The Only One

Book:Animal Instinct Published:2024-6-2

She stood by the fireplace holding a glass of red wine. It was their 8th year anniversary of dating. Her mind wandered, she didn’t realize her cheeks were wet with tears.
He came in from behind and gave her shoulder a soft kiss. He breathed in her hair. “I love the way you smell,” he said.
He turned her around and saw the tears. He took the glass off her hand, “What is it Ari? What’s bothering you now?” He looked at her with gentle eyes and sat on the arm of the chair in front of her.
She gathered all her strength to say something to him, she has to. “I saw Katya today.”
Katya was her best friend since college, the only friend Armand had ever let her be close with.
He caressed her cheek, “And?”
“She told me everything.”
“What thing, baby?”
Her breathing became heavy, “How could you do that, Armand? She’s my best friend … she’s the only friend that ever meant something to me.” Her eyes were looking at him in despair, hoping for some kind of explanation that would make it alright.
“Is she?” he was calm and cold and kept brushing her cheek with the back of his hand.
His eyes turned to her, “When?” He took a deep breath, “Does it matter?” He stood up, turned her around and wrapped his arms around her. “Does it matter ‘when’ your so called … best friend … had spread her legs in front of me behind your back the minute she gets the chance? You should hear her begging for me to eat her … ‘fuck me, Armand, fuck me with your tongue'” he whispered to her ear and laughed softly.
She sobbed, she struggled to get away from his embrace but he tightened his hold.
“Didn’t I tell you she was trash, Ari? Didn’t I tell you she was a whore? But did you listen? No … you’d rather believe in your ‘friend’ than to listen to me,” he spoke into her ear and grazed his teeth on it.
“You bastard. You did it on purpose? You threatened her into it … she would never do that to me.”
He laughed, “Threatened? You really think I ever need to threat a woman to fuck them? She was begging me, Ari … she was on her knees sucking my dick and begged me to slam her like a whore that she is … the only reason why she’s friends with you is because she wanted to steal your life … you were too blind to see it.”
“You’re lying!” she wriggled away to no avail.
“Lying? You believe her more than you believe me? See … this is where you always get it wrong, Ari, you trusted all the wrong people and they always betray you … she befriended you, your dad ended up paying for her tuition, she practically lived in your house, she wore your clothes, your shoes, your make-up … you should’ve seen it coming, she would be fucking me, ride in you car, have the same job as you … everything … she wanted to take everything from you.”
She weeped. Everything he said was true except for the lie he tried to force into her that Katya was trying to steal her life. “She was like my sister.”
He slipped his hand under her dress and made its way to her center, “She came to me crying, demanded me to leave you because she thinks that’s what she deserves.”
Ari pulled his hand away, but he was too strong, he kept going until his fingers were inside her.
“Stop it!” she was powerless.
“I told it to her face what a fucking whore she was to have betrayed you like that … you’re the love of my life, Ari, you’re the only one that will have a place in my heart … there’s no one else on earth I want to be with for the rest of my life because you’re my angel … you’re my everything … haven’t I told you that before? I will never be tired of telling this to you,” he stuck his tongue inside her ear and ran his mouth to her neck.
She was disgusted by herself for feeling the pleasure from his touch. “Let go of me, Armand, I don’t want to do this now.”
He rubbed her ever so gently but firm, his warm mouth was kissing her shoulder and his other hand was on her breast. “Stay still, Ari, I’ll take care of you.”
She didn’t want to. She just wanted him to stop. She wriggled but he was overpowering her, he knew every spot in her body and he played her like only he could.
“Everything I did is for you … I showed you what a fake she is … she’s not your sister, she’s not your friend … she doesn’t even deserve to be that close to you … it’s me you need … you only need me in your life … don’t you see? I would do anything for you because I love you … tell me you love me,” his grip was tighter, he was moving faster. “Say it, baby, tell me you love me … you know how much I love it when you tell me that.”
She shook her head. Everything he said was true. She loved him. He’s the only man she ever loved. He had done everything for her, he was the only one that would do anything for her. “You’re mean … you say you love me but you’re mean.”
“You made me do it, baby, you did this to me … I have never loved anyone the way I love you and I had to show it to you … I had to … now say it, say you love me … you know how much I like it when you come in my hands and tell me how much you love me,” his breaths were heavy, he was getting more aroused by what they were doing. “You’re so soft and tender, … warm and wet, do I make you wet? It makes me happy to know I’m the only one that makes you come … do you like that?” he whispered in her ear, his movement made her head light.
She couldn’t believe herself, how could she feel so much pleasure when her heart felt so much pain. But she did, she was coming and she loved this man so much that she couldn’t think clearly what was right and what was wrong anymore. “I love you,” she said between her sighs. “I love you … too much.”
“That’s my good girl … you liked that don’t you? You know I always take care of you,” he sounded so relieved. He turned her around and kissed her violently, he loved unplanned sex. He unzipped his pants and slid it down, “Now my turn.”
The very next day, Ari woke up to a nightmare that was the morning paper.
“A woman found dead in her apartment for an apparent suicide. Katya Borganov, 24 years of age, had taken her own life by hanging. A suicide note was found near her body. Autopsy result stated that she was 4 months pregnant.”
Ari screamed her lungs out when she read that. She ran to Armand’s study hysterically holding the paper in her hand.
“You killed her! You killed her! You monster!!”
Armand caught her with both arms.
She threw punches at him blindly, she couldn’t stop screaming. “You killed her!”
“Sssshh … it’s gonna be alright, my love, I’m right here,” he calmed her down.
He wrapped his arms around her and kept her in his warm embrace. He kissed the top of her head and kept repeating the words, “I love you … I will never let you go … I’m here for you.”
“She was pregnant with your baby, Armand … she was with a child,” she sobbed.
He stroked her hair, “The only woman that will be pregnant with my baby … is you, Ari … you’re the only one.”