I smile sadly. “You should.”
“That wasn’t what I asked.”
I shake my head, our eyes are locked, and after a moment I reply, “No.”
“What do you think?” he asks.
“That’s the thing. I can’t think when I’m with you.”
He frowns as if understanding.
“When you touch me, nothing else matters,” I breathe.
He stays silent.
“I missed you when you were at work today.”
He drops his head. “Don’t.”
“I know I shouldn’t have.” I fake a smile as I try to justify my feelings. “I should hate you.”
“You should,” he snaps.
I walk over and sit on the bed next to him. His eyes meet mine. “Kiss me,” I breathe.
The room is filled with unbridled desire, so thick you could cut it with a knife.
He puts his hand up, cups my face, and gently kisses me. My eyes instinctively close. “Stace,” I breathe. I feel like I’m about to break, this is too much. The intimacy I feel from him is too much. I need to hate him. How am I going to do this?
As if sensing my fear, he whispers, “Shh.”
I screw up my face as we kiss.
“This has to stop,” he breathes.
“I know.”
“Last time,” he murmurs into my lips.
I kiss him and feel myself lift off the floor. “Okay.”
* * *
I look left, I look right. It’s just past noon and the coast is clear.
Stace has called a meeting about Vikinos’ visit next week. They need to get everything in ship shape. This is probably my only chance where everyone is preoccupied. The girls are up on top deck sunbathing, and all of the staff are on the maintenance level going through operations. I told everyone I was going to be sleeping.
I walk along the rows until I get to the container I need and I take out the two keys. I don’t know which one is which. I turn the first key and it doesn’t work. Fuck.
I take the second key and jiggle it a bit and it opens. I smile as my guilty eyes dart around. I open the padlock and remove the key and then put it back on the lock and swing it until it looks closed. I then open the door and peer in. Pitch black, I take out the small flashlight I took from the maintenance floor the other day and peer around. It said under the floor. I walk in and slowly pull the door to so it looks like it is closed from outside.
I put the flashlight in my mouth and bend down and tap the floor. Yep… It’s under the flooring. I walk around the perimeter of the container concentrating on the floor. I need to find a bit I can jimmy off. How do I do this without making noise?
Fuck it.
I think for a minute.
Behind me are some timber crates. Perhaps under those I will find a place to lift. I move one to the side, and then the one under it, and then the bottom box in really long and has a crack in the top. Yes… I put the flashlight in the crack and pull it up as I use it as a tool. After ten minutes of hard work the timber lid lifts.
I pull the shredded cardboard back and I smile.
A crate of Barret’s M98B-Sniper rifles.
Thank God they were where they were supposed to be. I rummage through the crate but there aren’t any bullets.
I pull the crate above it apart and still nothing.
Holy shit, screw this.
I pull apart the top box and finally find a metal case containing the ammunition.
I stand still for a moment and let the euphoria sink in. I take the rifle apart and load the gun. I load another and take all of the bullets. I then stand and put the crates back where they were.
My heart is pumping hard. I walk to the front of the container and stand with my back to the door. I frown.
I can hear footsteps.
I hold my breath and close my eyes. Shit, shit, shit.
“Who goes there?” the male voice shouts.
Oh my God.
I close my eyes and grip the gun hard enough to break my fingers.
“It’s me,” a man’s voice replies.
“Did you fucking hear him?” one growls.
“Yeah, I did.”
“How?” the other man asks.
I frown. Who is this and what are they talking about? Why are they meeting next to this particular container? Oh, God, I’m screwed. They are breaking in here to get the guns.
I stay dead still as I try to contain my frantic heart.
“It has to look like an accident.”
Who is out there? Who are they talking about?
“I’m not sure. This week. He has to be gone before Vikinos arrives so we can blame it on him.”
“That fucking girl we supposedly picked up by accident is a cop.”
“What?” the other man snaps.
My eyes widen. Holy fuck… why would they think I’m a cop?
“Yeah, she fucking attacked me the other day, warning me against going near him.”
Oh shit. They’re talking about Stace.
I hold my breath. Please don’t find me.
“He’s brought her on here as a little fuck buddy bodyguard. That was no accident she came out of that door at just that moment.”
I frown.
“I will make an engine malfunction call this week sometime in the middle of the night, and when he comes out we will take care of it.”
“It has to look like an accident.”
“Yeah, it will. He will be going in the drink.”
“Stucco?” Stace’s voice comes through the radio one of them is wearing.
“Yeah?” Stucco replies over the sound of the static.
“Why aren’t you down here in the meeting?” Stace snaps angrily.
“I’m coming now.”
“Fucking hurry up.” He growls before hanging up.
“Fuck. I can’t wait to kill this cock. He’s fucking asking for it.” Stucco growls.
“Yeah, well, make sure it happens.”
“I’m on it,” Stucco replies. “He’s dead.”
My heart beats frantically and I know I need this gun now more than ever. They are going to kill him. I knew I wasn’t imagining it.
“We better get back.”
“Okay, see you down there.” The man’s voice replies. Who is the other man? Stucco is working with someone. What are they up to and what do they plan on blaming on Stace?
I wait for ten minutes in the silence. Are they gone?
I’m starting to sweat, it’s so fucking hot in here. My mind goes to the refugees who have been forced to travel in these things for months. I can’t imagine such horror. I slowly push the door open a few inches and peer out. The wind is picking up, but the coast seems clear. I dart out and put my two guns down and quickly relock the container. I bend and pick up the guns and look around nervously. Please don’t let me get caught. I wrap the guns in a towel I have brought and quickly walk back to our room. I push the door open. I was unable to lock it because I don’t have my damn key, and that’s risky in itself. That stupid Stucco could be sneaking around in here. I throw the guns under the bed and then I put another towel over them. I haven’t got time to hide them now. I need to get to the other container while they are all busy. I wonder how long this meeting is going for?