lie… A big lie!”
“Walden and I were lovers before, yes… but along the line, I found out that he was so much closer to Samara than me and I never wanted that. I wanted someone who would love me, cherish me and be right by my side, I wanted someone who would always have time for me, someone who would make me the only lover in his life, and that person is no other than my husband mate, Damian.
“Damian is the one that loves me, and not Walden.”
“Princess, I don’t know if you’re making this up, but according to what we received, Walden is the one that loves you.”
“What you received was wrong! Walden and I have nothing! He is no way in love with me, Samara is the one he loves!”
“Samara!” He called her, “what do you have to say about this?”
She grinned, “I understand that there were a lot of issues that went on between Walden and Miranda because of me but he loves Miranda, he cares so much for her, I know that because he’s my best friend!”
“Shut up Samara! What do you know about what went on between me and Walden when he was always in between your legs..???”
She acted surprised, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Miranda…”
“You sure as hell know what I am talking about! It was because of you that the relationship between Walden and I suffered so greatly, and now you are here pretending as if you know nothing about it…. you are nothing but a snake, Samara…”
“Do not insult me, Miranda. Remember that both of us are victims here… both of us got kidnapped because of Walden.”
“I wouldn’t have been here if you didn’t make up such nonsense about me and Walden.” She turned to to the kidnapper, her eyes leading desperately, “it’s all a lie! Samara is lying! I have nothing to do with Walden!!! I don’t know whatever Samara told you, but it’s all a lie. It was because of her that my relationship with Walden suffered and crashed but thanks to Damian, I found true love. I love him and he loves me too and he’s coming here to rescue me whether you believe it or not.”
The kidnapper, after hearing all that had ensued between the two ladies concluded that Samara was the one that Walden really cared about, according to all that Miranda said, she seemed pretty sure about what she was talking about. He then turned to Samara.
“So, you lied to us, so you deceived us all to save your back. Why did you tell us that it was Miranda who Walden loved when it was you?”
“Walden loves Miranda,” Samara still claimed, “she’s just saying all that because she wants to be released! Walden loves her. I don’t know her about her feelings for him but Walden loves her, I am very sure of it…”
“That’s a lie, shut up Samara….”
“It’s enough! Both of you, keep quiet…” This was all so confusing for him. The two ladies were saying exactly different things he didn’t know which to believe anymore, at this point there was only one thing left to do, only one final resort left.
He finally turned to Miranda again and told her, “We don’t care about who you really love, all we care about is getting Walden to come here and if according to Samara’s claim, you are the one he loves, then I guess you’ll just have to remain here.
“Whichever one of you that Walden comes for, we’ll be waiting.”
Damien and Walden devised a plan that day. A dangerous one, but one that was sure to work as the only way they could get to the kidnappers was if they went to the address on the ransom note that Walden received… they would have to be extremely careful as they knew that a death trap waiting for Walden was not unavoidable.
That was the best way and the only thing they could do now, as alpha Damian awaited the reports from the DNA test, they would go to the kidnappers address to save time.
The two alphas set out that evening for the journey ahead to the Blue Moon territory, their wolves took them there and after a long non-stop journey, they finally reached the address. They were now in front of the house, outside they waited behind one of the abandoned houses in that area.
“So what’s the next plan?” Walden asked him.
“We sure as hell know that they are waiting for you in there. You have to go in first and make them believe that you’re the only one who came.”
“Why do I have to be the one to go in first?”
“Because you are the one who received the ransom note. If I go in, they will know that we have something planned for them.”
He had a point but he was not ready to risk his life, at the same time he did not want to act nonchalantly as regards Miranda’s case.
“Fine, I will go but please do not leave me in there for too long.”
Really? Who the hell made this guy an alpha?
“I won’t,” he promised. “I just want to see how many men they have planned to attack you, then we can devise a means to tackle them.”
Walden nodded coming out of the little hide out to go into the house. Taking small steps on the crooked patio. He could already sense an ambush waiting for him inside… The fear began to leap in his heart.
All for Miranda…
All for Miranda… he chanted in his mind. It’s all for Miranda. He now stood in front of the unlocked door, opening it to go inside.
“Miranda!!!” he called.
“Samara!!!” No response but as soon as his voice was heard about ten men sprang from different hiding places, ready to attack him.
Damian heard noises from outside, he could sense other wolves in there. Like he’d calculated, this was nothing but a trap and now he’d readied his weapon, ready to fight for the one he loved.