The group reached the resort at seven in the morning. They all went straight to their assigned rooms to put their stuff in place.
Lemon will be with Kellen, Audrey, and Kale in one room. And all the boys will be in a separate room.
Rawbin was busy unpacking when Kippler tapped him on the shoulder. “Dude, is there something going on between you and my cousin? Do you have a problem?”
He stopped and sat on the edge of the bed. Kippler was just staring at him, waiting for his response. “Why? Did she say anything?” Rawbin asked worriedly.
He knew he had been distant from Lemon for the past few weeks, but he had his reasons. God knew he would never hurt her intentionally. He was hurting too.
“She hasn’t said anything. But since we’re together almost every day, of course, we’re noticing something different between the two of you.”
What Kippler said was true, and he could only nod in agreement. He was aware of their concern and very thankful for that.
They were actually the ones he was holding on to lessen his worries for his future ex-girlfriend. Thankfully, they were this concerned.
“I’m planning to talk to her too. I’ll explain everything so she’d understand.” His voice was low, as he didn’t have the energy to be enthusiastic about this.
Aside from that, he doesn’t want anyone else to hear, or he might be unable to explain to them. Kippler was enough, for now, then Lemon.
Kippler sighed, tapping Rawbin’s shoulder and turning his back on him. When he was out of the room, Rawbin finished what he was doing.
A few minutes later, they started calling everyone out. They wanted to walk along the shore. Rawbin quickened his phase and ran out of the room as soon as possible.
He went to the girls’ room, but she wasn’t there anymore. When he came out of the villa, everyone was already out, including Lemon. The first girl he had ever loved, yet he was about to leave.
She was wearing a pink and purple sundress with her shades. Lemon’s hair got tied in a messy bun, but it didn’t take away even an inch of her beauty.
She smiled widely at him, and he felt his heart torn into pieces. He didn’t even get the opportunity to introduce her to his parents.
“Babe, let’s go!” He reached out to her hand, placed an arm on her shoulders, and hugged her. He wanted Lemon to feel how much he loved her. That he never wanted to hurt her.
Though he knew the pain was inevitable, he still had to make things a little easier. “Weren’t you tired of the trip?” He asked as they started walking along the shore.
“Not really. I fell asleep on the plane,” Lemon grinned.
Rawbin held her hand as they walked by the seashore and noticed how she kept letting out soft sighs. She would sometimes open her mouth as if wanting to say something, but then she would close it again and stay mum.
“Babe, is there something you wanna ask me?” Rawbin initiated as he helped her up a huge rock.
Watching her watch the beach, he reached out to her hand and caught her attention. Lemon looked into his eyes and asked, “Babe, what exactly is happening to us?”
Just by hearing how calm her voice was, Rawbin’s heart started breaking into pieces. When he felt like he was about to shed a tear, he heaved a sigh to face her. He knew she could feel how cold his hands were.
“Sorry, babe,” Rawbin managed to utter. “My mom talked to me three days ago. We’re leaving for Canada after my graduation,” he told her with his eyes closed.
He was expecting a slap on the face. Lemon had every right to be mad at him. He told her about his family’s plan months ago. But he can’t bring himself to inform her they had finalized a decision three days ago.
But instead of a slap, Rawbin felt her hand on his hair. Instead of shouting at him, she was smiling when he opened his eyes. “You’re not mad at me?” He asked curiously.
“I already knew about it, babe. I just asked you because I want to hear it straight from you,” she was still smiling, and the creases on his forehead deepened.
‘What does she mean she knew?’
“Your Mom called me yesterday. She said she wanted to meet me, so we did. We had lunch at the restaurant near mom’s shop.”
“She did? What did she talk to you about?”
“She told me about your father’s decision and apologized in your place. She said her heart’s breaking for you because you have to leave the only girl who made your heart flutter and caused changes in you. She can’t stop praising me,” she paused and sighed. “So tell me, how can I ever get mad?”
Rawbin reached for her cheek and caressed it. He was lucky to have the girl, but unfortunately, he will have to let go of his luck. For the nth time, he heaved a sigh.
“I wish I could stay,” Rawbin whispered.
“Me too. But your Mom told me how much your grandparents need your dad there. She said even your dad doesn’t want to go, but he has no choice.”
Lemon pulled him closer for a hug. He could feel her heavy breathing as if holding her tears back, and again, his heart broke.
“We can still be friends,” she chuckled.
“Good friends,” he seconded. He freed himself and stared at her face. He could see the sadness in her eyes but thought that was all normal, and the feeling was mutual too.
“You know I love you, right?” she nodded. “So if the time comes that someone starts courting you, make sure he could love you more than I did before you say yes to him.”
She laughed at what he said before shaking her head. “Yours is incomparable. I’m pretty sure if someone comes, his love for me would be incomparable to yours. All love is unique. Yours is unique,” then she kissed him lightly on the lips.
He was hopeful it wasn’t the last, but that was all wishful thinking. Soon, he will have to let go. Even if it hurts, he got no choice but to accept it.
After their talk, Lemon and Rawbin rejoined the group. She held onto his arm while watching the view of the resort.
“Partner!” Kevz waved frantically.
It was almost sunset. Everyone was there to start the bonfire. The food for grilling was all prepared, and the cooler with the drinks was out.
“By the way, mom wants you to come to my graduation party,” Rawbin informed her before they sat down.
“Ah yeah, she told me!”
“I can’t believe her! Do you know she even put an act about not meeting the girl who changed me? Then I’ll find out she secretly dated you!”
Lemon chuckled. “I thought she already told you,” but he shook his head.
“Then again, thank you, babe, for understanding,” then he held her hand and placed it over his.
