During the ride into the city, I laid my head on his shoulder. Two weeks ago, Mathew revealed the estate’s precise location to me. To be honest, I didn’t realize we were so close to the city, but I did know that Nicola and Mathew could make the trip there and back in a day.
Thick snowflakes were falling by the time we reached the city, dusting the sidewalks. I appreciated the more sober, weather-appropriate attire Nicola had given me. Maybe he enjoys it when I wear nothing but a bathrobe around the house, but he never lets anyone see Mathew staring at me in that state. When it didn’t involve Mathew, he was just as possessive as ever.
When Nicola opened the door and helped me out, I pulled my light pink pea coat closer around me because I was cold. Not more than a few seconds passed before he had me inside the restaurant, and then Mathew had pulled away from the curb in search of a parking spot.
My stomach was knotting up with anxiety, but I forced myself to smile anyway. Normally, I would have been terrified to meet my boyfriend’s parents, but I was already familiar with the Nicola family business. Those who dine with us would be complicit in his father’s criminal activities because he was a career criminal. Despite Nicola’s assurances that his father was looking forward to meeting me, I was uneasy at the prospect of interacting with a mobster.
This guy is the real deal when it comes to the mob. Neither Nicola nor Mathew were included in the tally.
After leaving our coats with the young man at the host stand, Nicola escorted me around the restaurant. It was clear that Nicola was well-known among the staff there. All of them were smiling and greeting him politely.
When we reached a locked door in the restaurant’s back, Nicola ushered me inside without hesitating.
“Nicola!” A man’s voice echoed, loud and full of happiness.
Although I kept my back to Nicola, I saw the older man rise from his place at the head of the table. His brows were heavy and thick, and he had a square jaw. He didn’t resemble Nicola at all, whose sexiness was almost unbearable on a guy. The similarities ended with their pale, aquamarine eyes, and I realized this man must be Nicola’s dad.
“show me this woman. “As he came up to us, he motioned for Nicola to move out of the way. When he saw me, a genuine smile spread across his features. “Surely you are Emily. What a shocker! I can see why my son has been trying to keep you hidden. ”
Since I was still unable to accept his greeting, he moved in and gripped my shoulders, lightly kissing my face with a familiar air before abruptly drawing away. I could hardly keep up with the speed of the intense dialogue.
“Nice to meet you, Mr., I said, remembering my proper manners from childhood. You are really kind to invite me to supper; I appreciate that very much. Nicholas has raved about your eatery to me. ”
I was just getting my nerves back to normal when the door opened behind me. Then, when Mathew moved to stand next to me, I felt his fingertips touch the small of my back.
His father exclaimed, “Mathew,” almost as enthusiastically as he had spoken to Nicola. ” I’m delighted that you were able to make it. The table has been set for a true family dinner. Let’s all take a seat. ”
He waved us over to the table and took his place at the head once again. There were seven place settings on the table. I saw a little, middle-aged lady standing on his father left. Though she had begun to show small creases around her eyes, Nicola’s attractive features and glossy black hair could not have been more obviously inherited.
I smiled at her as brightly as I could.. “Nice to meet you, too.”
When I smiled at her, she cocked her head in back. “I’m glad to meet the woman who abducted my son.” The tone was a little cold, although she was courteous on the surface.
In an effort to calm my racing heart, my eyes quickly shifted away from hers. The man on Mr. Nicola fathr’s right caught my attention. I knew right once that he was Mathew’s dad. Only around twenty years separated them, yet it was impossible to tell them apart. Even down to the icy glimmer in his dark eyes, Philip mirrored Mathew’s persona. At first, Mathew’s tough appearance scared me, but as time went on, I got to know him better. In my heart, I always sensed that he was a lovely and compassionate man.
At first, I wasn’t sure whether Philip had a kind, generous heart underneath his tough appearance.
To show his appreciation, he nodded his head slightly. ” Hello, Miss! ”
His welcome consisted of silence. I could see why she may feel resentful against her. After Nicola began dating me, he decided to run away from his family. It was the present and he was still residing at Mathew’s place with me rather than in his own.
However, Mathew’s dad… He only looked at me with his steely eyes, his expression unchanging.
The young man Nicola reached for a chair and seated me next to his mom. He took a seat at the far end of the table, across from his dad, and Mathew took the chair on his left. There was a part of me that really wanted to be in the middle of them, but I was afraid of how it would seem. I tried to hide my embarrassment as well as I could.
“Hey, I’m Jim. ”
I blinked and then concentrated on the very last diner. Between Mathew and his dad was a young guy who couldn’t have been more than eighteen. The genuineness of his broad grin convinced me to reciprocate it. No one at the dinner table looked anything like the youngster. Interestingly, he seemed to have Mathew’s stepmother’s hazel eyes, but that was about it.