” It’s okay.” His magnetic voice did wonders to her trembling heart. At that moment Fred had pulled her and kissed her forcefully, her heart had dropped to the deepest of pits.
What was running in her mind at that moment was how would David feel if he saw her at that Instance. Will he find her cheap? Or dirty? Will he misunderstand her and break up with her? Will he loathe her?
With those thoughts, she had struggled but he was far stronger, not to mention he knew her, her every move so it was easy for him to cage her..
” Honey, I didn’t…” She wanted to explain that she just wanted to have a decent conversation with her once best friend because she was sure after this, they’ll remain strangers at least.
She wanted to convince him to move on and find his happiness somewhere else. She wanted to wish him luck. She wanted to say that she was sorry she couldn’t return his affection. She wanted closure but who would have thought that the guy had different intentions in mind.
” Shhh! You don’t need to say it, I believe you.” He believed her as much as he believed himself. David’s words brought the much needed warmth in Sheila’s heart. His words were sweet, just like honey.
They were warm, melting the ice frozen in her. He believed her! What more could she ask for?
The hug lasted for a few minutes before Sheila could finally calm down. David used his thumb to wipe all the traces of tears from her face. He never liked it when his woman cried. That to him was an unforgivable sin and he wasn’t planning on letting that little guy go.
He tried to take advantage of his woman? Then he should be ready to face the consequences. He had thought that after the warning he sent him last night, the guy would finally let go of his delusion but it seemed that it wasn’t enough to remind him never lust over what belongs to him. He would teach him a lesson.
Fred who finally came to his senses cursed out loudly? What the fuck did he just do? That was not the plan at all. He had planned to convince Sheila to choose him over David. If it was her who made the decision, then he would escape David’s wrath because that was the last thing he wanted.
But now, it seems like he just ruined everything. He ruined the only chance to get close to her. Fred was sure that with Sheila’s personality, they were as good as strangers now.
On top of that, he was damn sure that David wouldn’t let him go scot free.
In short, he was a dead meat. He left the company dejected and full of regret. He will just have to accept whatever will be coming his way. He just hoped that David would spare his father’s company. If anything happened to it out of his own carelessness, he was sure that he wouldn’t like the consequences.
After David soothed Sheila, he finally stepped away to make a call.
” Make the Cooper company disappear in the next twenty four hours.” He instructed, his voice stoic and bone chilling.
” But Sir, the Cooper company has always maintained a peaceful relationship with the Brown corporation, why do you impose such harsh punishment on them?” The man on the other side was bold enough to question despite holding his breath while doing so and trembling slightly.
David thought about it and his words made sense, the Cooper company was one of Brown cooperation support companies. The two families have always maintained a cordial relationship between them. Just because of that mannerless brat, he couldn’t punish the old couple for their son’s stupidity.
” Okay, send a message to the old couple for me. Tell them to restrain their son lest he brings downfall to them. If possible, deliver that message personally and for that brat, break his leg but not severely. He should at least spend days in the hospital for messing with my woman.” He immediately disconnected the call after making those arrangements.
He walked back to the spot he left his woman. She was already seated, sipping a glass of orange juice.
The party went on peacefully. People ate, drank and those who loved music danced to their heart’s content.
Everybody had an expression of satisfaction on their faces. Lily who had played for the better part of the day finally dozed off. Aunty Meng excused herself and took her back home. She was finally exhausted.
Guests started leaving one by one and by the time the clock hit two in the evening, only a handful of members were left in the room.
Vee and Gabriel also excused themselves after saying their congratulations yet again.
David moved and pulled Sheila’s body to he’s ànd whispered,” let’s go.”
” Oh yeah, let’s go home, I am tired.” Sheila replied. After everything, all she wanted to do was to take a shower and lie in her warm bed and sleep until tomorrow.
” No, to the marriage registry office.” He whispered yet again.
Sheila blinked her eyes repeatedly to make sure that this was true. She went as long as rubbing her ears to ascertain she didn’t have any hearing disorders, not any she knew about before but it was always good to be sure.
She was flabbergasted, stunned, astounded, surprised, name it all. For what came from David’s mouth was not something she ever thought about.
” What are you saying? Don’t joke around, I can’t stomach a joke now.” Sheila pouted complaining. After analysing everything, she came to the conclusion that David was definitely pulling her leg.
