Finally, our dinner is called and he begrudgingly drags his lips away from mine. He runs his hands up and down my behind as he watches me intently. I would give anything to know what he is thinking. The blood is pumping hard around my body and I desperately need a cold shower. We eventually stand and he leads me to the dining area.
I’m frazzled.
I sit at the table as my arousal thumps heavily between my legs. I can’t imagine what I must look like. My face is flushed and my hair is all over the place. I have never…
I stare dumbfounded at the table in front of me. I can’t even pick up my knife and fork. What the hell? My body is thumping, and although he is acting to the others that he has fucked me into submission, the truth is he hasn’t needed to. I’m secretly begging to suck his cock now.
I have no idea what’s wrong with me. This isn’t who I am.
He gets our dinner and puts it in front of where we are sitting at the table and then goes back to the bar and gets two more Scotch and Cokes without a word. My eyes watch him across the room, wearing tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt that hugs his every muscle. His tattoos are peeking out from under his shirt. He towers above all the men at the bar and I feel myself flutter as I watch him. Hell, this is ridiculous. I am not sure if this dominance show is for the people around us or to let me know how badly my body wants him… and it really does. Either way, I’m totally screwed. While he’s gone, Chelsea and Angela get their dinner and sit down next to me at the long table.
I’m brought back to reality with a thud. One glance of her big slutty tits in my face and my arousal instantly dissipates.
“Hello.” Chelsea fakes a smile.
“Hi,” I reply as I cut into my chicken.
Angela smiles warmly as she puts her hand on my leg. “God, Mac is like an animal with you. I’ve been watching him.”
I swallow uncomfortably. I’m a ho.
“Mac is an animal with all women. You should see him with me,” Chelsea murmurs sarcastically into her wine glass.
Angela and my eyes meet and I continue to eat in silence. I know this shouldn’t piss me of, but it fucking does. Mac comes back and takes his seat and my angry eyes flicker up to him. I imagine the girls on the ship all lining up to fuck him and I feel sick. What in the hell goes on around here when they are all alone at sea?
This is not who you are, Roshelle.
I’ve already shared one man. Why in the hell would I willingly share another?
A European looking man walks over and talks to a blonde man. Mac looks up and glares at him, his jaw clenching in anger, and my eyes follow the man across the dining table.
“Who’s that?” I ask Angela.
“Stucko,” she whispers as she drops her head.
“Who’s he? I haven’t seen him before.” I frown.
“Be grateful. He’s a nasty piece of work.” She whispers.
I glance over at Mac who is openly glaring at him across the room. I can tell there is no love lost between these two.
“So, twenty-one days until Puerto Rico.” Angela smiles as she tries to make conversation.
“Oh, I can’t wait.” Chelsea smiles and then she looks over to Mac. “Mac and I have had some pretty wild nights in Puerto Rico, haven’t we?”
He keeps eating with his head down. He doesn’t answer and he doesn’t acknowledge what she has just said.
I get a vision of them fucking in a nightclub and my blood boils, even though I know I am being utterly ridiculous. I am unable to control it.
“What have you got planned for me at this port Mac?” She smiles sexily over the table.
I chew my food in silence as I stare at my plate.
“Enough, Chels. Cut the fucking shit.” He snarls.
Angela widens her eyes into her wine glass. “Awkward,” she mouths at me.
We continue to eat in silence and eventually Chelsea gets up to go to the bar and Angela starts talking to a man who sits down next to her. Mac casually puts his hand on my upper thigh and I flick it off discretely under the table. He glares at me and raises his brow in a silent dare.
I lean over and whisper into his ear, “I don’t appreciate your scratching post boring the fuck out of me with her sleazy tales about you. I’m going back to the room.”
“The hell you are,” he growls in my ear as he grabs my hand.
“Stay here and fuck her on the pool table,” I whisper angrily as I rip my hand from his grip.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he fires back.
I sit back and fake a smile as my eyes hold his. I hesitate for a moment, shocked that he just said that. Shocked that anyone would even say that. “This is why I’m out of your league, but thank you for the reminder.”
