We were getting ready to go to the club. It was one of the famous clubs in Malibu called High Sea and it was half indoor half outdoor. I was hoping once we got there, I could go out so I could breathe some fresh air. Without smokes or had to bump into some people.
For tonight, I decided to wear simple red white strips flannel with blue hot pants while Karen wore something more visible. She was wearing a maroon red crop tank top with lots of cloth cuttings underneath and only covered her belly a little bit. And she was wearing tight Hawaiian hot pants. She looked incredible in her summer clothes.
Once we were done changing, we both went downstairs where Emma and Brad had waited.
“Are you two sure to go to that club? I heard the place is famous but lots of perverts there,” Brad said, trying to convince us to not go. He had asked his friend to let us in but he was still worried about us, knowing how the place worked. I didn’t want to but, well, I couldn’t argue with Karen.
“We’re going to be fine,” Karen said as her words didn’t sound convincing at all. “We’re just going to have a few drinks and we will call it a night.”
“It’s more like you will call it a night,” Brad corrected her as I looked down, trying to hide my smile and holding back the laugh. “Please, don’t overdo it and don’t cause any trouble for Olivia. She had enough already by almost got taken away by those perverts.”
“Don’t worry, cousin. I’ll take care of her too.” Actually, Karen wanted to bring Brad as well but she couldn’t exactly ask him and it was better if he took care of Emma.
“Call me if things got out of control. I will immediately pick you two up,” Brad asked.
“Be careful, you two,” Emma said and we walked out of the house. Heading to the High Sea Club.
The place wasn’t far and we could only walk to reach there. But along the way, I could sense the eyes of the guys as they were looking at me and Karen. Even catcalling us. Wolf howling as well.
It was so annoying and I was never good at handling them. I felt disturbed and harassed at the same time.
“Just ignore them, Liv. They won’t get inside our pants anyway.” I hoped they wouldn’t. I won’t lose my virginity in the hands of a pervert. A man with no morality and brain.
When we had finally arrived, I immediately asked Karen if we could go outside. Thankfully, she said yes. We ordered our drink first where Karen ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels while I had a simple soda.
We brought our drinks to the outside and sat at the barstool. Watching Karen easily drank the beer only made me curious about one thing. “Are you okay drinking that?”
“I’m fine and I won’t drink much tonight because I only have you and if something happened to you, I won’t be able to save you.” I guessed it was more like if something happened to her, I couldn’t save her. Karen handed the bottle to me. “You want to try it?”
“Oh, not, Karen. Thanks,” I politely refused.
“Come on, babe. Just one sip,” she insisted. I didn’t want to start an argument with her so I grabbed the bottle and slowly pushed it up in order for some liquid to enter my mouth. When it hit my tongue, I immediately coughed and Karen took the bottle with her.
“It’s awful!” I exclaimed. Were beers taste like that? It was so bitter!
“You haven’t used to it,” she said while drinking again. I might be not going to.
It’d been thirty minutes since we arrived. Eleven o’clock. A lot of people keep coming. Drinking. Dancing. Making out. This was why I didn’t want to come here. It was so awkward to see a couple… if they could call themselves a couple, kissing even touching one another. They had audiences here, weren’t they embarrassed having people to see them? Or was it normal to them?
“He should be here by now,” Karen murmured while looking at her watch.
“Who’s he?”
“Oh, there he is. Stewart!” she called out by raising her hand to Stewart. I looked in the same direction and she was right. Stewart was on her way to us with a bottle of beer in his hand. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt and dark jeans.
“Hi, ladies. I’m sorry if I’m late,” said Stewart.
“No problem. And you are not late at all,” Karen said and she drank her bottle again.
Stewart scoffed at her. “Are you sure you’re okay drinking Jack Daniels?” he asked sarcastically. Even Stewart can’t believe her.
“I’m okay, alright?” she said and turned to me. “We need guy protection and I can’t exactly ask Brad to do that. Although I know Emma would allow him but she would be alone and I couldn’t have that.” I had to agree with her. But it would be better if she told me that Stewart was going to come.
