“Alpha, as a result of the increase in the pack, we need to expand in terms of space. We need a vast amount of land to accommodate members of the pack, especially the newly mated wolves…”
Staring into space as Silvius’s words vanished in the wind before they could get to me, I couldn’t help but get lost in my own world.
My world of fantasy.
I burrowed deeper into the chair, relaxing my tired bones and feeding my eyes with nothing in particular.
It was strange how I developed the habit of zoning out recently.
It was funny how concentration was almost impossible… especially around her.
This was unlike me.
What was happening to me?!
Not even Silvius nor Amelia got my undivided attention. What was she doing to me?
Who does she think she was?
“Alpha?! Alpha?!” Silvius’ voice brought me out of my long train of thought
Adjusting quickly to avoid his suspicion, I turned my gaze to him, clearing my throat before giving him a slight nod to continue.
“Are you alright, Alpha?” He asked, furrowing his brows suspiciously, “You look like you are not here with me. Like you are absentminded,”
“I am not absentminded,” I growled, anger seeping through me at his choice of words.
I was not an absentminded Alpha.
“I wasn’t saying you were absent minded, I just said you look absentminded. No offense,” He said in surrender, slightly raising his hands in the air briefly.
“I see no difference,” I gritted, irritation flooding my veins.
Why do I get irritated easily these days?
“As I was saying, in order to acquire that mass of land, we need to meet an old Alpha, your father’s friend. He can get us…”
And in a blink of an eye, my ears were shut to Silvius’ words. Not only my ears, but my whole body, focusing on the one thing that consumed me.
The little beautiful girl with mysterious strawberry-coloured hair.
“Our mate,” Tyson added, earning a growl to seep from my throat, “I can’t wait to taste her again. Those delicious slippery juices…”
“Get out of my head, Silvius,” I hissed, blocking him immediately.
Thanks to him for making me almost mate and mark Esmeralda.
My lips slowly broke into a smile at the thought of Esmeralda.
Funny little mate.
Shy little mate
Naughty little mate.
The way she moaned my name on those delicious lips made me want to shove my dick in her mouth.
It would be perfect there.
I was the type that had dominance over self-control, but the few moments I had with Esmeralda erased every bit of self-control I had.
It was strangely amusing how she managed to take over me in a short while. How she made me crave her presence, her touch, her scent, her body…
I didn’t know how she did it, but I must commend her effort.
“So what do you think, Alpha?”
I jolted from Silvius’ sudden question, adjusting myself on my seat before giving him my attention, but it was too late as Silvius’ curious eyes caught me.
An uncomfortable silence ensued as my hand found its way to my head, itching my head in confusion.
Strange. I had never been confused before. Thanks to Esmeralda.
Silvius’ impatient eyes found mine again, urging me to give him feedback on his report. But my brain was blank…
What the fuck do I say?
“Uhm, that’s an excellent plan, Silvius, you can execute it,” I ordered, avoiding his judgy gaze.
I wasn’t in the mood for Silvius.
“That was an excellent plan?” He exclaimed, “I didn’t even say anything about making plans. That’s it, you’ve not been listening,”
“What is wrong with you? You’ve been zoning out too often,”
“Get out, Silvius,” I ordered, turning away from him.
“What? You haven’t even listened to what I came here to say. This is unlike you. Something is not right,” He whispered, giving me a suspicious stare.
I knew what was on his mind. But I don’t care.
“Don’t tell me it’s Esmeralda that is making you….” He broke the silence, causing an irritating groan from me.
“That’s it. Get out and the only time you get to speak with me again is after you’ve apologized to her,”
“Yes, Alpha,” Silvius muttered, bowing briefly before heading toward the door.
“You don’t get to call her Esmeralda anymore, it’s Luna for you,” I said in a warning tone.
“Yes, Alpha,” He muttered silently, glancing at me before walking out of the door.
The room was filled with emptiness after the slamming of the door.
My gaze travelled to the dim sum that was gradually covered by thick clouds, giving a shade of orange colour that reflected on my glass wall.
A thrill of pleasure flooded me when my gaze landed on the lonely garden that sat some distance away from my office.
The garden where I spend time with my siblings.
I miss the serenity. I miss the memories it held.
I vowed never to step my feet in there again to avoid an outburst of the memories. But my encounter with Esmeralda taught me not to hold on to memories of the past, no matter how painful they were, but to create new ones.
That was it. I was going to let go of the past and create a new memory.
One that would last forever.
Like a flash of light, I grabbed the emerald locket in my drawer, slammed my office door and headed to the hallway, deliberately avoiding the path that led to the North wing.
I couldn’t stop blushing like a fool as I made my way to Esmeralda’s room.
“Watch it!” Someone screamed in the dark as I almost collided with him, “I didn’t know it was you, Alpha, I’m so sorry,” He bowed, trembling greatly as my aura filled the space.
I should have known better than to run in the dark hallway.
“Sorry,” I muttered, before stabilizing him and getting him on his feet.
“Did you just apologize?” He gasped in disbelief. Despite the hallway being dark, I could see his large eyes that popped out of their sockets and the redness of his flushed cheeks.
“Did I? Whatever,” I said dismissively, walking away from him.
Did I really apologize?
I was the Blood Alpha and I don’t apologize.
What is wrong with me these days?
What was she doing to me?
Halting as I faced the familiar door that caused me to frown, I knocked thrice, patiently waiting for Esmeralda’s sweet welcoming voice.
Seconds grew into unbearable minutes, but no one replied to me.
Angrily, I pushed the door open to reveal Esmeralda clad in a short white towel with water dripping from her hair to the floor.
“Alpha,” She gasped, pinning her gaze on the floor, “I didn’t know you were at the door,”
Focus, Kade. I muttered to myself, looking away from her tempting body.
“It’s alright, I just came to see you,” I fumbled with words, fidgeting with my fingers, “Sorry about earlier,”
“It’s… okay,” She replied, glancing at me briefly before looking elsewhere to hide her tomato-stained cheeks.
“Talk, Kade, don’t be a pussy,” Tyson chided, irritated by the silence, “You didn’t come all the way here to just see her and be silent,”
“Stop this already, Tyson,” I gritted, frustrated by his incessant interruptions.
“Esmy, I don’t… know if you will be free this evening,” I started, stammering when our gaze locked.
“I don’t do anything. You told me not to clean anymore,”
“I wanted to ask if you would like us to… take… a walk in… the garden,” I stammered as my heart raced in anticipation.
This was so strange and weird.
All my life, I have never asked. When I want something, I take it with force.
The uncomfortable silence did no justice as my heartbeat accelerated.
Please, don’t say no. Please, don’t say no.
“It’s not a problem, Alpha,” She smiled, biting her lower lip.
“Is that a yes?” I asked impatiently.
“It is,”
I did a quick victory dance in my head, “So I will be waiting for you in the garden, by the fountain. Don’t be late,” I cleared my throat before walking out of the room.