It’s not something he often did but he still did it sometimes.
David didn’t know whether to get angry or laugh at his woman’s antics. How could she not tell that he was absolutely serious with the marriage matter. They were already an engaged couple, so what was wrong with them getting a marriage certificate?
” Am serious Sheila. We are going to the civil registry to get our marriage licence.
I already prepared everything, all you need to do is come with me, go through the process with me ànd become My Mrs Brown.” David wore a serious expression this time, it was the only way to convince her that he was serious about the marriage issue.
Sheila gazed at his mesmerising dark eyes and chiselled face and thought that having a flash marriage with Such a piece of art was actually… Thrilling and exhilarating.
She flashed him her million dollar smile, hooked her tiny arms around his neck and gave him a flash kiss. ” Okay, let’s get married then.” What was the need for waiting for sometime before getting married? At the end of the day, it was still the same destination.
Holding hands and smiling to each other, they left the almost empty hall and headed straight to the parking lot. Jordan was already waiting for them near the car. He had in hand a brown envelope which he handed to David. ” Sir, your documents and Miss Mason’s documents are in there.” He said after handing the envelope to David which he held like it was some kind of treasure.
Seeing that David really was prepared for the marriage, Sheila felt warm and fuzzy Inside. Her heart swelled with happiness and she giggled happily. What is better than marrying the man you love? What was even better than having to experience two surprises on the same day?
The drive to the civil registry took less than twenty minutes. David’s secretary had already called them so when the two arrived, they were immediately served.
Few minutes later, Mr and Mrs Brown exited the civil office, their hands clasped together. The evening sun was setting casting a beautiful shadow of the two newly Weds.
” My missus.” David called affectionately.
” My husband.” Sheila replied mirroring the same look. Their facial expressions reflected happiness and contentment.
” I am so happy to finally make you my wife, the mother to my future children.” David said, smiling widely and looking at his wife’s young and beautiful face.
” I am already the mother of your daughter David.” Sheila reminded him seriously.
” Ofcourse, how can I forget we already have a daughter together?” He said, smiling broadly. He couldn’t believe that age accepted his daughter from another woman as her own and loved her unconditionally.
If there’s something that made David love her even more is her caring and selfless heart.
It was not everyday you found a woman who could accept you, love you together with your children. The society was filled with the typical evil stepmothers who treated their husbands children as if they were lesser beings but she was different. She was unique.
David was happy that he found a gem among the sawdust and More happier that this gem was his. What more blessings could he ask for?
” What’s next? Got another surprise for me?” Sheila asked. She wondered if there was more in store for her today but her body protested. She was tired.
” No, but we have to visit the ancestral house first and receive blessings from the elders before I can finally take you home as my wife.” David Informed. That was a rule of the Brown family. Every newly wed bride would offer tea to the elders present in the Brown ancestral home, pay her respects to the ancestors before she is officially welcomed in the family.
” Oh!” Sheila curtly replied. Even though she was tired, she wouldn’t mind being a dutiful daughter in law and carrying out all the rituals of the family. Afterall she was now a member of the Brown family. It was good to observe family rules.
The driver took them to the Brown family house where old madam Brown was waiting for them. She welcomed the two happily.
Looking at Sheila, her heart ached and clenched in guilt. The lady had grown to be lovely and charming despite going through alot in the past. Her eyes couldn’t hide the sorrows just thinking about how life must have been hard on a young girl like her.
Obviously Sheila saw the weird look the old madam was giving her. It wasn’t a look of distaste or dislike, it was more of guilt and pity. She wondered why the old woman would look at her that way. The last time she came to David’s house, she left without saying a word to her but today, Alicia passed the old lady’s regards to her. That means the old lady has come to accept her for David, right? she hoped so because with the two of them being a couple now, there’s nothing else that could be done.
Noticing the way his grandmother was looking at Sheila, David panicked. Today was their wedding day, there’s no way he’ll allow his grandma’s emotions ruin it for them. Ofcourse David knew what the woman was thinking, but this was not the time to reveal the truth, regardless, he knew they couldn’t avoid that matter for Long. Sooner or later, he will have to reproach that matter but for now …
” Grandma, your granddaughter in law has been waiting for you to accept the tea.” He chose to remind her lest she spoils everything.