“Are you troubled to have me around, Olivia?” Stewart suddenly asked. Did it show in me? Oh, shoot!
“Oh, no! Not at all. I’m just…surprised to see you here,” I immediately reasoned with him. “What do you have?”
Stewart raised his bottle. “Just a corona.”
“Hey, can you watch over her for a minute? I want to dance,” Karen asked.
“Sure.” She handed the bottle to Stewart and was heading to the sea of people. Dancing her body along the way. Stewart sat beside me where Karen sat previously. “I hope she’s not going to do anything stupid like before,” he murmured while drinking his corona.
Does he know?
“Um, do you know about it?”
“I heard it from a friend of mine. He’s a model as well. At that time, Karen was super drunk and there was someone who saved her. They were drunk too so they had no idea who took her away. Heard it was a guy but he’s not a model. Her attitude was terrible when she got drunk and better take her home before that happen,” he said and drank his beer again.
“And she’s still a minor but I supposed not even you could forbid her to not drink those stuff.” I shook my head. Karen was a great friend but sometimes…she was hard to listen to someone’s advice.
I glanced at Stewart and he took another sip again. He looked…rather sexy when he swallowed the liquid inside.
He turned to me and smiled. Oh, boy. Busted.
I looked away and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. Nervously drinking my sad soda. He raised my chin with his finger and made me turn at him. “You don’t need to look away from me. I don’t mind when you’re looking at me. Moreover,” he paused and pulled his hand away from me. “I like it. Your eyes are really beautiful.”
My heart was pounding a bit.
“Um, I got it from my mother,” I replied, stutteringly.
“And I suppose your mother is beautiful as well.”
What the hell? How come he’s so good with this stuff?
“T-Thanks.” I turned to the front of me and saw Karen. She was…doing dirty dancing to some random guy. Moving her hips erotically to the man’s crotch. “Oh, my God.”
Stewart directed his eyes to what I currently saw and sighed. “She might be on the verge of getting drunk.”
“But her drink is with us.”
“Well, lady?” Stewart turned to me. “Sometimes a guy with hidden motive would give a woman a drink…with something inside. Hoping he could make her so high and bring her home and…well, you know what happened.”
I didn’t want that.
Karen might be like that but I couldn’t let someone…fucked her brain out. She deserved better than that.
“Can you help me take her away now?”
“She’s fine. And she got us watching her over. If it got out of control, we could help her,” Stewart said it so easily.
“What?” I looked back at Karen and what I saw…shocked me to no end. She was kissing the man and his hand was on her butt. Grabbing it sensually.
I couldn’t take it and after I put the glass on the bar table, I went to them myself. Stewart was calling for me but I ignored him. If he didn’t want to help, I could do it myself. At least I could save my best friend from a pervert.
“Karen!” I called and she looked at me as well as the man. Her hands were on his shirts and it was already half-open. I couldn’t imagine if he wanted to fuck her right here, right now.
“Can we go home now? It’s getting late.”
“What? No way, girl! The night has just begun,” she refused.
“That’s my girl,” the man said and he kissed her neck as Karen laughed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. “Hey! Give her back, woman!” he shouted as Stewart hindered him from us. It was my cue to get away from.
I brought Karen back to our sits. She did something unexpected when Karen pulled her hand harshly from me. I turned and she looked…pissed at my action. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Why you took me away from him?!”
“Karen, he almost took you there,” I tried to reason with her.
“Oh, fuck that! I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. Besides, he was nice and I can sense that he has a big cock and I need a laid.” Okay, she’s definitely drunk.
“Karen, you are drunk and it’s time for us to go home,” I said and tried to grab her hand again but she was quicker and grabbed her Jack Daniels once again.
I took it from her and pulling it away from her. “Give it back!”
“No, Karen. You can’t drink anymore.”
