“Don’t say anything!!”
He shudders, but my eyes remain fixated at a different angle. I only realize that because my eyes look sideways clearly.
“I beg your pardon.” I squint my eyes, facing him now.
“I’m sorry. I said I’m sorry!” He exclaims.
“Don’t try to raise your voice at me.” I warn. “I might look simple but I’m not stupid.”
“I understand. I get your point. And I apologize for bringing you to see my mum. We just have to be with them for now.” He says.
“Didn’t you see how she reacted?” I ask again, wanting to let him realize better.
“I did see it. She’s my mum. Lisa, there are individual differences. We will rule pack houses. We will be great leaders. We already are. Understand human differences.” He states.
“Human? She’s human?” I ask, making it comical now. He chuckles and I hug him closely.
“I only wanted you to see how it’ll look like whenever I get angry, after getting mated.” I tell him.
“It’ll be less. Remember that before you get a cock as yours, you’ll drive down to Texas but when it drives you crazy, you’ll butcher it and it’ll subdue.” He says. While trying to translate his words, I feel a slight pain through my chest. I stop translating and sigh.
“I understand you. Anyways, take me to my room.” I request.
“Sure, sure.” He says and hugs me sideways, taking me to my room. We get in front of it now and as he opens the door, the AC welcomes me and I smile. I hug him voluntarily but he squashes me.
“Ouch!” I complain, trying to detach myself from the hug.
One of Billie’s songs starts to play again. But not in this room, not on my Spotify – right inside my head.
I heard Billie Eilish only once while coming. How does she have to do with my present situation? If it keeps playing, then it’s quitted being coincidence. I chuckle after Alex finally releases me but stays.
“Man, this is my privacy. Use the door.” I instruct with my feminine tone, though I know it’s am empty threat.
“It’s our room.” He states. I pretend not to hear it.
“And I do not only want to access your privacy. I also want to access your private parts.” He says as I make a suspicious sound. I hum and keep quiet.
“If you lay beside me, I’ll bother you with questions.” I tell him beforehand, as he shuts the door, and I lay my back in bed. I feel the warm texture of the bed and my head stops ringing and playing Billie’s songs. It looks like what stopped just for a while. He walks up to lay beside me, now clad in shorts. I’m also clad in my little skirt and just a brassiere. It starts to look like we’re coming to bed to have sex.
“Nah, I’m not going to give in.” I say and stifle giggles as he holds me tight like someone who wants to rape me. He laughs a bit at it as well, but leaves me after some time. He lays back in bed, his eyes wide open, ready to be bothered by questions.
“When are we getting our pack house?” I ask and there’s this damn silence again.
“I won’t be silent further. Let me explain everything to you.” He finally voices out. I’m still left in the dark as to why my heart keeps thumping when I hear him say that. He springs up from bed and obstructs every open place, including the windows.
“It’s going to be hot.” I oppose.
“Not when the AC is on.” He retorts. I want to raise a different topic from that but I lay back in bed and sigh, expecting him to come over and release the gist to me.
“Okay. So, it happened like this.” He says, gulps saliva down his throat and makes a relieving sound when he lands in bed.
“I met with the moon goddess myself…” He says and I hum. He puffs, and faces me, “I’d love perfect silence.”
“Your previous reaction to my questions. Fine. I’ll give it to you.” I joke with him, and he lets it slide.
“After meeting with her as a Ghost, I narrated to her how far I have helped the wolf kingdom, and how I deserve to return to the human world. Or better said, the wolf world.” He says.
In all his words, I don’t fidget. I let my eyes remain fixed on him so he doesn’t think I’ve slept and become disinterested in speaking further.
“What was her response then?” I ask.
“I said, I don’t want you to say a word.” He complains..
“I’m sorry.” I tender my apology.
“Damn. No more word!” He says angrily. “You still talked.”
“Dude.” I say and he wants to stand up but I hold him back to bed as I threaten to release my boobs. His thick skin reduces to a thin skin immediately and he resumes his speech.
“She gave me a mandate afterwards. I agree with my wolf to do it. She reminded me that I’ll need to shed blood before I can return to the human world. I know that right but I ask her why.”
“Guess why.” He asks.
I shrug, not wanting to talk. He stifles laughter at that.
“Well, she said I’m a blue wolf and I was killed by the sword. When I least expected it. When I had a female wolf in mind back then and looked promising to be an Alpha but I was the last requirement for him to get to the throne – I have to be killed or he won’t be enthroned. It was many years after he got on the throne that some set of wolves reduced the number of wolves in his kingdom, but not through bloodshed.”
I pretend to suffocate.
“Do you want to say something?” He asks, but I know it’s a slip of the tongue.
