Book:Her Redemption Published:2024-6-2

Chapter 82
It was weekend and Liam went to get his Dad from the airport. The moment he sighted his Dad he was beaming with smiles. He walked up to him majestically and they hugged so passionately.
“Oh Dad, it’s so nice to see you ” Liam smiled as he helped his Dad with his luggage.
“Same here Son, I’ve missed my dearest son” Mr Maxwell exclaimed as he followed his Son to his Car.
Liam drove his Dad swiftly from the airport to his home. Mr B. Maxwell was impressed with his Son’s driving.
“Son, you drive so well, I’m proud of you” Mr Maxwell opened the Car door and started taking a scope at the environment.
“Oh really? Thanks Dad, I’m such a gentleman you know? “Liam took his Dad and showed him the way.
“This is such a beautiful environment” Mr Maxwell applauded scoping the environment. It was decorated with ornamental plants and the space was quite attractive .
“I know right? I love it too” Liam smiled taking his keys to open his front door.
“So Dad, how is England?” Liam opened the door beckoning on his Dad to go inside.
“England is great, I’ve been expecting you but you never showed up ” Liam’s Dad sat down one of the sofas as he begin to admire the furnishing of his son’s house. He was quite impressed.
“Oh Dad, I’ll visit you, I sure do have it in mind to come over, it’s just work and other stuffs” Liam put the TV on.
“Liam I love your furnishing and the lighting, your house looks so cool. Liam dad complimented as he couldn’t get over the house.
“The ladies must love here too” He added with smiles.
“What ladies Dad? ”
“The ones that come here of course” Mr Maxwell grinned hard.
“Hahahaha, you’re quite naughty dad, I ordered food, I think it’ll be here in ten minutes ” Liam said.
“Oh wow, what did you order” Mr Maxwell rejoiced at the sound of food.
“Spaghetti ”
“Hope you still love them ” Liam asked because Pastas were his dad’s favourite while he was a child.
“My love for Pasta is unconditional ” Mr Maxwell replied and the both of them laughed.
“Okay Dad, let’s go the my bedroom so you could take a shower, you need one” Liam stood up leading the way to his bedroom. ********
The two Men were watching wrestling , it was an old Match though. They munched on some peanuts while watching the wrestling. They used to do this when Liam was younger, the difference now is that they no longer had the exact energy and excitement they had back then when watching it.
“You know? It’s becoming so glaring that wrestling is a fine script ” Mr Maxwell threw some peanuts into his mouth.
“These people come on stage to practice what they rehearsed and it’s so sad”
“Because how can you explain all this? Liam’s Dad lamented.
“It’s really sickening and the worst is that I don’t fan all the guys I used to fan”Liam said.
“They have all become annoying characters, just look at Roman reigns, he is so annoying now. Liam added.
“I wonder how they get the motivation, I mean these guys who buy ticket to watch the show live” Liam’s Dad threw some more Peanuts into his mouth.
“I feel like, they’re just bored people who don’t have anywhere else to go to ” Liam laughed.
After a few minutes of staring at the television, Mr Liam decided to engage Liam in the conversation he had in mind when he decided to visit Liam
“So how is your love life Liam? You haven’t found someone you want to marry? Liam’s Dad asked with eyes wide opened.
“Oh Dad”
“I haven’t, actually I did but she broke my heart and left me” Liam answered wishing they did not have this conversation.
“Who? You mean Diana”Mr Maxwell asked fully aware that she was the one.
“You need to let go, take her away from your mind” Mr Maxwell advised.
“Yes she is a beautiful and lovely girl but she wasn’t meant for you, Can’t you see it? He continued
“You are such a handsome Man and if you open your heart, you’ll find a sweet girl for you ” he added.
“Oh Dad but my heart belongs to Diana, don’t you understand” Liam dropped the peanuts he was holding back into the saucer. He had lost appetite for it.
“But she doesn’t want your heart anymore, your heart is yours and you’ll decide who shares it with you ” Mr Maxwell moved closely to Liam.
“Look Son, I understand what you’re going through but you have to give love a chance, you don’t wanna grow old without a woman in your life, do you? ” He continued.
“No matter how successful you are, without a Woman you’re incomplete and they are heights you will never attain without a woman by your side” Mr Maxwell Patted his back in a hard way.
“So my Son, brace up, open your heart and you’ll find the one for it okay? “He concluded with a Smile.
“Okay Dad, I’ll give it a try and hope I don’t get broken again” Liam agreed reluctantly.
“You won’t Son”
“Just call me whenever you need my advice or something, I’ll always be available for you ” Mr Maxwell assured him as he turned to the TV again. Liam turned to the Television too but he wasn’t paying attention, he was pondering on the things his Dad spoke about.