Chapter 52

Book:Play Along Published:2024-6-2

He lifts me off his lap. “You ready to do this?”
I nod. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
He picks up my wig and puts it on my head. He then passes me the fake glasses and I slide them on. “I hate this fucking wig,” he mutters to himself as he adjusts it on my head.
“I thought fake blondes were your type.” I smile sweetly as I remind him of Chelsea.
“Not ones with horse hair,” he replies, distracted as he combs his fingers through it.
“Although horse heads are okay?” I tease.
A trace of a smirk crosses his face. “Do you need to be punished today?”
I smile broadly. “Probably.”
The cab pulls to a halt. “So you will wait here?” I ask the driver.
I point to the road underneath us to make sure he understands me through the language barrier.
“Wait here?” I ask again.
He nods an over exaggerated nod. “Yes.”
“Right here?”
He rolls his eyes in frustration. “Yes, miss, I wait here.”
I nod quickly, embarrassed at my pushiness. “Okay, I will only be five minutes.”
I glance left and then right. The coast seems clear. The black Ferrari is parked up the street across the other side of the road and I know my love is watching over me. Somehow, I feel even closer to him today. It’s as if our huge fight last night has only brought us closer to one another. I blow out a steadying breath. Let’s do this shit and get it over with. I slowly get out of the cab and walk into the bank. I take out my identification and slide it over the counter and the bank teller smiles warmly. “Hello,” she greets as she types my information into the computer.
“I would like to make a withdrawal, please?” I ask.
“Sure. How much would you like?”
I roll my lips. “Two hundred and twenty- seven thousand, please?”
She frowns. “Cash?”
I nod.
“Umm.” She scratches her forehead. “Did you ring ahead and tell us you would be withdrawing this amount of money today?”
Panic starts to set in. I don’t have time for this. “No, I shouldn’t have to. It’s my money. I would like it now, please,” I demand nervously. Shit, why didn’t I think of that?
She frowns. “I will have to see my manager.”
I nod as my heart starts to beat hard. I turn and look out the window as she disappears.
I glance up and down the street nervously. I can’t see anyone suspicious. She reappears. “That will be about fifteen minutes. Please take a seat in one of the offices.” She smiles and gestures to an office to the left.
I fake a smile and walk into the office. At least I am out of sight in here. I take out my phone and text Stace.
It’s going to take about fifteen minutes.
A text bounces back.
What the fuck?
We don’t have time for this.
I roll my eyes and text back.
Feel free to come and rob the bank.
Because that will be so much quicker.
I turn and peer out the glass panel in the door to see if I can see anyone lurking around., I wonder where Stucco is this morning. My nerves raise to another level.
A text bounces back.
Don’t tempt me!
I sit and bounce my foot up and down impatiently. Come on, come on. My phone beeps a text.
We got company.
My eyes widen.
A text bounces back.
They are walking up the street, two men. I recognizse one of them from Vikinos’s team. Stay where you are.
I put my head into my hands., Ooh no. This is a disaster. I text back.
What if the cab leaves?
A text bounces back.
Then we are screwed.
Tell them to hurry the fuck up!!!
I peer around the door jamb like a mouse and smile sweetly at the bank teller. “Excuse me, I have a plane to catch and I am in a really big hurry. How much longer will it be?”
“Of course, my apologies. Another teller is just cross checking it now. You are so lucky that we just had a delivery of cash this morning or we wouldn’t have had that amount here for withdrawal.”
Oh hell, that would have been a disaster. “Okay.” I gesture back to the office. “I will just wait in here.”
She fakes a smile.
I sit back down and text Stace.
Where are they now?
I watch my phone as I wait for him to answer. I wait and wait.
What’s he doing? Why is he not answering if he’s sitting in a damn car? My mind goes to last night and how they broke his cheekbone. Cowardly bastards. Who kicks a man in the face at full force when he is fighting another man and has his hands full? I text again.
What’s going on?
Answer me!
No reply. Oh God, this is fucking stressful., I start to perspire. I put my face into my hands. What if they have him? The windows are so black that you can’t see inside the car…. unless, they know what car we have hired. It is a possibility, a strong possibility. Shit.
The bank teller comes into the office with a large box and starts to unload the money onto the table and her assistant follows her with a note counting machine. They start to count the money out in front of me. I sit still pretending to watch, but my mind is far from money.
Where is he?
Why isn’t he answering? I dial his number and it rings a few times.
“Hi,” he answers, and my heart flips.
I fake a smile. “Why aren’t you answering your phone, sweetie?” I act nice in front of the bank tellers when all I really want to do is scream at him for worrying me sick.
“Sorry, I took a call.”
“Ha, what a time to take a call.” I pretend to laugh.
“It was my mother,.” hHe snaps. “She was getting worried and I thought I may not be able to talk to her again for a while.”
My heart drops. “Oh, fair point.” I stand and walk away from the table. “What are we up to?” I speak in code.
“All good, the cab is still there. Walk out and get straight into it. Continue with the plan.”
“Okay?” I ask hopefully.
“It’s still ok, see you soon.”
“Bye,.” I whisper though my dread.
I sit for another five minutes as they count the last of the cash and I load it into my small overnight bag. “Thank you.” I smile as I sling the bag over my shoulder.
I push through the double glass doors and put my head down and go straight to the cab. “Hello, thank you for waiting. Back to the hotel, please.”
“You took a long time. I nearly leave.”
“I know, I’m so sorry. I will pay you extra.” I glance through the back window and down the street in front of me., I can’t see anyone suspicious. The cab pulls out into the traffic as my phone beeps another text.
They have seen you. Keep your head down and stick to the plan.
I drop my head as fear starts to make me nauseous.
Holy fuck.
I see the Ferrari pull out into the traffic and turn back towards the hotel. The cab comes to a stop at the hotel, and with shaky hands, I pay the driver and get out. I walk straight to the lift and push the button as planned.
The lift doesn’t come. Why is it taking so long?