I walk over to Stace’s mom and I begin to untie her hands from behind her back.
“Stop right there,” he yells.
“Nope.” I keep going.
“This is your final warning.”
“And I’m warning you. You want me to stop, get one of your monkeys to kill me.”
I struggle with the knots and finally I wriggle her free before I help her stand.
The roof cracks and I look up into the darkness overhead at the big timber beams. The men’s eyes rise to the ceiling and two walk around as they hold their guns in the air.
Somebody is on the roof.
I force my eyes down. Distract him.
Two of the guards step forward and grab her by the arms.
I turn to look at him. “What’s it going to be?” I sneer.
“Me or her?”
He glares at me.
“You let her go, I do what you want,” I reply.
He hesitates and lifts his chin in thought.
“Your plan worked, you got me here. Now she’s not needed anymore. If you keep her or hurt her, I will fight till my death.” I shrug. “I’m happy to die today and then where will you get your heir?”
“No, dear,” she whispers. I grab her hand and squeeze it.
I walk her toward the door and the guards step forward and he puts his hand up in a stop signal. “You can have your way this time, Roshina,” he says calmly. “As a show of my good faith.” The men stop on the spot where they are and I usher her over to the door.
“Go, run. Hide in the grass.”
She shakes her head in fear. “Come with me,” she whispers.
“Run, hide,” I whisper again so only she can hear. I open the door and push her out before she can argue and close it behind her before he changes his mind.
I turn and face my father. “Now, let’s get down to business.”
* * *
I sink to the floor and sit on the step for a moment as I let my actions sink in. I’ve done it.
That’s it.
I close my eyes in regret. Deep down I always knew we couldn’t be long term. I always had that annoying little voice in the back of my psyche letting me know how it would go. How could I possibly have ever imagined a future with her when we met through the kidnapping?
She was right all along. She did deserve more from her person. I get a vision of her laughing out loud underneath me and I feel a sharp, swift kick to my stomach.
Knowing what I am missing out on is going to make it so much harder to go on.
Damn Vikinos for treating her the way he has. How in hell could he treat his own daughter like that? A daughter as special as she is. My blood starts to simmer, and with renewed fury I stand and turn the handle to get back out onto the floor.
Fuck it.
I stare at it for a moment, knowing I have to go to the bottom to get out. My adrenaline starts to pump. I am going to have one of two welcoming parties.
The police or Vikinos’ men.
I want the men. I want my revenge and I’m going to fucking get it.
I’m furious. I glance at the time on my phone. The police should be here within fifteen minutes to pick Rosh up, hopefully sooner, and then I can start my attack.
With Rosh safe and out of harm’s way, I can go back to the original plan. I start to jog down the steps. We are on the tenth floor, so it is a fair way down. Two flights down I hear a noise in the level underneath me and I stop on the step. I peer over the handrail as I try to see what’s coming up the stairs.
Bang, bang. Clatter.
I frown. What is that? I lean over the rail again and see a maintenance man cleaning the rail and I pick up the pace. I jog down and come face to face with him.
“Oh, hello.” I smile casually. “I came into the stairs by mistake and now all the doors are locked.”
“It’s the fire stairs, the doors don’t open until you get to the bottom floor,” he replies with a shake of his head.
“Damn, I didn’t realize.” I look around as I wait for him to offer to open the door. “So you have to walk all the way down the bottom floor every time, do you?” I ask.
“No, I got a key.”
“Great.” I fake a smile.
He keeps cleaning. Am I going to have to jump this dude to get the bloody key or what? “Do you mind opening the door so I don’t have to walk all the way to the ground?” I ask.
“I’m not supposed to. It’s against policy.”
My eyes hold his as I sum him up.
He shrugs. “Why not?” He shuffles over and opens the door for me.
“Thank you.” I smile as I walk calmly into the hallway. I wait for ten minutes and then head straight toward the lifts. I watch the dial above the doors and as it opens I step out into the corridor. I look left and then right. I walk down the hallway toward our original room and I hesitate and swipe the card key across the lock. I brace myself.
I open the door and glance around. Nobody is here.
I walk through the room and they have been here, but it looks like they have just left.
Why have they left?
My eyes search the room as I try to work out where they have gone. Are they coming back?
I go to the wardrobe and open the safe combination and my gun is still in there.
What are the chances?
I take it out and walk to the window and glance around the room again. Then I see it.
The blonde wig, it’s on the chair.
Rosh was here.
They have her.
I kick the wall as hard as I can. “Fuck!” I yell. I run my hands through my hair in frustration. Why did I leave her alone?
My phone rings and I look at the screen. Chris. I close my eyes as I think and then I answer.
“Oh my fucking God. Where are you? Have you seen the fucking television?”
I pause for a moment. “Yeah, I saw it.”
“Do you have her?”
I nod. “Yes.”
“Fuck me!” he screams. “Hand yourself in. What the fuck is going on?”
I rub my hand through my hair. “It’s not how it looks. I kidnapped her to save her life and now Vikinos is after her.”
“W-what?” he stammers.
“Chris, listen to me. I need you to do something.”
He stays silent.
“The hit I ordered. It’s on Vikinos.”
“The drug lord Vikinos?”
I nod. “That’s him, he’s her father.”
“What the fuck, Stace? Stop it. Stop acting fucking crazy and hand yourself in. This girl is fucking trouble, she’s going to get you fucking killed.”
“Chris, listen to me. If something happens to me, you need to look after her.”
“What? No. I want you safe. Hand yourself in.”
“I’m in love with her.”
“Stace. You’ve lost it.”
“If the hit comes through and I am not here, tell the agency that their payment is the diamonds that are hidden in the light fitting in room 3590 at the Venetian,” I reply.
“Diamonds. What fucking diamonds?” he yells. “I can’t fucking believe this. You have stolen fucking diamonds from Vikinos. Jesus Christ, Stace!”
“They are worth more that the thirty million I offered.”
“I’m not doing it,” he snaps.
“I love you, man.” I sigh sadly.
“Stace, stop. Listen to me, hand yourself in. We can get you off. I need you to hand yourself in. Don’t do anything fucking stupid.”
“Goodbye, Chris.” I hang up before he can say another word and put my phone on silent. It rings immediately again.