“I always will.”
“And I hope you can let me enjoy my last days with you. As my girlfriend,” he said while giving her sad puppy eyes.
“Of course, I want to make the most of what’s left with you as my boyfriend.”
Audrey was sitting right across from Lemon. She had been quiet as if thinking about something. Lemon saw her sigh while staring at the sand on her feet.
“Hey, Aud!” Then Lemon motioned for her to move and sit next to her, and she did. She placed her arm over Audrey’s shoulder before resting her head there. “Are you okay? You’re spacing out,” she whispered.
“I’m a little uncomfortable, but I’m fine.”
“You want to talk about it?”
Audrey shook her head slowly before giving her a lazy smile. “Next time Lem, next time.”
When Homme finally lit the pit, they started sitting down too. Guido and Lyra started grilling while Kippler tuned the guitar.
Kellen squeezed herself next to Audrey, so Rawbin had to sit on the sand to give room to her. He pulled Lemon’s arm and wrapped it around his neck, resting his chin on her leg.
Kale was happy to be seated between Drew and Roj while Kippler and Kevz occupied another log. The other one was for Lyra and Guido to sit on.
Kevz started passing the chilled cans of beer around. Rawbin didn’t want her to drink, but Lemon insisted. She knew she shouldn’t, but felt the need to do so.
“What do you guys want to hear?” Kippler asked when he finished tuning.
“Lem, can you sing the song you sang during your audition?” Homme asked. “That gave me creeps,” he added as he hugged himself.
Lemon looked at Kippler, and he raised a brow as if asking if she was up for it. When she nodded, he began playing the guitar.
As soon as she started singing, she felt Audrey sigh. Lemon remembered it was her favorite song. It was a funny coincidence that Kippler was the one playing it.
She sometimes couldn’t help but think why she was not hanging out with them anymore. ‘Was it she’s trying to move on? Or there’s a deeper reason?’
Lemon looked at Kippler and saw how he glanced at Audrey. But unlike before, he looked at her now with worry.
Lemon wants to call Kellen’s attention to give her a hint but doesn’t want them to feel suspicious. It could only make Audrey feel more uncomfortable. She might think they were conspiring against her.
As the song was about to end, she felt Rawbin holding her hand and kissing the back of her palm. He then looked up to smile, and Lemon smiled in return.
Homme let out a long, attention-grabbing sigh, “Why does it feel different when you sing it?”
“Exactly, you can feel the emotions in the song,” Kale added.
“Maybe that’s how it is if you’re going through something. You can put the exact emotions into the song,” Kevz said as he nudged Drew, “Right, dude?”
But instead of responding, Drew stood up and walked away from them. Kevz then burst into laughter, and though the rest of the group had no idea why he did that, they all joined in.
The singing continued, along with food and drinks. Kale even sang weird songs that caused a roar of laughter.
After a while, Kip started playing again. Lemon tried hard to figure out the song, but the intro was long. It was as if he was unsure whether he would continue or not.
When the melody for the first stanza became clear, her eyes widened in shock, and she let out a squeal. Lemon can’t believe he was singing it with Audrey there. ‘Does he like her?’
‘I’m tugging at my hair, I’m pulling at my clothes.’ Lemon couldn’t wipe the smile on her face as her cousin sang. Even he couldn’t help but shake his head when he saw her smiling.
She was giving him her I-know-what-you-did-there look when Kellen poked her. Her forehead wrinkled, asking what was going on.
Lemon pointed at her ear. She wanted Kellen to listen to the lyrics, for her to find out what was going on.
Kellen’s eyes grew wide as she continued to listen. She got the message his twin was trying to send to whoever it was.
When it ended, Kellen shrieked. Even Lemon’s smile widened as she got excited. Homme was next to play the guitar, but then she noticed Rawbin being quiet.
“Are you okay?” Lemon asked, and he nodded.
Kevz’s started to become rowdy. It looked like the alcohol had already hit him. However, the rest of them were still sober.
Lemon was sure Rawbin was still fine, too, since he only had two cans. Drew, though sober, remained quiet, as always.
Audrey talked whenever she got the chance. They were conversing but were holding back at the same time. It was best to save it for another day.
When Rawbin pulled away, he cupped Lemon’s face and began wiping her tears. He let out a chuckle because of the mixed emotions in the atmosphere, and even she giggled.
“For OtoJam!” Kevz yelled out of nowhere, lifting his can of beer.
“For my love for Nico!” Roj joined in and did the same.
“For all the hidden feelings,” says Homme.
“For me and Lemon’s friendship!” Rawbin added, and they exchanged glances.
“For all the insensitive people out there,” Kellen screamed.
Everyone looked at her with foreheads creased, even Drew. Kale even did a Hollywood reaction with his gasp.
“What?” she asked innocently, and everyone burst into laughter.
“So you guys have decided to be friends?” Kellen asked after a moment of silence. Rawbin and Lemon looked at each other before they both nodded at her.
“So you’re really migrating?” Homme asked.
Rawbin nodded sadly, “Even if I don’t want to, I have no choice, so I’ll leave Lemon to you guys,” then he held her hand. “We’re still friends, though!”
“At least you’re still friends, and the breakup was a mutual decision. That’s all that matters, man. You didn’t lose her. Instead, you gained another friend,” Kevz said.
And for the first time in forever, Lemon wanted to give him an embrace for what he said. Finally, he said something worthwhile. He even walked towards the former couple for a hug.
“Don’t worry, dude. We’ll take care of Lemon.” He smiled at Rawbin before sitting on the sand. After a while, he lay down, and in a matter of minutes, Kevz started snoring.