Was that a dream?
My best friend just got kidnapped to God knows where by two strange creatures!
I blinked severally as I stood still like a statue in the dark, trying to process what just happened.
Suddenly the power came back on, revealing the damage that had been done when the creatures came in.
My furnitures had been turned over and some fragments of broken glasses were smeared over the floors of my home.
My mind raced far with my heart thumping so heavily against my chest.
“What should I do? What the hell!” I screamed in annoyance and also fear.
Who ever those creatures where, they could come looking for me too.
The realisation dawned on me setting in a greater immense fear in my body.
I grabbed my purse and took to my heels, banging the door behind me.
Where the hell was I running too?
Henry. Yes Henry. I would tell him about what just happened.
I truly hope he believes me.
As I approached my car, my hands rummaged through my bags for the keys.
I swung open my car door in one sharp movement of my hands and lurched myself inside the car.
Igniting the engine, I sped down the road heading for my fiancè’s house.
As the car accelerated on the road, so did my fears and anxiety increase with it.
Who and what are those godforsaken beings?
And why did they come into my house?
My eyes suddenly became elongated as I remembered what one of them addressed Sharon as.
“He called her the demon queen” I said in a whisper to myself.
It all came rushing down to me–my mother’s insane stories about two demon kings and those two men whom I had an encounter with earlier on claiming to be the demon kings.
I gulped down my saliva to moist my throat with the tremor in my body rising.
If my mother’s tales were true then Sharon was seriously in grave danger.
Once i had gotten to Henry’s place, I killed the engine and hastily stepped out of my car.
I quickened my steps and ran to his front door. I was about knocking on it but I heard some thing break inside accompanied by muffled screams.
Panic gripped me, plunging me into its abyss. I took an impulsive action and pushed the door open only to see Henry being dragged off by those same creatures.
“Henry!” I screamed out in fear, stretching out my hands and running towards him but a blinding bright light enveloped the room and it vanished as soon it appeared, taking both Henry along with it.
“What the hell!” I yelled, my knees buckling to the ground.
“What is going on?” I added in fear with tears trickling down my cheeks.
Who are these beings and what the hell do they want from me?
Why are they taking away the people close to me?
I couldn’t save Sharon and I couldn’t save Henry also.
Who was next to be kidnapped?
“Mum” I realised.
I bolted up from the floor and ran outside Henry’s apartment.
I pushed myself into my car and kicked off the engine.
My mum is the only one who can explain what’s going on right now and I fervently pray she’s still safe.
* * * * * * * *
“Mum!” I yelled, banging my fist repeatedly on my mum’s door.
Tears distorted my vision, spilling out of me without any restraint whatsoever.
I just wanted my mum to be safe. She is the only one I have right now.
“Mum!” I yelled some more whilst increasing the pressure of my bangings on her door.
The door knob clicked from the inside, welcoming me into the little apartment.
“Mum” I sighed in relief, hugging her so tightly.
My mum received me in, the look on her face showed that she was surprised and confused.
“Dear what’s going on?” She asked, hugging me back.
I pulled out and sniffed my nose repeatedly. From the way she stared at me, I could tell she was stunned by my impromptu visit.
“The demon kings might be real” I admitted with so much effort.
My mum let out a gasp and pulled me to one of the dainty sofas in the living room.
She entered into the kitchen and came back some minutes later with a glass of orange juice.
Handing it over to me, I slowly took it from her before she went to sit opposite me.
“Tell me what’s going on?” She demanded in a more serious tone.
I explained to her the whole blizzare incident that took place this night, leaving no details out– from Sharon’s kidnap to Henry’s abduction and seeing those two strange beings addressing Sharon as the demon queen.
She listened to me with so much keen interest and watched me sob like a baby once i was done with my narration.
“I knew this day would come” she balefully told me.
“What day? What do you mean?” I asked dropping down my glass of orange juice.
My mother had an ominous look in her eyes. She adjusted herself on her seat and cleared her throat to speak.
“Sabrina before you were born…” She began.
“I was very ill. Your father abadoned me when I took in with you in my womb. It was so hard. I thought I would die on the day I entered labour.
I was in my home, loosing out blood and struggling to live when two men appeared in my apartment. They introduced themselves as the demon kings and claimed I was carrying their reincarnated mate, Mina, in my womb. Even I found it so hard to believe. They offered me their blood if I wanted to survive”
She stopped and accessed the horrified look on my face.
Sighing deeply, my mother continued with her story. “Believe me I had no choice. It was either to reject the offer and die with you in my womb or accept it and…”
“And what?” I asked rather too quickly.
I can’t believe I was actually sitting down to listen to all these. If it were to be in the past, heaven knows I wouldn’t be able to even spend five seconds talking about all these.
“And have demon blood flowing in my veins. Our veins”she admitted looking at me straight in the eye.
I let out a petrified gasp and shook my head in fear knowing what my mother did to save me and herself.
“That means I’m…”
I wasn’t let to complete that sentence as my mum finished it off for me, bringing my fears to limelight.
“Yes half demon. They performed a ritual on me and cut open a part of their skin, pouring their blood out for me in a strange bowl for me to drink. I did so to save our lives Sabrina. I passed out very quickly and when I woke, i found myself in the hospital. I delivered you the next day. We have their blood running in our veins”
What the hell was going on today?
“Why did they kidnap Henry and Sharon then? Why not me?” I shot back in a strange anger.
“I–i don’t know” she answered me truthfully.
My anger melted away that instant as I realised I shouldn’t have raised my voice on her.
“I’m sorry mum” I shyly apologised.
“Look Sabrina. I don’t think the demon kings are behind that”
“Then who?” I queried.
She had this faraway look in her eyes. “I don’t know”
“Dang it!” I groaned out in frustration, flopping my head back on the sofa.
“What am I supposed to do now? How do I get back Sharon and Henry?” I began sobbing once again.
“Summon the demon kings. They will help you out” my mum spoke immediately.
I trailed my eyes to her orbs and tilted my head slightly “How?”
“I don’t know” she shook her head at me.
“Call them when your alone or something like that. Only them can provide answers to who took Sharon and Henry”