“Yes. Definitely.” I retort and stifle giggles. “Does the moon goddess support bloodshed, and why?”
“In my case, yes.” He says and I become silent, in shock.
“She endeared me to kill wolves in any pack house I’m present. I forced Jason to accommodate you to his pack house so it’ll be easier for me to attack his pack house. Remember the time he wanted to have sex with you and I came to your rescue.”
“Our rescue, small correction.”
“Okay. Our rescue.” He accepts the correction. “And worst, he threatened to have you as his mate if I don’t appear in seven days. I’ve discussed this with the moon goddess a month before I did that. Remember you used more than a month with him. I was just being considerate, I could have appeared the week after you entered his pack house.. he’s actually done something wrong earlier so I’m looking forwards to taking my revenge.” He says and I sigh.
“How did you even do that?” I slightly say as I readjust my laying position.
“It’s scary, innit? I know it is. I intruded into the pack house during the midnight – the midnight that follows the evening he insulted me. I blocked the visions of the security after getting much more power from the moon goddess. I enter and went to the pack house mind link last centre, the one they resort to. Know?”
I nod my head.
“I started to bring down all the functional parts of the whole machine. Then, I write a code for good two hours. I even sneaked into your second mind link building but I dressed like a guard and was almost caught.”
I sigh deeply.
“After that, I return to the last mind link building as I start to order demons.”
“You ordered demons from his pack?” I ask and he nods.
“He never discovered that, even till now. He never will.” He says and smirks. “I’m more powerful than he thinks. You’re more powerful than you think.”
“Don’t preach to me.” I said amidst giggles. “Were you, like, friends?”
“Yes. We were friends. He almost died at that time as well. We both had the requirements to have a great pack with our mates, but your father ruined my plan and I want to ruin his life completely now. It hurts me to discover that it is your dad, but I have no option. I want you still.” He narrates.
Gulping, he resumes speaking. “My friend, Jason, went further and moon goddess approved of his getting a pack house. She gave the pack house to him but he had to work for his wolves. She gave him power that exceeded the ones of any kind of rogue he might meet, save those prepared for hades.”
“Those prepared for hades?” I ask again, sighing.
“Yes.” He whispers.
“But, he was too excited about his achievements that he didn’t give it a thought. He knew the moon goddess didn’t give him power over that. He could have requested for it when he mounted his post to be an Alpha, but he did not. Well, to my advantage. I knew that but didn’t let him know. I’m glad I didn’t because if I have…” He says but I cut in.
“Enough, wolf man.” I caution. “Move on. I know you did not want to let him know, thinking it might help you later in the future. Now that it has helped, don’t refer to the past. Not even this particular scenario.”
“I was only trying to let you understand how I was able to access the pack house.” He retorts. “After I ordered the demons, the pack house went dark. That time, I whooshed, using my ghost self’s power and get to the first mind link shifting centre. I slip inside, I couldn’t squeeze myself. It was choking, even to ghosts. That was just a security measure. I entered there and misclicked a key. I get out and that was when some wolves came up to check what might have happened. So, that served as an excuse. But flimsy, if they only wanted to react to those in charge of it.”
“I hurry back to the last mind link building. It’s been dormant for at least one week now, counting from when I made that furious attack. To bring down his pack house was not easy and I had to use his downfall for my uplift. Moon goddess gave me the go-ahead actually. I convinced her well enough, I don’t need to talk about that. When I got to the last mind link building, I saw the reactions of the demons on the wall and my request was approved. Then the computer asked me to input how many demons I want to order, I typed it in programming language, as in loops. If two come up and can’t win, more should, and it should keep going like that. Once the numbers can win, then there shouldn’t be a lot of demons that would shake Jason’s pack house. Then I was asked to enter the number of wolves Jason has in his pack house. I was about to enter it when it displayed itself. You know, it’s the pack house’s mind link building, it has everything recorded.”
“What number did it show?” I ask gently.
“I’m not certain you want to know.” He roughly responds.
“I want to know.”
“So you’ll know how disastrous I was, to him?”
I giggle. “I don’t care, really. If my dad could slip off so I’ll rise, and I accepted, who’s Jason? A mere stranger that appeared to me a certain day like this.”
“It brought out over a hundred thousand wolves in number. I won’t be accurate.” He says. I sigh and my breath almost seizes. He’s actually killed up to a hundred thousand wolves? I remember this guy that we hid together in a mind link building where I was playing with the machine. The guy actually said they rescued about five hundred wolves. Did he say it or Jason did? Give it a wide berth.
“What’s that?” I ask, as he stares suspiciously at the ceilings. I stare at that particular place as well as he grabs me to him closer and turns off the switch.