His face drops and he sits back in his seat. I know I’ve got him.
“Stick to your whores.” I stand and throw my napkin onto the table and walk out of the common room and down the hallway. I feel my heart beating hard. I know he is going to lose his shit, but I can’t make out with him-or should I say pretend to make out with him-knowing full well she is waiting to take her turn after I go to bed. What kind of fucked up situation is this? Why do I even care? It’s seriously pissing me off that I do.
I know they all share beds, but I can’t even share a kissing partner. I’m just going to stay in the room for the rest of the trip. I’m not doing this to myself again.
I can’t pretend that this is okay with me. It’s bloody not. I walk down to our door and then I glance up at the metal staircase leading upstairs. I need some fresh air. I head up and out onto the deck. I am greeted by a brilliant light and stare up at the full moon as it lights a blazing line in the water underneath it. The ocean breeze dusts across my face and an instant calm sweeps over me. I inhale deeply and a smile crosses my face. It’s nice up here. The sound of the ocean lapping on the side of the boat is a reminder of just how remote a place on Earth this is. How do these people survive in these conditions for so long?
I walk over to the side of the ship and stare out over the dark, cold sea. The sound of the ships engine is a drone and I can hear the sea lapping at the sides of the boat.
Pirates. Modern day pirates. Governed by their own set of rules with nobody to answer to but each other. For a long time, I stare out over the sea as I contemplate how and why the people on this ship live like this. Don’t they miss land? Don’t they miss having their own home, their own man or woman to love?
My thoughts go to Todd and my confusion returns-different emotions all rolled into one. I miss him. I hate him. I’m glad I found out. I wish I never found out. Part of me knows that they were going to tell me and strive to be together. I stare out over the water. Are they together now?
How long was it going on?
I turn around and lean on the side rail and look back over at the shipping containers all lined up in rows. I wonder what exciting places they have been to? The things they have seen. If only they could talk, I’m sure they would have an interesting tale to tell. I stare at the large orange container in front of me. The door has a padlock and there is a number on the top left hand side on the end.
A thought crosses my mind and I frown as I look at it. That’s just like…
I bite my thumbnail as I try to remember. That image of the piece of paper on Mac’s phone had numbers on it. Numbers just like this. I look around to the containers surrounding me.
I narrow my eyes as I think. I can’t remember what was written next to the numbers. I’m going to have to look at his phone again tomorrow when he goes to work.
Whose piece of paper was that and why did he take a photo of it? If it was his, he wouldn’t have needed to, he would have had a hard copy.
Hmm, interesting. I stand for a while longer and with each moment my mind begins to race a little more.
I walk around in the dark as I stare up at the containers. I run my hand along the hard metal end of a container. There are millions and millions of dollars of drugs on this ship.
If my suspicions are correct, Mac knows exactly what drugs they are and what shipping containers they are kept in. I look back out over the water as I think.
And now, unbeknown to him, so do I.
Holy shit.
* * *
Victim of circumstance or has opportunity knocked? The world works in weird ways and if everything that happens has a reason, what is the deeper message behind this?
Why was I at that nightclub in the middle of nowhere on that particular night?
Why did I see what I saw?
Why this particular ship?
Why him?
I stare at the wall in the darkness as I troll the universe for answers. Unable to look at his hidden phone because I don’t know when he’s returning, I’m frustrated. Four hours have passed since I left him at the dining room and he hasn’t come looking for me. Maybe he doesn’t care what happens to me anymore. Maybe I was deluding myself that he ever did. Why should I care either way? I lie for what seems like hours in the darkness as I think.
I hear the key shuffle in the door and I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. He walks in quietly and I feel him stand at the end of the bed for a moment as he watches me. He undresses, goes to the bathroom, and then crawls into bed behind me. I feel my body relax now that he’s home and hopefully I can finally get some sleep. He wraps his large arms around my waist from behind and snuggles into my back. I shouldn’t like the way he feels around me but for some sick reason…
I do.
I don’t remember anything else as I drift into slumber.