“I said give it back, you fucking little virgin!” she shouted so loud as some people were looking at us. “A virgin like you won’t understand the feeling of needing good fucking! Why don’t you just throw yourself with one guy so you will understand my feeling?!” This was so not good.
People were looking at us. And what made it worse…they were laughing at us. And I could hear them.
What’s a virgin doing in a place like this?
She’s probably wanted to lose it and that’s why she’s here.
Come to daddy then, little girl. I can make you feel good for the first time.
I tried to ignore them and grabbed her elbow but Stewart appeared behind Karen. He threw her to his shoulder. She was laughing hard and we walked out of the club together after I grabbed my pouch and Karen’s.
We headed to Stewart’s car and he gently laid her on the back seat. “I’ll take you two home,” he said as I nodded my head to him. I sat in the front and after Stewart ignited the car, we went home. “We should buy some water first. I’m afraid she’s going to throw up anytime soon.”
I looked behind as Karen was moaning badly. “Ugh, I want to throw up.” As Stewart predicted.
We stopped by at 7eleven and Stewart immediately ran inside. I looked at Karen once again and what Stewart said to me before about Karen when she was drunk, was true.
Karen was horrible while drunk.
I couldn’t believe Karen just announced to hundreds of unknown people that I was still a virgin. I couldn’t exactly blame her because the alcohol had taken over her. I cursed the man who gave her the drink. I hoped he would choke on his drink and throw up.
While I was busy looking at Karen, my phone was ringing. I pulled it out from my pouch and it was a call from Blake. I was in between picking it up or just ignored it. But I knew Blake. He won’t stop bothering me until I picked it up.
I decided to receive the call. “Hi, Blake.”
“Where are you?” he asked coldly. Oh, no. I looked at my phone and changed into the main menu. There were seven miscalls and everyone was from Blake.
“I’m…at the club with Karen.”
“The club? What are you doing there? I called you but you didn’t pick up and here I thought you got hurt or something and you’re in the club?”
“I’m sorry, Blake. I was with Karen. She said she wanted to go and I was just companying her. I didn’t drink anything weird, only a glass of soda. And we’re on our way home now.”
Karen moaned again. Quite loud. “Who the hell is that?”
“It’s Karen. She got super drunk and that’s why I couldn’t pick up the phone. The place was really noisy too.”
“What did she drink?”
“Something called Jack Daniels. But she was fine before she went dancing and she probably drinks something from the guy who hit on her,” I said, and by the time Stewart returned.
“I bought it.”
“Who is that? Is that Brad?” Blake asked. Okay, how am I going to explain this?
“Hi, Mr. Morgan!” Karen suddenly shouted right on the phone. When the hell she got so close?
“The man sitting beside your virgin daughter is Stewart and he is Olivia’s boyfriend,” she announced and I turned to look at her. What the hell?
“He is so handsome, and sexy, and possibly…great at the bed,” she said while giggling. Okay, that was enough.
“Karen, calm down. You are drunk. Please go back to your—”
“And if you don’t want to lose her, you should take my friend here right now and claim her as yours!”
“Karen, please.”
“If you love her, you should just tell her.”
“Stop it, Karen!” And by the time she gagged and immediately headed to the door. Stewart soon followed and opened the door of her and she threw up badly. I could see some of the liquid on the ground. Even smelled it. Yuck.
“I’m sorry about that, Blake.” But there was no response from him. “Hello?” I looked at the screen and he had hung it up. Great, now he misunderstands everything.
I wanted to call him again but when I heard Karen was throwing up badly, I supposed I should call Blake again after I got home.
I slide out of the car and went to Karen. I squatted next to her and rubbed her back gently. “It’s okay, babe. Let it all out. You’ll feel better soon.”
“Good thing that her right mind was still intact and headed to the door directly.” I chuckled a bit at his words.
If you love her, you should just tell her.
When I recalled her words to Blake, I had decided.
I won’t let Karen drink again or maybe…I would not accompany her to the club anymore.