Chapter 66

Book:Play Along Published:2024-6-2

I frown.
“I thought I had lost you forever.” He smiles softly.
My eyes flicker to the nurse in confusion and she smiles. “I will go and get the doctor.” She leaves the room.
“I know about your father.” Todd pauses. “I know about everything.”
I stay silent as the tears fill my eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks.
I stare straight ahead, unable to make myself look at him.
“I could have helped you deal with this. I could have protected you.”
“What happened?” I whisper. What does he know? “I don’t remember much.”
“You were kidnapped by your father’s men.”
I frown.
“He tried to kill you again, but thankfully he was shot dead.”
I swallow the lump in my throat as I see him lying on the cold, hard factory floor. The pain pumps hard in my leg. “My leg?” I whisper.
“You were shot.”
I frown and my eyes meet his for the first time.
He wipes the hair back from my forehead. “I’m so sorry, Shelly. We will get through this. I love you, we will get through this.”
“Melissa?” I ask.
He shakes his head angrily. “It was a mistake, a one-night, terrible mistake. We haven’t seen each other since. She has moved out of the apartment. I have been frantic and going out of my mind searching for you.”
I turn my eyes straight ahead again and stare into space.
The doctor comes through the door. “Well, hello.” He smiles broadly. “You are looking much better.”
He picks up my chart and checks my vitals that the nurse has just taken. “From one to ten, what is your pain level?”
“Ten.” I wince as I try to move.
“I will give you some stronger pain medication.” He turns to the nurse. “Can you give her some morphine, please?” He turns back to me and smiles. “We operated, and thankfully the bullet has made no permanent damage. You will be up and about in no time.”
My eyes hold his. “Do you know where the man who saved me is?” I whisper.
The doctor’s eyes flicker to Todd.
“He didn’t save you Shelly. He was the man who kidnapped you,” Todd replies. “You’re confused, angel.” He bends and kisses my forehead.
I frown. “No.”
The doctor takes my hand in his. “You have been to Hell and back over last month. I don’t want you to think about it now. I need you to concentrate on getting stronger, getting well.”
“Where is he?” I whisper. “I need to see him-”
“Shelly, listen to me,” Todd interrupts as he brings my face to meet his. “You are traumatized. I’m here. I’m going to get you through this.”
My eyes fill with tears. I feel weak. I’m confused. “Where is my love?” I whisper.
“I’m here, angel,” Todd replies. “I’m right here.” He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it.
The nurse injects me, and as the tears roll down my face, I somehow drift into sleep.
* * *
I wake in the early hours of the morning. My room is darkened and the hospital is silent. I buzz for the nurse and stay staring at the ceiling for a while until a new nurse comes in. She’s young, younger than me.
She smiles sweetly. “Hello. You buzzed.”
“I feel like I need to go to the restroom,” I whisper.
She checks my catheter. “I will just empty your bag.” She fusses about and empties my bag and then tops up my meds. “You are a nurse?” she asks.
I smile softly and nod. “Yes.”
She stands at the side of my bed in the darkness and picks up my hand in hers. My strength breaks down and my eyes fill with tears.
“Do you want me to sit with you for a while?” she whispers in the darkness.
I nod, unable to speak.
She pulls up a chair and sits with my hand in hers. The tears start to run down my face.
She doesn’t speak and neither do I, but having her here with me is enough.
* * *
I am woken up by Todd. “Good morning, Shelly.” He smiles broadly.
“You look better today. How are you feeling?”
I stare at him for a moment. I have to know. “What happened to the man?”
He frowns. “That animal has been charged with your kidnapping and rape. He has been deported to Columbia for trial.”
My face falls.
“I hope they give him the death sentence.”
“He didn’t rape me.”
“Yes, yes, he did. His semen was found in a rape kit test carried out on you. DNA testing has come through.”
“It was consensual,” I snap.
His face falls. “You don’t know what you are saying, angel.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. You have been kidnapped and beaten into submission by that freak.”
“His name is Stace,” I snap. “Don’t speak about him like that.”
His eyes meet mine.
“I’m in love with him,” I whisper.
He screws up his face. “You’re not in love with him. He has brainwashed you. You are traumatized.”
“I’m not in love with you.”
“Yes, you are,” he commands. “You have been through a lot.”
“I’ve seen what it’s like,” I whisper.
Todd buzzes for the nurse.
“I don’t need a nurse,” I snap. “I need to know what happened to Stace. Tell me what happened to him!”
The nurse walks in. “Can you give her something please to calm her down. She’s delusional.”
I frown. “No, I’m not. Get out!”
“I won’t be going anywhere.” He puts his hands on his hips in an outrage. “She is obviously having some kind of mental episode.”
“Where is he?” I yell. “Take me to him.”
The nurse buzzes for back up.
“I wasn’t raped. He would never do that!” I snap. “You need to tell the police. Get them. Get the police for me now,” I whisper.
“And then what happened?” The officer’s eyes glance up from his notepad.
“I snuck onto the boat,” I continue. I have to get him out of this. He is rotting in a prison somewhere for something he hasn’t done.
“We know that’s not true, Shelly.”
I cut him off. “My name is Roshina.”
The officer’s eyes meet and then the other one interjects. “We have been over this a million times over the last week. We have video footage of you being taken against your will and put into the trunk of a car.”
“I wasn’t raped.”
“You have been brainwashed. It’s not unusual for victims to become attached to their attacker,” the officer soothes.
“I’m not… I’m not fucking brainwashed,” I stammer in frustration. “Listen to what I am saying. He didn’t touch me. He took me to save me from the other men. He helped me escape. I want him set free.”