I glanced at Brandon, who was sitting beside me and driving the car. His face, as usual, was unreadable.
Sometimes I think maybe Brandon does it intentionally to hide his emotions so no one can see what’s on his mind. And from the time I spent with Brandon, I knew he was a secretive person who didn’t like to show his emotions to the world.
Maybe that’s the reason why no one in our neighborhood knows anything about Brandon or his past life. Not even me. Brandon told me he had a wife only when he needed my help to keep Marlene with him; other than that, I know nothing. Strange, I guess. I should ask him someday. Who knows, maybe, he will open up with me?
The car stopped and I looked out of the window to see Brandon parking his car in front of his house. I was so very busy with my thoughts that I didn’t even notice that we had reached home.
Home, which reminds me that from now on, I’ll have to live with Brandon in the same house together. I don’t think that it might look nice for a married couple living in a different house. So, we’ll have to adjust to each other, I guess.
“You okay?” I nodded at Brandon’s words as he opened the door for me. Stepping out of the car, I made my way inside, with Brandon following me.
Inside, both Marlene and Liam are playing with Rachel, who is babysitting them in our absence.
“Mama,” Liam jumped from his place and rushed towards me, calling my name, and Marlene, too, followed behind him.
“Is it true?” Liam asked, with his eyes focused on me.
“What is true?” I asked softly, cradling him in my arms.
“That Brandon is my Daddy now,”
“What?” I shouted, louder than I wanted to. “Who told you that?” I asked softly this time, not wanting to make Liam terrified of me.
Liam pointed his finger towards Rachel, who was standing behind and grinning like a fool.
I looked at Brandon, with his arms wrapped around Marlene, who was asking him the same question as Liam.
God, I would be a fool to not think about something like that.
I looked at Liam in my arms, with his thumb in his mouth. He is worried; he always sucks on his thumb whenever nervous or afraid.
I married Brandon, and that was my decision, but Liam calling daddy to someone who is not Jared bothers me so much. I don’t know why, but it does.
But looking at Liam, I know how connected he is with Brandon, and I can’t hurt his feelings as his mother and I don’t think I can say no to something that brings joy in my baby’s life, even if it bothers me so very much.
“Do you want to…,” I paused, caressing Liam’s hair, “Call Brandon Daddy,” I said, with my voice so low that only Liam could hear.
My words caught Liam’s attention, and he nodded his head swiftly, “Yes,”
“Then go and ask Brandon if he likes to be your daddy or not,” I said, placing Liam on the ground.
Being free from my arms, Liam moves toward Brandon. He then pulled the hem of Brandon’s white shirt, making him look down at him.
Brandon kneeled on the floor, maintaining eye-to-eye contact with Liam.
“What is it, big guy?” Brandon asked, beaming at Liam.
Liam’s eyes focused on me, and I nodded my head, reassuring him.
“Brandon,” Liam said, but then paused, sucking on his thumb for a few moments before asking, “Will you be my…… hm… Daddy?”
Brandon went silent for a minute as he gazed at me and then at Liam.
“Are you okay with this?” Brandon asked me with his mouth moving silently without a word.
I nodded my head gently in reply.
Brandon looked at Liam, hugging him in his arms as he muttered something in his ears that only he could hear.
Liam jumped happily, dancing like a happy child.
“Daddy,” I heard Marlene calling Brandon, “If Liam can call you Daddy, does that mean I can call Jane mommy too?” Marlene said, with her eyes gleaming as she looked at Brandon and me.
“If you want,” Brandon replied, looking at me.
Hearing her father’s words, Marlene jumped to my side. “Will you be my mommy, Jane?” she asked, with her voice sweet, her eyes glistening with hope as she looked at me.
“It’ll bring great joy for me to be Mommy,” I said, kneeling, looking at Marlene face to face.
Upon hearing my words, Marlene’s eyes started streaming with tears as she wrapped her arms around my body tightly, with her head pressed on my shoulder.
I held her in my arms until she stopped crying and then gently wiped down her tears with the back of my palm. I carried her in my arms and looked at Brandon, who was holding Liam in his arms. Both of us were smiling and hugging each other like a family.
“Awe, such a cute little family you guys are.”
Brandon and I both turned our heads to look at the source of the voice, which was Rachel’s. I didn’t even notice that she was there all this time, watching us.
“How cute,” Rachel said. She took pictures of me and Brandon from her phone.
“Rachel,” I and Brandon said at the same time.
“What?” she said, laughing. “I’m going to show these pictures to everyone.”
And before we could stop, she ran with her phone in hand. Damn this girl.
I looked at Brandon and we both broke into laughter, at the same time seeing Rachel’s childish behavior. Something never changes.