She was shivering on the car drive to the house. It wasn’t so much the chilling air conditioner, it was her body reacting to what was coming. As if her entire cells rejected the thought of going ‘home’.
Pasquale turned off the air conditioner, “You have to at least pretend that you’re glad to be back, he had rescued you from captivity … put on a smile when you see him … can you do that?”
She hugged herself, and nodded.
“He’s gonna be overjoyed with your return … make him feel all his suffering was worth it, okay?”
She glared at him, if anyone was suffering, it was her.
“As far as we’re both concerned, he doesn’t know that you planned your own kidnapping … as long as you’re able to keep the peace with him, he doesn’t have to know the truth, it’s better for all of us.”
Pasquale’s job was his life, order in the family is equal to an orderly life for him. He was only doing his job, even at the expense of Ari’s happiness. She was the key to get things back in order.
“You’re newlyweds … you’re supposed to be enjoying this moment together despite all the trouble you’ve been through … I’ve arranged the villa for you to have some quiet time together, I know how much he loves it there, take a week off … rekindle your relationship as husband and wife, I will clean up all the mess and he’ll come back as a new man because you’re here now,” he smiled sincerely.
The marble house felt colder that day. There was no one to welcome them at the entrance. His mother, Veronica, was no more. She was the only thing that warmed that place when she was alive. A huge portrait of her still hung on the wall, her beautiful face faintly smiling. It used to be a symbol of a throne, Veronica was the queen in that house and now the berth is passed down to her. She wondered if she will have the same fate as her predecessor.
Pasquale walked her inside the house. It was dead silent. It still has the same scent just not the people. It was the first time she was back in her world without the people that were used to it. The maid bowed her head at her as she passed, and the bodyguard, and another maid. The walk to Armand’s compartment was long and heavy.
“He never comes out of his room since he was back here … except for the funeral,” Pasquale said.
He made eye contact to the guard in front of the room to make sure Armand was alone. The guard nodded and opened the door.
The maids weren’t allowed to enter the room since he got back. It was only him and a series of girls that came in and turned the room upside down. Things were scattered all over the floor, sticky with spilled water, food and white substance that she reckoned was heroin or whatever drug he was abusing.
The room was a depiction of his state of mind. Pasquale wasn’t lying. It was a total chaos.
She swallowed hard and lifted her chin up before entering the room.
A figure emerged from the back where the bedroom was. He wasn’t wearing any shirt, his trousers hung just below his pelvis. The deep long scar across his chest was visible. He looked pale and a little thinner than the last time she saw him. His wavy black hair was messy, his eyes glassy but they lit up when they saw the face he’s been yearning for.
She held her breath as he walked over to her, she was stiffing herself for his embrace.
He wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could, his eyes were closed, he breathed her in. As if he was making sure that she was real.
She could feel his heartbeat on her chest. She slowly raised her arms to hug him back. She could feel his face pressed on her cheek, he was shedding tears.
He cupped her face and grabbed her mouth with his. He kissed her so hard she could hardly breathe. “I love you,” he said and kissed her again. “I love you so much.”
Pasquale smiled at the sweet reunion. He cleared his throat, his presence was no longer needed, “I guess I’ll be going home now … I will arrange for a press conference tomorrow to announce your return.”
Armand broke away from his kiss, his eyes serenely looking into hers with a smile, “Yes … whatever you need to do,” he scoffed. “I’m just glad you’re home … your hair?” he touched her short hair.
She curved her lips, she didn’t know how to explain it.
“I don’t care … you’re here now, you’re alright … everything’s gonna be alright,” he hugged her tight that her face was buried under his arm.
“I will clear things up with the police, there’s no need for them to continue their search for her kidnapper … it’s taken care of,” Pasquale added.
“Is he dead?” Armand made sure.
“Yes, Arturo took care of him.”
“Good … did you find out who hired him?”
“Not yet … he wasn’t talking, I’m guessing it’s from another family, he took the Omerta,” he lied and Ari was listening in.
“Well find out which family, and make them pay, make sure they know that we know,” Armand said calmly.
“We’ll discuss it later, now you go have your reunion, or honeymoon, or whatever … I’ve set up the villa for you, Armand, you should go there tomorrow after the conference,” he patted Armand on the shoulder.
Armand let go of Ari and hugged Pasquale, “Thank you … you have exceeded my expectations, and you will be rewarded for all you’ve done … I will never forget this.”
“Oh that’s very generous of you, I’m just doing my job, everything’s gonna be alright now … everything will be back to normal, you treat your wife nicely now and let uncle Pasquale know what you need,” he was all smiles and relieved with the outcome.
“Of course,” Armand grabbed his arm with a satisfied look on his face.
Armand closed the door behind him and put on the locks after Pasquale left. He turned to her and they stood in front of each other, alone at last.