The alpha’s Maid
"The Alpha's Maid" is a gripping tale set in a world of werewolves, where an alpha shapeshifter finds himself unknowingly in love with his maid. The story explores themes of forbidden love, duty, and the struggle between societal expectations and personal desires. As the alpha navigates the complexities of his feelings and the rules of his kingdom, he and his companions embark on a journey filled with trials, tribulations, and ultimately, triumphs. With all chapters, the story takes you on an epic adventure
Total 60 Chapter(s)
- The Ending fate
- A Glimmer of Hope
- Unleashed its full power upon Evelyn
- healing the pains
- Creature lunged forward
- certain Destruction
- Determination to uncover the truth
- knowledge of the prophecy
- Test of Faith
- A Time for Reflection
- Echoes of battles of a new beginning
- A Gathered true prophesy
- Forgotten Prophecy comes
- The Quest for a Balance age
- hope restored
- The Battle for Evermoon
- The Trial of Leadership and strength
- The Bonds of Friendship.
- The Call of the Unknown
- The Path Forward.
- A Celebration of Unity
- Clash of Titans
- The Alliance of Light
- Hope lives again
- The Hero’s Journey
- revealing of Destiny
- The Bonds of Friendship
- The Path Forward
- The Festival of Renewal
- The Unraveling of Deception
- Unraveling Truths
- The Unraveling Threads
- A New Dawn
- Shadows of the Past
- The Return of Light
- The Descent into Darkness
- The Quest for Lost Knowledge
- The Path to Reconciliation
- Rebuilding from the Ashes II
- The Gathering Storm
- A Beacon of Hope
- The Quest for Knowledge
- A Time for Renewal
- Seeds of Change
- Rebuilding from the Ashes
- The Last Stand
- The Council of Elders
- The Test of Faith
- The Light of Hope
- The Bonds of Brotherhood
- Chapter 10: The Dawn of a New Age
- Chapter 9: The Quest for the Ancients
- Chapter 8: The Gathering Storm
- Chapter 7: Rebuilding and Reconciliation
- Chapter 6: The Legacy of Love
- Chapter 5: A Beacon of Hope
- Chapter 4: Trials of Redemption
- Chapter 3: Bonds of Love and Sacrifice
- Chapter 2: Whispers of Rebellion
- Chapter 1: The Unexpected Encounter