” Miss Reyes, someone is looking for you?” Vanessa’s assistant knocked on get door before informing her.
” I don’t have an appointment at this time Sarah.” Vanessa who was furiously typing on her keyboard said, her attention still glued to the story she was writing.
Her boss needed a story to publish for tomorrow’s paper and she needed to finish with it before heading home in less than ten minutes.
” Yes, he said it is a personal visit.” Sarah added making Vanessa to pause momentarily.
She has never had anyone visit her at her workplace so who could it be?
” Okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes. Have him wait for me at the waiting lobby.” She said, dismissing Sarah.
Since work was of great importance, she decided to finish it first.
She had been promoted to a senior editor at the magazine house and that meant extra work.
Vanessa never minded though, she loved her work and the pay was good.
Fifteen minutes later, she hit the send button before relaxing on her chair.
Finally, she could go home after an exhausting day.
Her work was tiring but she loved it nevertheless.
Writing has always been her passion and that’s why she has been stuck with hawk entertainment for years.
The company started as a small news outlet but now, it had grown to be one of the leading entertainment houses in the country.
After packing her stuff, she made her way downstairs.
Questions of the person awaiting for her plaguing her mind but she chose to not think about it and just find about it herself.
She was in for a surprise.
Vanessa went straight to the waiting lobby and when her eyes laid on the man seated on the waiting chair looking out of place and sinfully handsome, she broke into a huge smile.
The seductive smile plastered on the man’s face was enough to alarm a certain part of her body.
Without a second thought, she dashed to him and Gabriel who expected her move was already standing, his arms spread for her.
Vanessa threw herself into his warm embrace, hugging him tightly as if her life depended on it.
After a minute of hugging, the two pulled away all smiles.
” You didn’t tell me that you were coming. I could have picked you up at the airport.” Vanessa complained with a small smile.
” The idea was to surprise you so how could I spoil the surprise?” Gabriel shot back and the two giggled.
” Well I’m surprised.” Vee said, feigning a surprised look which made the two burst out laughing.
Looking at the two, John could hardly talk that the man smiling so pleasantly and grinning like a Cheshire cat is the same man who is always Cold and ruthless.
He concluded that love does change people and he was happy that it changed his boss positively.
” Honestly, if I knew you would be coming, I would have at least cleared my schedule. Look you had to wait for me.” Vee sounded as they walked out of Hawk entertainments.
” It’s fine, I had business to take care of here and didn’t want to bother you.” Gabriel replied.
He then opened the door to his car, motioning Vanessa to get inside.
” I have a car.” Vanessa announced looking at her small red Porsche Parked not far away.
” I know that dear but I am here for you right? You don’t expect me to drive alone.” Gabriel said, pouting , making John roll his eyes while Vanessa giggled.
” I will have one of my men drive the car to your house so relax.” He coerced.
Producing her car keys, Vanessa passed the keys to a man who collected them with a bow.
” Take care of my baby.” She yelled.
” And I will take care of you.” Gabriel said, stepping Inside the car before it roared to life.
The two chatted all the way to Vanessa’s house with her direction.
Soon the entourage of four cars arrived at her neighbourhood, drawing the attention of the people.
” Oh no, people will start thinking I hooked up with some old and rich sugar daddy, I will never hear the end of it.” Vanessa lamented.
Although her neighbourhood was not poor, they weren’t rich either. It was a residential area for the middle class.
People owned cars but the brands were not expensive but with Gabriel’s fancy machines, rumours were sure to emerge.
She was not one who cared about her reputation, it was never good but she would not like hearing people talk ill about her.
” Let them talk. If they don’t talk, they’ll be so bored.” Gabriel joked.
The cars came to a stop at her apartment door and since the parking lot could only fit one car, the other three cars had to leave.
Gabriel helped her out of the car like the gentleman he is and that did not escape Vanessa’s attention.
What she liked the most about this man even back at country B was how well he took care of her.
Each of his actions touches her heart and she could not help but fall in love with him.
” You can leave, pick me up tomorrow.” Gabriel dismissed his men but a particular someone was reluctant to go.
” Are you sure about that boss? Don’t you want me to stay behind?” John asked only to be met by a glare from his boss.
” Stay behind and do what? Do you want to stay and be a third wheel? Get out of my sight.” Gabriel shooed the man away.
Stay behind? Did he plan to follow his boss even to the bedroom?
If that happens, when will he ever get time to spend quality time with his woman?
John drove away in embarrassment. The other bodyguards who heard the boss reprimanding him laughed at him.
” If they all go, who will protect you?” Vanessa asked worriedly.
All the times she saw Gabriel, he would be in the company of at least two men.
If he sends them away, who will protect him?
” Do I need protection when I am here with you? Not unless you turn into a vampire at night and start hunting me for blood.” Gabriel joked but that did not make Vanessa feel any better.
” Seriously, don’t worry about Me. I am in no danger here. Besides, I can take care of myself.” He added and Vanessa only sighed heavily.
” I’m just worried.” She confessed.
Living in country A, she knew that all rich people are always at risk. Anytime, shit may go down and you find yourself in a precarious position. It’s during such times bodyguards come in handy.
” I’m glad to hear that but you need not worry about me. Nobody knows me enough to come looking for me and even if they did, this is the last place they’ll think about. You heard the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest.” Gabriel said grinning.
” Whatever, let’s just head inside before the neighbours break my wall trying to peep Inside.” Samantha said, dropping the subject while leading Gabriel away and to the house door.
Taking her house keys, she unlocked the door before ushering Gabriel in.
” Welcome to my house. It’s nothing fancy but it’s good to keep the harsh weather climates from tormenting me.” Vanessa said smiling.
” Can I offer you something to drink?” After placing her bag on the coach, Vanessa asked.
It is only polite to offer someone something to drink when they come to your house.
” Yes, I am thirsty. Thirsty for you.” Gabriel announced, stalking towards Vanessa who started backing away.
Gabriel had his eyes trained on her. To her, she seemed like she was a certain prey being hunted down by a big bad wolf which was Gabriel.
Hitting the foot of the couch, she stumbled, falling on top of the couch.
Gabriel smiled seeing her all flustered.
He could not relate the woman before him with a certain woman from months ago who shamelessly took advantage of him, kissing and ravaging his lips like some delicious dessert.
He was about to shout to whoever took his ferocious tiger to return her to him but he would admit that this kitty version of her was adorable and sexy too.
Caging her between his arms and the couch, he slammed his lips on hers, tasting and sucking them like there was no tomorrow.