Gavin’s POV
I was stunned when I saw her again. She’s really a beauty.
My forehead furrowed when I noticed that she lose weight and she look so stress.
But how can she manage to be that beautiful? That even though she looks very stress and lost a lot of weight she still look stunning. When did stress became your source of beauty?!
I just shook my head with the things I said to myself. Maybe I was too in love with this girl that is why I am like this. It seems like even if she became a skeleton, she will always be the most beautiful girl in my eyes.
Why can’t she just chose me? If she chose me I will make sure that she will not lose weight and will not be stressed like that. I will do everything just to make her happy.
I clenched my jaw. How does he take care of Aubree?
I was just shake my head. Who can’t be stressed in a secret relationship?
You don’t deserve that kind of relationship. You don’t deserve him Aubree. I hope you see that. I hope you see me, that I am more deserving of your love.
“Hey Gav!” Sam called me.
I turned my gazed in her. “Yes?”
“Are you with us? You are spacing out.” She joked.
“Yes. I’m sorry I was just thinking about work.” I lied.
“Hey Gavin! Can you take a break from your work first? We are here to dine and bond. You can’t do two things at once.” She said.
I scratched my nape and smiled. “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry.” I said then smile.
I’m really thankful that Sam is here. Ever since I met her, I feel very comfortable with her she even became my girl best friend. Maybe that is also the reason why she is the one I chose to court before.
“You two look sweet.” Seb blurted out.
We both turned our attention on him.
I can see that he is happy for Sam. I smirked. Finally I have something that I like about this guy.
I can see they he also love Sam, thought not in a romantic way. You can see it in the way he treated her. Why can’t he just fall for Sam? It will be better if he did.
“Of course we are.” Sam sweetly said.
I looked at Sam. I knew that she is trying her very best to look and sound happy but I knew better what she truly feel.
I know her. She may be the ever positive Sam Castillo but deep inside she is hurting.
I hold her hand to comfort her like what we always do whenever we want to comfort each other. I will always be here for her.
She looked at me and smiled meaningfully.
Aubree’s POV
I was surprised at the closeness they have now. Maybe I didn’t see that before because Sam is busy with Seb while Gav is busy in our pretend relationship.
I was informed that they remained friends after they broke up and they are communicating each other every time that they have their free time. Gav just avoids her a bit when Sam does her “guilty drama”.
Now that I see how close they are with each other and how well they knew each other, I feel envious. We are studying in the same school in high school but I never had a chance to be close to him. Even during the U. N. event, we never had chance to talked. I’m close with his friends but we never had a chance together.
Maybe if Gav and I had a chance to talked before, we might become so close with each other.
I don’t know if it’s okay to feel hurt every time I think they might fall for each other. After all she was Gav’s only girlfriend.
I want to be jealous, seeing how sweet and nice he is to her, I can’t get anything from him, even just a forced smile.
I felt chest tightness when I saw Gav holding Sam’s hand, and as if he has a hidden message on her.
I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take this pain anymore.
I stood up. “Excuse me.” I only said then I hurried out.
“Wait! Bree wait!” I can hear Seb calling me.
I ignore him. I act as if I didn’t hear anything and just left the restaurant.
I stopped when I reach the parking lot.
I felt Seb’s hand on my right shoulder.
I was so bit my lower lip. I feel so guilty towards him.
I’m guilty because I walked out. I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to see the way Gavin treated her. But having this kind of feeling is very wrong because I already have a boyfriend.
“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.
I shook my head. “I can’t do this anymore.” I whispered.
I could feel the trembling of his hand resting on my shoulder.
He immediately turned to faced me. I can see the fear in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” You can see the panic in his voice and face.
“This. Pretending everything is okay, when the truth is I AM NOT OKAY! Seb I’m not okay.” I said trembling.
I couldn’t stop crying. I need this. I need to cry my heart out. It seems that somehow I feel lighter.
“Shhh …” He immediately hugged me to calm me down.
“We will talk about this. But not tonight. You need to rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Seb said calmly. Then he kiss me on my nape.
I nodded while still crying.