
Book:Animal Instinct Published:2024-6-2

She was playing with her food at dinner. She had avoided him all day with a frown, she didn’t want him to force her into having sex again, not the whole entire day the way he would’ve wanted. How was she going to cope with it? Being with him reminded her how much she couldn’t stand him anymore.
“Aren’t you going to eat your food?” he was used to her resistance, but Armand always knew his way around her. He actually enjoyed the chasing game.
She shook her head, “I’m not hungry.”
“It’s really good … you don’t like it?”
Laura walked in to serve the desert.
“Don’t insult the chef by not eating … is the food not good enough for you?” he started to taunt her.
“Would you like something else Madam?” Laura felt responsible.
“No, it’s not the food … really, I’m just not very hungry.”
“Maybe it’s not her taste, do you want to skip to dessert?”
Laura was standing next to her feeling unease that she wasn’t eating her food. “Would you like me to heat it up for you?”
She took a bite, “No, I’m sorry, I’m being rude, the food is really good, Laura, thank you.”
“You know what’s good for dessert?” Armand said as he laid back in his chair.
Laura was eager to listen to what her employer would want for the next day.
“My wife’s pussy … spread open on this table … would you like to watch me eat her, Laura?”
Laura blushed, his statement didn’t need her response. She picked up the dirty plate.
“What? It would be fun to watch … she moans like a porn star when I put my tongue inside her, it’s a real treat,” he smiled.
“You’re drunk.”
He took a gulp of his wine and finished everything in it, he signaled Laura to pour him some more. “Of course I am … you’ve been avoiding me all day, what else should I be doing?” He popped his prescription pill and drank it with his wine. He never let his eyes off of her.
She covered her face and took a long breath, “I wasn’t avoiding you … I just have too much on my mind.” She had to stir him back before he went out of control.
“Would you care to share it with me? Or would you like to vomit it out in the toilet?” he turned his wine glass in his hand while anticipating her answer.
She creased her brow, “What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know … you tell me, Ari, you’re not the only one who has things in your mind, why were you so upset to hear the news? You spent a whole hour crying over your kidnapper?”
“I wasn’t crying …”
He threw the glass against the wall and the crash jolted her and Laura who was still picking up plates.
“No? Then what were you doing?” his calmness was intense.
There was fire in his eyes, he had been wracking his brain about it for days and he couldn’t figure out what it was.
“I … I was sick to my stomach … I thought it was because of the news …”
His face was stern, “What do you mean?”
“I missed my period … I don’t know yet, I’m not so sure … but maybe …”
She did miss her period, but then she had sex with Diego, and it has occupied her mind ever since.
His face turned soft, “Really? Have you taken a test?”
Laura was cleaning the shattered glass from the floor, she didn’t want to stay too long in that room but she was witnessing their volatile relationship as the day goes by. She understood why Ari seemed distant all the time.
“No, it’s too early to test it … I think.”
A smile bloomed across his face, “That’s good news, my love … we should be celebrating.”
“Well … we can’t be sure yet, I’ll take a test after we’re back home.”
He stood and walked over to her, he ran his hand along her arm and landed on the back of her neck, “You should’ve told me this earlier … I thought you were hiding something from me,” he spoke into her ear.
He slipped his other hand under her dress and touched her breast, “We should be doing what husband and wife do on their honeymoon, Ari, make sure there really is a baby inside you.” He breathed her in while he groped her. “I’ve killed for you, Ari, I would be very disappointed if you’re hiding things from me … are you hiding things from me?”
“No … I don’t feel like myself these past few days … I just remembered I missed my period,” she said.
He thrust his tongue inside her mouth, his breath smelled like the wine he’d been drinking half the day. He lifted her onto the table, hiked her dress up. He had been wanting to do it since before dinner. He ripped her top off, she gasped. “Good … now I want my dessert.”
She looked into her husband’s eyes, they were hungry for her. Sex was the only thing that can distract him. With Laura in the other room probably listening to everything that’s going on, it was either she let him have what he wanted or Laura would pay for the consequences.
He pulled off her pantie and spread her legs on the dining table. She pushed the back of his head and let him do what he had been craving all day. All the while her mind was wandering to another place. She might be pregnant, she may not be. She may be pregnant with his baby, or she might not.
She tilted her head back while she relished every bit of him inside her, she closed her eyes and the only face she could see was Diego’s.