Luca’s POV
“Where’s Armani?” I asked a frozen James who slowly pulled away from the entrance of the car which he had been about to get into, a few seconds ago. I got down from the car as well, feeling my stomach start to feel really nauseous at that moment. It felt like I was suddenly feeling sick and dizzy, it didn’t help that I had felt like this some time ago before Armani had arrived, when I had been thinking something had happened to the place he boarded.
I turned around to face James, and as soon as I saw the panicked look on his face, I felt everything inside of me drop into my stomach at that very moment.
“Where is he?” I asked James really slowly after a few moments, walking really slowly until I was standing before him. James didn’t know what to say to that and so I turned around and started to scan my eyes around the whole opening in the next moment.
“Where last did you see him?” James asked me as soon as he came to place his hand firmly on my shoulder. I wanted to shake his touch off me in that moment but didn’t feel like I was emotionally strong to do just that.
“He was… didn’t he accompany us outside?” I asked after a couple of moments had passed with me trying to rack my brains earnestly.
“I’m still trying to find out if he did. I’m not sure, I don’t think I remember seeing him coming out of that building with us.” James continued to speak in the next moment and I turned around after a few seconds, focusing my gaze on the supposed building.
“Let’s go back in there then, perhaps he’s still in there?” I said to James, knowing that I was badly wishing and praying for all what I had just said to be the truth and nothing but the truth. My mind just needed a little glimmer of hope, something to be able to grasp onto, something to be able to use in having a little hope– but James didn’t help when he still looked really skeptical, and also swept his gaze over the whole place before starting to speak.
“Let’s head in there then. You can go search some places while I start making some calls, and also alert the people working here that we’re looking for Someone.” James started to speak once again, with his hand on my shoulder, almost pulling me along him for the first before I was finally able to put myself together and make my way into the building on my own– all what James had just said had been able to help me out a little in getting myself back together.
I started to tell myself that there was no way someone could have been able to take him in just a few minutes time… but then I do know that a kidnap can take place in a fleeting second, which was making me feel even more queasy and panicked, as I walked deeper into the building. There are a lot of security cameras located around the whole place, if worse comes to worst, I was going to have to demand a glance through the cameras, to be able to get to the bottom of this.
But then, that’s only if the person who might have done the kidnapping isn’t inside of the building as well, disguised as one of the air forces. The air left my lungs the next moment, as soon as those thoughts started to swirl around in my head and mind, painting out images that were doing nothing but making me get more panicked. It didn’t help that I was already starting to feel guilty at first, some hours ago when I had thought something had happened to the plane which he had boarded. I wasn’t done with letting go of that regret and guilt yet, and then this was happening.
If something happens to him, I wasn’t going to ever be able to forgive myself. Because I had managed to keep him safe all this while, only for me to give him the permission to come back here, and then this was happening – before he had even gotten to meet my wife, before we’ve even managed to leave the freaking airport!
I raked my hands through my heir as I started to glance through hallways, going straight to the ones we passed through some time ago. James has gone off to go alert the officers here that we were looking for someone, and I was here searching for him, Incase he’s around here, somewhere. I started to call his name out in the next moment, pushing doors open and not apologizing or giving two fucks about the fact that some of those offices which I had pushed open had occupants inside of them. It felt like my whole world was crumbling at that moment, and I wanted to kill whoever it was that was behind this. My phone started to vibrate inside of my pocket and I whipped my phone out of my pocket the next moment, accepting the call as soon as I noticed who was the one placing it.
“Anything yet?” I asked as soon as I placed the phone against my ear, not managing to stay in a particular spot because of how nervous, panicked and worked up I was at that moment.
“No, man. You?” He asked in the next moment and it felt like the little amount of hope I had been clinging unto was suddenly put out as soon as I had closed my eyes for a fleeting second. It felt like I was with a single candle, which I was using in making out stuff in the dark, and then all of a sudden, it got put out by a sharp puff of breeze, rendering me in complete darkness. It was how I was feeling in that particular moment. I had been hoping for James to come forth with some sort of good news, only for him to call me and inform me about this, completely killing off the last bit of hope inside of me.
I started to pace around even faster, tugging on my hair as well as I listened to all what James was saying to me on the other side of the phone. It didn’t help that the day was already coming to an end, which was automatically going to make it harder for us to start to thoroughly search for him if we wanted to. Everything was just so messed up in that particular moment and I felt so drained and tired like no other.
“So what are we going to do now?” I asked after some time, swearing a little when my toe stubbed against the edge of the wall which I had ended up pacing into because I hadn’t been watching where I had walked into.
“I’ve spoken to the air forces, the superiors are on their way right now. I think you should start to come out now, I don’t think he’s in there anymore.” I listened to James as he continued to speak, feeling my chest which was already feeling tight start to get even more tighter, it felt like a fist was inside of my chest and it was fisting my heart in a really tight grip that was making it almost hard for me to drag in deep breaths into my lungs.
I puffed out a deep breath after a moment, using my fingers to start to massage the side of my forehead that was starting to hurt.
“I’ll be back outside soon then. I’m coming outside already.” I said to James after a few seconds, breathing out a slow and long sigh as well. I dragged my hand over my face and puffed out a deep breath almost immediately, as I started to turn around in order to make my way back out of the building.
“Luca?” James’ voice echoed around in my ear and I breathed out a small sigh before starting to speak.
“It’s going to be alright, ok?” His familiar voice said into the phone and for once, for once that statement sounded like such a bitter and funny lie to my own ears. I breathed out a slow sigh and decided to say nothing, as I started to tug on my hair once again.
“It’s going to be alright, we’re going to find him and nothing’s going to happen to him, ok?” James continued after a couple or second and I almost hated him in that particular moment, because he felt like he was all saying this just to make me feel better, and not because it was halfway near being true. I pulled the phone away from my ear in that moment and tapped on the ‘disconnect’ button without supplying him with a response, and then I shoved the phone into my pocket.