Chapter 60

Book:THE PROPOSAL Published:2024-6-4

Chapter Sixty
Fiona’s POV:
As I left the house, I felt I was being watched. I had turned around many times to look and only saw people just going about their normal businesses. But my gut.
“Ah Fiona, why would anyone want to follow you around?” I asked myself almost loud.
I dropped the thought; I was not important to anyone to be followed about.
A few meters away, someone had thrown a ball at me.
“Throw back the ball here,” a group of children were shouting at me gesturing to the ball. I was confused, everyone wanted the ball.
“Shit,” I cursed inwardly, I hated being in a situation like this. A situation that required I either pick someone or think of something else.
“Alright kids, let’s do it this way. How about I throw the ball over to that wall there and see who gets there to pick the ball first? That way, whoever gets the ball plays first…” I had not finished my sentence before I saw a group of them running toward me in an attempt to get the ball first.
I threw the ball a distance away from me, towards the ball, and off they ran like seasoned athletes wanting to win the race.
I had not thought about what my actions would do until I saw 3 of them all trying to get the ball back from each other. I might have just been the cause of a fight here.
“I better leave before someone sees me,” and I left there as quickly as my legs could carry me.
One thing I have always wondered about is my childhood. I would hear my friends Eleanor and James rant about their childhood experiences and all I had was more of a vague memory.
I could not remember anything that happened, this gave me concern. My wandering had led me to ask Mom if something happened in my childhood to have erased everything because it was specific like only a portion of it was gone.
Fiona’s POV:
As you would already know, James and Eleanor were my two favorite people. At this moment, I was not so sure. I have been waiting here for almost an hour now.
This was something we agreed on, not like I brought up the idea or something. When I called Fiona earlier on to remind her about our intended visit to the mall, she seemed surprised, like she did not give a hoot about it.
“Well, at least she answered the phone,” I hissed.
James was a workload on his own, he had called very early this morning to be sure I had not forgotten about the agreement, and he is nowhere to be here.
“These two had better not be playing me. How could I stand here for over an hour looking like a lost puppy?” I wish I had not agreed to this. I canceled a date for this, for this!
Just when I thought the day was getting worse, I sighted Farting Fanny coming towards me.
“God, this is one of my worst days. Why does it have to be today?”
Of all the days I looked fly, not any of those days had I come across Fanny and here he was today when I look like I am dressed for a Halloween party.
He smiled when he noticed my discomfort, more like he wanted it to be to stay relevant.
“Bah, I do not even like you,” I said inwardly knowing too well I lied and that somehow, Fanny could see right through me.
“Hello beautiful, you seem nervous.”
“Oh, Fanny, it is you. Hi,” I was even more nervous now that he had pointed it out.
“Are you waiting for someone?”
“Erm… not really. Yes. No. I have been waiting for James and Fiona, my friends.”
“Oh, I know them. You guys are quite familiar around here.”
“I did not know. That should be a compliment?”
“What else would it be?”
“I do not know, nothing?”
“Do you mind if we go across the streets and have a drink or two before your friends arrive?”
“Sure, if it is okay with you.”
“It is more than okay.”
He gave me one of his biggest smiles like he was trying too hard to impress me.
I know I have been dying for an opportunity to talk to Fanny but now that I have it, I do not know what to say.
It’s like, I am stuck you know. This was exciting for me. I just hope Fiona and James would not come and ruin this wonderful date for me.
“Was this like a date? Fanny was asking me out?”
These and many more were the questions running through my little head and we walked, side by side, silently, watching each other’s steps. My mind wanted to explode, my inner me was jumping and dancing.
I wish my friends would have witnessed this, Fiona, especially, and see how gentlemanly Fanny can be.
James’ POV:
I did not like the guy from the concert who seemed to bug Fiona. Hard to see but I think I have a crush on Fiona, and she seemed to not pay attention. Paying more attention to Eleanor was a way of helping me get through whatever it was I felt for her.
But you know what they say about first impressions, “first impressions always leave a lasting impression” and Eleanor did not help matters either.
She did not fail to introduce me to Fiona as a flirt and had already told her of all my romantic escapades with ladies.
At first, it did not bother me. It was a thing of joy and pride when Eleanor talked endlessly about her. It was so easy for me to sweep a lady off her feet.
They called me “the ladies’ man” you know I would brag.
On one of those days, Eleanor had told Fiona of a young lady who would not stop calling her to help her appeal to me if I would want to take her back, even as just a friend. And I did not fail to add the pompous nickname I had nicknamed myself.
“I think it is a stupid nickname to give to a person, a demeaning one if you ask me. Do you not think so?” Fiona had asked blatantly.
I was too shocked for words, no one had ever been too forwardly or so rude to me.
“What do you mean?” I had asked, trying to hide my shame and appear calm and collected.