Book:Her Redemption Published:2024-6-2

Chapter 94
After the burial Diana came back to Los Angeles but she wasn’ther usual self. She would sob and cry on most days. She thought she hated her Mother but now her Mom was dead she understood that she was just overwhelmed by the pains of life. She wished she had prayed for her Mum or even taken enough time to advice her but it was too late.
Sam saw that her friend was emotionally downcast and she took it upon herself to see that Diana’s spirit was lifted again. She was going to make sure Diana grew spiritually. Actually Diana followed her to church on some occasions but she wasn’t really rooted in the word of God. Diana loved the church but she wasn’t steady maybe it was because if how the teachings countered fornication and adultery. She felt guilty anytime she head such teachings.
Sam payed her a visit at home to let her know that the youth Pastor of their church would love to see her on the next Sunday after service.
“Hey Diana” Sam greeted with a wide toothy smile.
“Hey friend, i didn’t know you were coming” Diana admitted.
“My baby, how are you doing? ” Diana questioned as she lifted Ciara up. The little girl gave her so much joy.
“Where is your brother, you didn’t come with your brother why? ” Diana enquired from her little friend.
“David is playing table tennis with Dad at home” Ciara answered.
“Oh wow, that’s imteresting”
“Do you play tennis too? ” Diana asked Ciara.
“No I don’t, I love to be a princess” Ciara answered with a smile on her face and everyone laughed.
“So what do I offer you? ” Diana turned to Sam who had helped herself already with a Seat.
“Urhhm fruit juice will do” Sam replied.
“Okay I’ll be back” Diana assured as she went to the fridge and came back with two glasses of pineapple flavoured juice.
“So Diana, I’ve noticed how your mental health has gone bad and I’m here to help you my friend”. Sam went to the reason why she came.
“Oh yeah, I’ve been through a lot and in the process of trying to be hard-hearted I’ve lost myself” Diana confessed.
“You haven’t lost yourself friend, you can be you again. You just need to tell it all to Jesus darling” Sam assured her as she picked her glass and gulped from it.
“I believe Jesus could help me but sometimes I feel I’m not worthy enough to go to him” Diana spoke in sincerity.
“No one is worthy darling. You just have to be sorry and he’ll listen to you” Sam countered her thoughts.
“By the way Pastor Kelvin wants to see you after Service on Sunday so make sure you are in church alright?” Sam told her.
“Oh okay, Ill be there ” Diana assured.
They chatted for a while about stuffs and Diana found herself laughing throughout Sam’s stay in her house, she wished they could stay with her for some days as their presence brightened their mood today extent. Well her wish wasn’t possibhe as Sam was a married Woman. She was however greatful for their visit and she hugged them passionately when they were leaving the house.
On Sunday Diana kept to her promise of coming to church. She looked good in her Sunday dress. She wire a dark green blazer dress and a black stiletto heel. Sam was so happy to see her. She followed her to Pastor Kelvin’s office after which she left.
“Hi Pastor” Sam greeted with Smiles.
“Hi Sam, Ho was service today ” Pastor Kelvin enquired cheerfully.
“Oh it was splendid, I enjoyed the word the most today” Sam pointed out.
“That’s great, is this Diana” He asked as he had seen her only twice.
“Yes she is” Sam admitted placing her hands on Diana’s shoulders.
“Hello beloved” Pastor Kelvin greeted as he stretched out his hands towards Diana for a handshake which she shook and greeted back.
“Hello Pastor”
“Nice to see you after all these while” Pastor Kelvin went on.
“Same here Sir” She replied gracefully.
“Okay, ill be on my way Pastor, my kids and husband are waiting for me” San excused herself.
“Diana we’ll talk on phone” Sam added as she made for the door.
“Diana I’m aware of all that had happened to to and I just want you to know that you can cast all your burdens upon the lord” Pastor Kelvin talked calmly.
“He said in his word that his thought towards you are thoughts of good and not of evil and they’re all to give you an expected end” he continued .
“And all things working together for good to them that live the Lord, so you have to be intentional about your love towards God for him to fight for you” Pastor Kelvin explained.
“Yes Pastor but I don’t even know how to love the Lord. I’m not sure how to go about it” Diana grumbled.
“Don’t worry dear, it’s an easy thing. Ill share some scriptures with you to meditate on weekly so you can build your faith and love for him” Pastor Kelvin assured her.
“Okay Sir, ill appreciate that” Diana thanked him.
After the talK session, He held hands with her and prayed for her, specifically for her mind and her spirit. He blessed her and dismissed her. Diana felt relieved and happy as she was about to have a connection with her creator.