He felt like today the devil was controlling his body, he forgot what is right and what is wrong, he only knows one thing that Carol is his.
After he broke the kiss Carol’s eyes were teary, her lips were swollen and she was panting heavily after catching her breath she said “You already have a wife! Why are you doing this?” she said, losing control and crying hysterically.
He pinned her on the bed and said grinding his teeth, “I don’t care anything else, I just want you, only you, you are mine only mine”
Saying this he again started kissing her wildly, he looked like the devil had possessed him and he was not himself.
Carol was beyond shocked seeing him like this, she had always seen him calm and collected; she was crying and continuously pushing him.
He started trailing his kisses on her neck and then on the collar bone, she panicked understanding what he is going to do, she started throwing her hands and legs begging, “Please let me go, I beg you.. please”
But all her begging went unheard by Lucas, soon he had thrown all her clothes on the floor and now she was lying naked beneath him.
He said like a maniac caressing her body, “You know Carol, this body is mine, your soul is mine, and only I can touch you, if you dare to allow anyone close to you, I will kill that person along with his family, and BELIEVE. ME. I. WILL. DO. IT” last statement he said word by word to make her believe that he will do what he is saying.
Carol was shivering in fear, she was crying hysterically and begging but her begging didn’t reach Lucas’s ears, he stood up from her, she thought that he changed his mind and before he again changed his mind she wanted to run away.
Lucas was unbuttoning his shirt and taking the opportunity.
She immediately stood from the bed and ran towards the door forgetting that she was all naked, but before she could reach the doorknob, she was pulled back by a strong pair of hands holding her waist and was thrown on the bed harshly.
She again sat and tried to get up but this time Lucas grabbed both hands and tried it with his tie which he had just removed.
Carol was crying and continuously pleading, but Lucas was blinded by anger and he growled at her face, “You want to run away from me and go to that Sam, huh?”
“Today I will mark you as mine” saying, he jumped on her like a hungry wolf that got its prey after long, forgetting that she was a virgin he pushed himself inside her harshly and started devouring her.
She was crying hard because of pain, “please let me go, it hurts, it hurts too much, I can’t take it”
But nothing stopped and soon she fainted, but Lucas who was like a Satan today didn’t stop even after she went unconscious he continued till he was satisfied.
On the other hand, Carol’s mother, her friend Sam were very much worried about Carol’s disappearance, they tried to look for her everywhere but could not find her.
They also filed the complaint with the police, but it’s been three days and there was no news of Carol, her mother was continuously crying worrying about her daughter, her only family member.
Alice was also worried and asked Alex to look for her, he said he was trying but somehow she felt that something was wrong with Alex, how come he was so calm when he knew Carol was missing.
But Alice dusted off this thought that she might be overthinking.
On Lucas’s side, he tormented Carol for three days continuously but also took her care like his own life, but now because of shock, Carol was not responding to anything.
Her eyes were empty as if she lost the sense of her surroundings; Lucas cooked some food for her to bring for her, he made her take a bath, she was like a doll that cannot speak or react.
Lucas changed her clothes, and made her sit on the bed, and started feeding her while talking to her, “You know Carol; I always thought that I loved Catherine, but you changed my perception, I never loved anyone like I love you”
“You know if you are not around me I feel I cannot breathe, I want to see you around me all the time, I am unable to think of anything else if you are not around me”
“I always thought that even if a person love someone, everyone have their own freedom and space but I am not able to do it with you”
“I can’t see you with anyone and on that day when I saw you hugging Sam, I lost my mind, Carol believe me or not, I love you more than anything”
“I love you more than I love myself, I know what I have done is wrong but I do not regret it, because now I know what I wanted on that day in church, I followed Catherine only for my baby in her belly”
“But believe me, in these days I realized that I even hate her touch, I only want you to touch me, I will take responsibility of that child but I will marry you, I want to spend my whole life with you”
I want to get up every morning by your side, seeing your beautiful face”
“Carol, please never hate me,…..”
Before he could continue his phone again buzzed for the nth time from the morning, it was his secretary’s call, he gently wiped Carol’s mouth and said, “I will be back”
Saying this he walked out of the room to attend the call.
He came back after some time and found Carol sitting in the same position as he left her and looking at the wall, he walked to her and made her sleep on the bed and covered her with the duvet.