What he said stayed with her. It made a lot of sense. Living on the run, hiding the truth about who you really are is a lonely way to live. She was looking at at least 10 years of that in her future, the question was, will she be able to stay hidden for that long. Even if she could, will she be able to endure the unbearable loneliness?
She was a bit annoyed to have to return the Geisha wig when they decided to call it a night, of course she was a bit drunk and thought she looked great in it. She didn’t.
They walked a few doors down to an Inn called The Flaming Hut, there was a neon fire sign next to the name. They cringed. It was 1 AM and they’d had a little too much to drink, The Flaming Hut was as good as The Four Seasons if they could lay their heads on the pillows after what they had to go through to get to Goldstone.
Obscene was a very mild way to describe the place. The hallway was illuminated with black light, loud music was playing 24 hours in the corridor to muffle the noises of people having hardcore sex. There were semi naked women escorting guests to their rooms and offered them ‘other’ services if they wished them to stay. They looked at each other before entering the racy bedroom with a round bed and a huge mirror on the ceiling.
The whole room was set up for sex. Something that had crossed their minds more than once in the last ten days but managed not to act upon the urges. They closed the door behind them after they politely declined Nikita’s offer for a threesome. She turned on the TV to distract them from their surroundings but the only thing that’s playing on the home channel was porn. She quickly turned it off when she couldn’t flip it to another program. There were just asses on top of asses, people humping each other and screaming unnaturally.
She laughed. She laughed so hard that she had to bend over to hold her stomach and cover her mouth.
He held his amusement to himself, it was by far the worst motel they had ever walked into.
She couldn’t stop laughing.
“Do you want to move to The Concorde instead?” he said sarcastically.
She laughed even louder. He couldn’t hold back his smile anymore.
“Don’t you wish we drank more Sake and got shitfaced than to spend our last night like this?” she finally forms words out of her mouth.
“Yeah … it’s a little too late for that, I would ask Nikita to bring us more Sake but … I don’t want her to come in with a whip and taser for that threesome.”
She laughed again and patted him on his chest, “We tried so hard to avoid it and yet it just seems to be waiting there to happen … I mean look at this place?”
He wasn’t sure what she was suggesting.
“Some things are just meant to happen … don’t you think?” she wasn’t laughing anymore. She rested her hand on his chest and slid to his waist. Their faces nearly touched. He must have known what she was talking about.
He stared deep into her eyes and tried to figure out if she really meant what he thought she meant, “You’re drunk.”
“Not drunk enough to forget that I want this … I know you want it too, I can see it in your eyes when you’re looking at me.”
He looked away, he felt caught and he wasn’t sure she really meant what she said.
She touched his face gently, “I can feel it in your kiss too … we’re longing for the same thing, Diego …”
He raised a brow, “And what is that?”
“Compassion … sincerity … someone to touch in a way we’ve never been touched before … not like this,” she leaned to kiss him.
He closed his eyes as their lips touched, it was almost painful for him because he knew it wasn’t going to do him any good if he gave in to his desires over her. He relished in the kiss. His mind was saying one thing, his body was begging to be content.
“If we never see each other again … this would be the night we’ll wonder for the rest of our lives,” her eyes were nailed to his lips, then she kissed him again.
He wasn’t denying it, his every cell screamed for her to touch him. His breath was getting heavy from the passionate kiss, he thrust his tongue in her throat, he wanted to slam her onto the bed and turn his fantasies into reality. His hands were tight around her hips, he pulled her in and slipped his hands under her shirt. There are no words to express how badly he wanted her. And she was more than willing to do the same, she withered in his arms and surrendered to his kiss, she had never been touched by another man in her life and he was touching her in all the right ways.
He stopped the kiss, their face pressed against each other, “I can’t do this, Ari …” he whispered.
“Why not?” her eyes were hazed from the passionate kiss, she didn’t want him to stop.
I can’t let myself feel anything for you, but I’m feeling everything. He couldn’t say it. “It’s a bad idea,” he said instead.
She was panting, her lips were parted and then softly grazed by her teeth, she touched his lips with her thumb. It seemed like a good idea to her, she was a little drunk and she needed him to be the comfort she won’t have for a very long time.
He could burst just by looking at her lips. Let her go, his mind said. Don’t do it. “It’s a bad idea,” he repeated it out loud so he can hear himself say it. He let her go.
“Fine,” she sighed and walked away. She took a towel and locked herself in the bathroom.
He sat on the edge of the bed and held his head. He couldn’t believe he just did that. He had betrayed his own body. His head was throbbing from the rush. He heard the shower was on, the moment had passed. He took off his shirt and pants, he turned off the lights and laid face down on the bed. He could sleep it off, he thought. Just one more night and then it’ll be over, the agonizing desire to have her will no longer haunt him. Just one more night, just close your goddamn eyes and it’ll be over by the time you wake up.
But they were wide open. His mind was sharp, the alcohol had even worn off from the adrenaline he felt from their kiss. He buried his head into the pillow, why couldn’t he let it go? He heard the bathroom door was opened, an eerie silence followed. He pretended he was sleeping.
Then he felt something heavy tilted the bed next to him and a cold touched on his back. He turned and looked, she was dripping wet with only a towel wrapped around her body. Her legs were bare up to her thighs, the towel barely covered anything beneath her waist. She was looking at him with solemn eyes, she couldn’t let it go either.
It was no use. He was lying to himself if he thought he would feel better to let the night go without it. She didn’t have to say anything. He let her climb over him and then he pulled her towel off. He put his hands on her bottom and her breast into his mouth.
She tilted her head back and let out a soft moan. She let him linger around her nipple and stroke his hair. “Aren’t you tired of watching him fucking me?” she spoke into his ear. “Fuck me, Diego … I want you to fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before.”
She meant every word. She wanted him to own her body for just one night. It was her triumph over Armand that she finally let herself go to another man, someone that she genuinely wanted and not some random guy she could’ve had before.
He laid her on her back and spread her legs. Something between them he’d been wanting to taste, he wanted to give her the pleasure he had seen from afar and now it was right at the tip of his tongue.
She was surprised by how different it felt, she whimpered. She wriggled and twitched. He grabbed her thighs and kept her still and she moaned deeper. She bit her lip, he was making her feel dazed and wet, he was exactly how she had imagined but better.
Her sighs kept him on a high, this was her, this was how he dreamt it time and time again. He took off his boxers, he was having a full hard on just by listening to her cry. He kissed her with her juice all over his mouth.
She stretched her arms up on the bed and let him hover over her. When he broke away from the kiss, she smiled at him, she liked what he was doing to her. She lifted her leg up to make room for him to enter, he watched as she squirmed beneath him, taking him all in like she was yearning for him all along.
He filled her up in one push. She sighed in pleasure, hung her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Kiss me, fuck me, ride me, she thought as he swayed her at the perfect pace that her body tensed in anticipation. She never thought that anyone else could make her feel that good, not Armand, but this whole other person she had only come to know, and it was so unfair that she only gets to do that with him just this once.