Blood. Splattered at every corner. I sigh at this foul smell exuding from the dead wolves.
“I prefer not to see this.” I say, pretending to lament..
“Then help us plead with your mate. Your Alpha Wolf. He has killed all of us. He didn’t even announce it before coming.” James says.
“Those last few words are unnecessary.” I say. “Why would he announce it to anyone? So you’ll prepare well and attack him. He’s not as stupid as you and my dad.”
“Anyways, help us plead with him.” Dad says, more desperately.
“If you’re too desperate, I won’t even bother about this again. I can’t even order him. You have to wait till he appears to me.” I tell him frankly.
“I will wait if he will not take long.” He retorts and retires to the grassy floor.
“What if he takes long? You can proffer a solution on you own then.” I say, playing him as he has played me well in the past.
“Should I join you over there?” I ask.
“Sure. Definitely. My daughter.” He praises and I understand the kind of insincere greeting. I wave at him and run towards another corner. It shocks me to see that he zooms towards me like wind. I pause moving and face him.
“I thought you lost the ability to do this.” I query.
“I regained it.” He replies, smirking. I scoff at that.
“Then save yourself from this situation. Regain your wolves and regain your lordship. Aren’t you an Alpha?” I ask him as his wolf howls at me, almost protruding.
“You want to unleash your wolf out on me?” I ask, feigning tears
He hugs me now as I see a sharp objects beside me. I can easily Pierce him with the sharp object if I want to. But, I decide to leave the best action in Alex’s hands. Alex definitely doesn’t want any wolf of this vicinity to be part of his pack house or else, he would have overthroned dad. Or did he find that difficult to do?
“No, baby.” He says, feigning laughter across his lips. “I heard from reliable source that we can get into the bush over there an a man that is frequent there can help us get some information on how to contact your wolf.”
“Seriously?” I ask, as I remember that there’s definitely a man frequent there.
“Yes. I mean it.” He retorts.
“What if I am not interested in summoning my mate? He’s quite busy. Let another day break.” I tell him sincerely.
“We can’t sleep in this pack house.” James says as he walks up to us now.
“Why’s that, James?” I question.
He looks at me in shock. “How did you know my name?”
I chuckle silently and then stare back at him.
“Is that necessary?” I ask. He sighs suspiciously and I let it slide. “So, can’t we sleep in this pack house?”
“I don’t know the reason but I’ll go with him.” Dad agrees.
“I’m sleeping in this pack house.” I clip.
“I can’t sleep in the forest or in a bush. Not even in a day or victory.” I say and James makes another suspicious sound.
“Thompson, let’s get ourselves a safer place. If we all sleep here and something bad happens, she will be safe. It’s unwise to sleep wherever she chooses to sleep.” James advises.
“It’s fine if you follow me. It’s fine if you don’t.” I say and bounce off to another place. I turn to face back, and exclaim, “I was going somewhere earlier though.”
“Where’s that? Should we come over?” James screams happily, ready to take a tour and explore a different place.
“You can, you can.” I wave at them and they come up to meet me. This place looks vacant and deserted. Anything can wilt at anytime. In anything you do, be kind towards others. Don’t take actions that will bring grievous consequences. Whatever action you take, think about the consequence before you feel safe.
“Here. Here you come.” I guide them to a safe haven. They happily enter as we start to explore the new environment.
“Did you feel any aura different from before?” I ask them. They sniff around and try to be sure if they felt anything different.
“Yea, I do. Is this a completely different place or our new home?” James asks.
“I think so.” Thompson sniffles hard before saying.
“Should we return to the bush, or we should keep walking inside here?” I ask and smile at them.
“I’m not sure about what you mean.” James retorts. “Aren’t we in the bush?”
“Nah, we ain’t. Come on, let’s proceed.” I say and they follow me behind. They start to feel tired as we keep waking further into the place I’m planning to take them to.
“I feel suspicious about our moves.” James says and I hold his shirt tight as he wants to run. I start to move wildly and sound dangerous when opposing him.
“If you try to run, I’ll ask demons to tear you apart. You know I have the power to.” I threaten him and they follow me inside the room. I lock the door immediately they enter and it is so dark here. As dark as it is eerie.
“Where are we?” James whispers but his voice comes out like a low grunt. Just after he voices out, monsters start to growl hard from low growls to high-pitched howls.
“Did you bring us to a demon cage?” Dad asks.
“Turn on the switch. We need to see and confirm our suspicion.” James says but I don’t answer any of them. They keep following me since they don’t want to be lost.
We finally get to the end of a tunnel as we notice a light at the edge but there a few beings to fight before we get to the end.
“What did you see?” James asks, creeps me out.
“Let me be. Don’t wake the monsters.” I scare him in return.
“Thompson, they are monsters. They are demons. Wild beings.” James alarm Thompson as they both hold their hands and set to move out of the tunnel. I hold them tight and they scream on top of their lungs at me.
“Stop screaming!” I holler at them since they won’t stop. As soon as they start to increase their screams again, three wild moves are being noticed, and it calms both of them down.
“Why did you bring us here? What is our offence?” Thompson asks me as I plaster a smirk on my chin but they can’t see it.
I give them a wide berth. I shift into my wolf immediately they attack as I see dad and James transform to their wolves as well. We start to pounce on them. Whenever I am on the losing side, dad or James will help me and whenever they are on the losing side, I will help them too.
We finally injure the rogues – as we found out. And we crawl to the end of the tunnel, heaving sighs of relief and conquest. We thrust out and start to jump down from an high place down. We never know that there’s somewhere to jump. If we do, we would have waited and joined hands together to jump. Now, we might get lost and never find one another. As I see James fly towards my side, I grab his hands and we start to aim the ground more quickly than before. I see Dad hung to a point. We want to help him but the atmosphere is shaking our bodies and we don’t control our movements. I slip off my Crux and Target where he is as I throw it at him. Expert me throws it and it hits him, frees him immediately.
We eventually land to the ground, sighing deeply. I look around me and can not find Bushes or trees. We landed in a city indeed. But city of werewolves. This thought doesn’t get away from my head. Not until I see that we’re only opposite Jason’s pack house. Though he can’t see us even if he is outside the pack house, chilling, but we gotta stay away from him. If I explain who Jason is, to dad and James, they might support him and pester me to plead with him on some cases. So as to avoid that, I frame him up so they’ll agree to leave and we can explore more pack houses.
“Who is the person over there? Who are you all?” Someone raises his voice at us. I hide at a corner. James and dad do, too. I wait for the person to approach but someone rather grabs me from behind. I shriek as a result of how sudden it is. I now discover that it is James that does that mistakenly. Now, the screams have invited some other wolves.
I shake my head, rebuke him and take to my heel as they follow me as well.