Book:My beautiful seductress Published:2024-6-4

Caleb left Laura’s house in a foul mood. He felt used and discarded but more importantly, he felt angry at himself for tolerating Laura for so long. Two years before she left for abroad, he had shamelessly agreed to be he bitch. She would call him when she was in a bad mood or frustrated to use him to blow off some steam.
He was a willing partner because he loved her but look at where that love landed him.
It was evening by the time he arrived in town. He headed straight to the club to drown his sorrows.
He was in his third glass and feeling a little bit tipsy when a lady approached.
” Hi handsome?” She greeted, flashing him a grin.
Caleb said nothing. His eyes regarded her carefully. He could tell from how she was dressed she was from a well off family. Another spoiled brat just like Laura who knew how to use the poor and discard them when they feel like it.
” I saw that you are here alone so I thought of joining you.” The lady announced.
Caleb’s lack of response made her feel awkward.
” Who said I need your company?” His hawk like eyes narrowed at her.
” I just thought you could use the company.” The lady persisted. Truth was she saw the guy drinking and was attracted to him.
She wanted to strike a conversation with him and probably get to know him better. That way, she could get close to him. Call her crazy but she had fallen in love with him the moment she laid her eyes on him
” You can sit.” Caleb finally relented. Looking at her, he decided to not judge her or use his prejudice on rich kids on her.
” Thankyou.” The lady said, taking a seat besides Caleb. All this while, she had a sweet smile on her face.
” By the way, I am Alicia Jones.” She introduced, extending her hand to Caleb for a handshake.
” Caleb.” He said taking her hand in his for a brief handshake.
Alicia ordered a drink for herself as she tried striking a conversation with Caleb who seemed to not want to talk tonight.
” So, student or working?” Alicia asked.
” Working of course. Some of us don’t have the luxury to attend college. We have to work our asses off otherwise we will sleep on the streets hungry.” Caleb answered bitterly.
” I like independent guys.” Alicia blurted out, making Caleb chuckle.
” Miss, don’t mistake me as some rich heir working at his father’s company. I have two part-time jobs which support me. I am so poor that if I don’t work for a day, I’ll sleep hungry.”
He had to make it clear to her, he wasn’t one of the rich brats they seem so interested in nowadays.
” That’s even better. I also want to work for my expenses.” Alicia said.
She was born in a rich family where females are guarded like some precious gems.
She has always wanted to move out of her comfort zone and face the world but her parents would not let her.
To her family, the only thing she should worry about is getting pretty waiting for some rich heir to marry her.
Her mother taught her that marrying to a rich family is a guarantee to a good life but that is not what Alicia wants for her life.
She abhors the Idea of an arranged marriage.
Alicia believes that just like a man, a woman can make it in life without the help of her family or a husband.
She is determined to show her parents that she can take control of her life and succeed without their help.
She wants to experience the beauty of life, fall in love with the man of her choice and get married.
That’s why she is here in country A after escaping country B and forcing her cousin to convince her parents to give her two years to live the life she wants.
” You look like someone from a rich family.” Caleb noted.
” Yeah I am. I don’t hate my family but I hate how they treat me. They think they can model me to some doll and then marry me off to some rich man but being a wife isn’t all I want to be in life. I have my dreams, dreams I want to follow and fulfil.” Alicia said, sadness could be detected from her voice.
” You are weird, you know that?” Caleb commented.
He had expected her to have the same views as Laura. A rich husband who will spoil her with everything she needs. To Laura, love didn’t matter as long as the man she married had money. She always claims to be in love with some billionaire yet she sleeps with him every time the guy rejects her advances.
Caleb could tell that Laura was obsessed with the man’s power and riches and not because she loved him but listening to the lady beside him talk, he could see the huge difference in between the two.
While Laura cared about a good life without working hard, the lady by his side wanted to make it in life with her own sweat.
” I know that.” Alicia said with a laugh.
” My mother tells me that everytime we have that discussion. She thinks I should be thankful that I didn’t have to struggle to get what I wanted. That I should be grateful I didn’t go through hardships all my life but she fails to understand that anything given isn’t valued like anything worked for.” Alicia added.
” You are very unique.” Caleb had to give it to her. For a lady born from a rich family, her mind worked differently.
” And I like you.” Alicia blurted out. ” You would make a good boyfriend.” She said giggling. ” But don’t worry, I will come pursue you when I have something to show off in my name.” She added, taking a sip of her drink.
The two chatted and Caleb found himself opening up to Alicia who listened to him without judging him.
It was almost ten in the evening and just when Caleb suggested they should resign for the night, a handsome man approached their table.
” Hey cousin, are you here to take me home?” Alicia said with a pout.
” It’s still early. Can I hang out with my friend some more?” She complained but David was not having any of it.
They had agreed she would be out until eight but even after more than hour later, she was still out.
He had promised his Aunt and her mother that he would take care of his cousin while she stayed here in country A.
He did not restrict her but he did not spoil her too much either.
” You are already wasted.” David muttered, glaring at Caleb.
Caleb identified the man as the same man Laura was obsessed with. He did not know why the guy was glaring at him. It’s not like he was the one who took her to the club or kept her here longer. Maybe he was but he was not going to admit that.
After Alicia bid him goodbye and left, he did not linger longer. He made his way to his house.