He leans down to kiss me and we are like animals with each other. Both taking what our own body needs from the other. I hold him tight to me, and in all honesty, the world could end right now and I wouldn’t care.
“Come,” he demands as he pumps.
“More,” I cry. “I want fucking more of you.”
He picks up the pace and I scream out as I am hit like a truck with an orgasm, but before I have time to react, he pulls out and shoots semen across my stomach. His head tips back to the ceiling and his mouth hangs slack as he empties his body onto mine.
We both scramble for air and then he sits up onto his knees between my open legs and slides his three fingers back into my sex. He slowly strokes me as his other hand rubs his semen over my stomach and breasts. It feels so intimate having his fingers back inside me so quickly and his semen all over my skin.
His eyes hold mine and I know I am going to get him again.
I’m going to get him again. I’m going to get him forever.
“Kiss me,” I whisper.
“Marry me,” he replies as his fingers slide in and out.
“Why?” I whisper.
“Because I need this every day. Because you are the only person I want to do this with.” He frowns as if thinking of something else. “You make me want to be better and I need you.”
He brings his fingers up and sucks them and I feel my arousal start to pump heavily. I’m swollen and wet, and hell, I want him again.
“Answer me.” He growls as he crawls over me.
“Yes,” I whisper as I curl my arms around his broad back. “Yes, I will marry you.”
He kisses me tenderly and with the feel of his smile against my lips, I am lost.
* * *
I hear the shower turn on and then wait for Rosh to get under the water. I shuffle through my bag for the crumpled piece of paper. After finally locating it, I dial the number I have scribbled down.
Ring, ring.
“Hello,” Chris answers.
“Hey, it’s me.”
“Hi. I’ve been thinking. What do you need this for?”
“Long story.” I sigh.
“I got time.”
“I don’t. Have you got it or not?”
“Stace, what the fuck have you got yourself into?” He sighs.
I blow out a deep breath. “I just need someone reliable who can get the job done.”
“This guy is FBI.”
“Does he miss?”
“Never. He is only one of four who does jobs on the side.”
I think for a moment. “How trustworthy is he?”
“He works for Uncle Sam. He’s the best of the best.”
“So, how do I do this?” I ask.
“You call this number and they put it into the system anonymously and then they all bid for the job.”
“Okay.” I roll my lips as I walk to the window and pull the curtain back to peer out into the darkness. My mind is racing, but I have been thinking about this all day. I know it’s the only way.
“Are you going to do it?” he asks.
“I have no choice.”
“Are you sure?”
“You could spend your life in jail.”
“It will be worth it.”
“Okay, man, it’s your funeral. Call me when you can.”
“Thank you. Goodbye.”
I hang up and dial the number as my heart hammers in my chest.
“Hello,” the male voice answers.
“I would like to post a job, please.”
“Yes. How much are you paying?”
I pause as I try to reign in my nerves. “Thirty million dollars.”
Silence falls over the line. “Who is it?” he finally asks, knowing it’s someone big.
“I want two snipers and they will receive fifteen million each, twenty- four hours after his confirmed death.”
“Who is it?” he asks again.
“Mario Vikinos.”
Roshelle sits with her hands linked under her chin. Her big, brown eyes look across the table at me lovingly and I feel my chest constrict. She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Every day I fall deeper under her spell.
I smirk to myself, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to cross her path.
“What?” She smiles.
I shake my head. “Nothing.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
She shrugs as she picks up her wine and sips it as she thinks of a fitting answer.
“Like I want to eat you?” I ask with a raised brow.
A broad smile crosses her face. She slips her shoe off and lifts her foot so that it sits on my crotch. I reach down and tenderly place my hand over it.
“Do you?” She wiggles her toes and I squeeze her foot in my hand.
“That’s a given. You are my staple diet these days.”
She giggles into her wine glass. I pick up my beer and sip it. We are in the restaurant of the hotel and it’s about 10pm.
“This is a beautiful hotel, isn’t it?” she asks.
“Yes,” I murmur as I look around at our surroundings.
My eyes flicker back to her.
“Let’s do this. Let’s get away with it.” She widens her eyes hopefully. “We could be so happy together if we can just get out of this mess.”
I smile and pick up her hand across the table. “That’s the plan.” I open my mouth to tell her that I have ordered the hit, but I quickly close it. I don’t want to give her false hope when I’m really not sure if it’s going to happen. She doesn’t need a false sense of security. I know she won’t care about the money I’ve offered if he’s dead, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it… and I sincerely hope we do.
“I was thinking that maybe we should try to get a flight to Vegas from here tomorrow,” I add.
She frowns into her wine glass. “I thought you said we were going to Chile to fly out?”
I nod as I sip my beer. “It’s a long way from here and it means a lot more time on the road and out in the open.”
She bites her thumbnail as she thinks. “You think it’s more dangerous to stay here?”
I nod.
“Can we charter a plane from here?” she asks.
“I did some research tonight while you were in the shower, and I think it will be easier to be picked up if we do that.”
She frowns. “So you think we just catch a commercial flight?”
“I think so.”
“But won’t they be able to find us?”