*** The Unexpected (II) ***

Book:Belligerent Soul: Reasonable Mind Published:2024-6-2

As they shuffled spots and blockades, oscillating, dodging, and ducking strenuously; it was as if it was the militias warring, though not as vicious. Yet, the bullet exchange spree with the police by now had forced the emperor’s gang to contribute about three inanimate bodies and the cops, just one pulseless; nonetheless, I could relate there was a number of maimed persons from either side.
Unequivocally, the emperor’s amateurish display saw the end of them.
Jude who was unnoticeably absent from the scene is the backbone.
I marveled at the ineptitude they had ostentatiously displayed, it was noteworthy. As they were plucked by the wrists (and some were removed on a gurney) at last, and to be faced with the penalties after they were done strewing the few bullets they’ve got and could not make it past the determined cops.
As this unfolds, I never recall Jude to have much involvement in the revolt, as he was headed amidst the unexpected cascading events towards the stairs and trying a few door knobs, he was able to bully one into allowing him in and shut the door behind him, most of the boys are now injured as they were out of ammo, and the shooting spree seems to dwindle out, the once peaceful parlor was now plagued with an immense density of nauseating smell. As I was crawling away from behind an armchair farthest from the center, where I found a withering solace.
My palm was pressed against a very hot tiny metal, so hot my brain was short-circuited momentarily as I abruptly sat back to examine my hand, unconsciously I sat on a body and in shock I threw myself off it, I forgot the pain cutting through my hand as I realized it was the old man I mistakenly sat on and in his blood I had threw myself and now heavily stained.
The worst, already registering in my mind as I gently shook him.
“Hello, help…!” I shouted at top of my voice.
No movement, seems everyone is dead too!
“Hello somebody help…! Mallam is dead…! Help!” I shouted for help with a dolorous emphasis.
“What?!” I heard Ali who was crawling towards my direction like a dissected serpent, said.
A shot was heard, that must have come from the police’s angle, and that was it.
There was no reciprocation from the blundering youths.
So, two cops came forward, away from where they had taken cover, and approached the lifeless Mallam, Ali, and me.
Considering the spot is the most open space to take even an unskilled shot and still hit, but the fact nothing was heard was a defining factor for the police to proceed with their assignment as they all filed out of cover and at last, arrested the criminals.
During the process, most cops were busy searching the apartment and its environment for Jude, now clearly noticeable he was missing.
And others were helping to move the injured, as I made to go outside the building, moving behind one of the dutiful wheeled stretchers to embrace a world full of blaring noise of ambulances, camera glaring lights clicking, the witnesses, the reporters.
As I stepped down the porch, still wondering what are the cops planning to do about Jude’s disappearance I saw the press corps interrogating Sergeant Oswald with microphones, big lenses camera, and some disrespectful flashing lights. I looked away to my left and then to the right as I beheld the crowded area. I decided to move towards the gathered onlookers, and crossed the caution tapestry, moving farther towards the crowd to have a full view of the house and the following activities.
“Hey, Ryker…?” A woman said with a tone of familiarity in my ear, but more like asking though,
I swiveled to see who was it, it isn’t quite bright enough to discern who that was but still, I sense familiarity. “Hartley. Ryker Hartley” I replied.
“So what has transpired? You were one of the criminals. Aren’t you?
She asked again, securing her stand away from the lighted spots.
“I am not.” I said curtly, disregarding her impoliteness.
“Well then, I guess you’re an early witness. Can you detail the incident?
I wouldn’t acknowledge her anymore, she’s awkward, why do I even give her my name in the first place? I do not know but I could do away with that and nothing more
Thinking of how to even narrate the show that went down in there was already a headache at the moment, then gunshots were heard from the orchard that dispersed almost all the crowd and even shooed away the press corps.
With keen curiosity, I started towards the farm as I beheld a helicopter thrust into the scene.
‘What might be happening?’ I thought.
I just hope Jude is not escaping this time.
I’ll be much more worried than anyone else in Balltown.