Book:My beautiful seductress Published:2024-6-4

” Hey, what’s wrong Love?” David asked, pushing Sheila at arms length and observing her crying face.
He was so happy a while ago that his little woman was finally taking the initiative to kiss him so what happened? What made her cry?
Wiping her tears clean, he forced himself up, his back leaning on the headboard.
Sheila was still straddling him, her face trained down.
David did not know how to placate a crying woman. He did not have that experience.
The only person he has ever placated was Lily so he was clueless how to go about it.
Crashing her in his chest, he started rubbing her back in circles.
” Can you tell me why you are crying, huh?” He asked ever so gently but it came out as some sort of questioning.
Afraid that David will be pissed off with her tears, she wiped them clean and made to sit up from his thighs.
Gripping her waist tightly, David did not give Sheila the chance to escape him.
He wanted to know why his little wife was crying because he was concerned.
” Are you in pain?” He asked because that was the only explanation his mind could come up with.
Sheila shook her head, confusing the man even more.
He often heard people say that women are difficult creatures and today, he was truly confirming it.
He felt helpless that he could not figure his woman out then again, figuring a woman out seemed more difficult than closing a business call.
” Do you think she will like me? What If she doesn’t like me? I don’t want to leave you.” Sheila voiced out, a fresh bout of warm beads rolling down her cheeks.
David frowned, wondering who this she was until it clicked on his mind.
” Do you mean my grandmother?” He asked.
He needed to confirm they were talking about the same person.
Sheila nodded, her face trained on the ground ashamed and worried at the same time to look at the man.
” Why would he not like you when I like you?” He asked, a frown marred on his face.
According to him, his grandmother was bound to like the woman he chose for himself and if she didn’t, he would make her like his little woman
” What logic is that?” Sheila glared at David.
She could not tell if the man was being funny or just ignorant.
David was taken aback by her reaction. He answered her question, so why did she seem like she was now angry with him?
Kissing her forehead, he sought to assure her.
” You are my woman and I want you by my side. That’s enough for people to like you and if someone has a problem with that, that’s their problem.” He explained.
” She’s your grandmother,” Sheila argued and that seemed to displease the man.
” And you are my woman. The both of you have different positions in my life. She is my grandmother but can she be my wife? Or fulfil my needs and be the mother of my children? No right? So don’t worry about that, nobody is separating us.”
Sheila was finally placated by David’s words. After sharing a kiss, David left for his room to clean up and prepare for work.
Sheila also took a shower and left to prepare Lily for breakfast.
Meanwhile, old madam Antonio arrived downstairs panting heavily.
Aunt Meng, who had been waiting for her, rushed to the old lady and helped her to the sofa.
She then served the old madam a glass of water.
” Slow down, what’s the matter? Did you see a ghost?” Aunt Meng asked, rubbing the old lady’s back in circular motions.
” Why didn’t you tell me that those two practically share a bed?” Old Madam Brown glared at Aunt Meng accusingly.
” What!” Two voices said simultaneously making old Madam Brown turn to Nancy with a glare.
The Young lady apologised for eavesdropping before scurrying away.
” What do you mean they sleep together?” After getting over the shock, Aunt Meng asked.
” Do you know how embarrassed I was to walk into my grandson…”
” Oh dear, don’t tell me they were doing it?” Aunt Meng cut the old lady off earning a glare from old Madam Brown.
” Of course not, that’s even worse!”
It came as a shock to find the two entangled under the sheets but what shook her even more was the identity of the lady.
She could not be mistaken. That was the same girl from three years ago.
The only difference was that she had grown up more than she was three years ago.
She could not help but wonder what funny game fate was playing to her grandson.
Of all the ladies he could fall in Love with, why must it be her?
She needed to discuss the matter with her grandson before things went too far between them.
She would leave everything to her grandson to decide the fate of their relationship.
It did not take long to have Sheila and Lily emerge from upstairs.
Lily was happy to see her grandmother and rushed to her arms calling out her name.
” Look how big my pumpkin has grown,” the old lady cheered, planting kisses on Lily’s chubby cheeks who giggled happily.
” Look Granny, I have a beautiful sister!” Lily spoke, running to drag Sheila to her Granny’s side.
Old Madam took the opportunity to observe the Lady before her closely and she was certain that she was definitely her.
” Sorry for my manners, I didn’t mean to intrude,” the old lady apologised.
Not trusting herself to say anything, Sheila nodded, offering a polite smile to her.
Just then, David emerged from upstairs.
” Can we talk? In private?” His grandmother did not allow him to resist before walking upstairs to his study room.
Nodding at Sheila and Lily, he walked upstairs.
David took a seat opposite his grandmother.
” What is it?” Without beating around the bush, David asked.
He was certain that this’ talk’ was about his little woman.
He had seen how she tensed when his grandmother asked him out for a talk.
He wanted to go to her and assure her that everything would be fine but he held himself back.
He might as well listen to whatever his grandmother had to say about his little woman.
She was his woman and only he has the final say in their relationship.
” How well do you know her?” Old Madam Brown asked, her eyes trained on her grandson.
She could tell that David wanted to be anywhere else but not here with her, discussing his woman.
That’s how well she knew her grandson.
” Go to the point grandma.” Annoyed, David replied.
He would appreciate it if his grandmother did not toy with her words and get over with the talk so that he could go back to his little woman.
” Do you know her parents?” Old Madam Brown asked, making David Brown.
” She is adopted and her parents died three years ago in an accident.” Despite his annoyance, David replied.
” Does that ring a bell?” The old lady asked and seeing the confused look on her grandson’s face, she could only sigh.
” Her parents lost their lives the day we lost Sandra. Three lives were lost in that accident on that night, both her parents’ included.”