*** The Plot (I) ***

Book:Belligerent Soul: Reasonable Mind Published:2024-6-2

He sprang up, shoved back his chair with such violence, it crashed.
And prompting every attention in the room to focus in our direction, I bent forward over his desk to finesse the exertion of my auditory sleight, so that the onlookers can only imagine.
“If I were you, I would be diplomatic right now, act like a Detective I am, and manage my outbursts,” I said in an even tone.
Knowing other officials are watching my mouth, no matter how hard I tried to bottle my voice, of course, I actually did not rush out of my comfort zone to further implicate myself. Glowering at me,
“What are you trying to prove right here kid?”
“Got two hairs on your balls now, to disrespect an elder and even go to the extent of verbally assaulting a police officer on duty, and right in his stead?” He said aloud with a precise sense of remonstration.
Oh My–! Now that was really upsetting. The clock is ticking, and yet this old unethical douche won’t spare me of his incrimination. I thought.
Habitually, I raised my right hand to support the skin dividing my nostrils with my thumb and I scraped my index finger across the tip of my nose; as it somehow aided when I’m deliberating fast critical thinking,
“To be honest, I would not know my notoriety has granted the law enforcers an alibi to lash out on a dutiful citizen trying to expose a serious case of a life-threatening robbery and vandalism that is about to crop up, in a bid to get rid of him and dismissing his complaints.” I was speaking audibly enough this time for all ears present to perceive even the most silent syllable of my words (my bad, sometimes I just prove too crafty with auditory sleights whenever I wanted to, but right now, it seems the only mechanism with which I could ace my way out of this austere labyrinth of cynical officers’ midst I had to walk myself into).
Though not quite sure about interests, it sure garnered rapt attention like that of a Rabbi, giving a sermon to a mass of the population.
I was pleased with myself seeing that I threw him in a daze as he stared blankly at me and would not make more utterances, majority of the people in the building looked at me in askance, and I continued. “I was the only one who knew what was at stake here, and I hereby asked a question, Is Captain Fred on duty, for to him I would rather discuss the issue at hand.”
Exhales, and I turned to look at the Detective once again,
“I trust your claims must be valid boy,” a distant voice prompted me to redirect my gaze, “but why should you think the best thing to do is single out a person to report to when the issue at hand is commonly concerning.” Sergeant Oswald Colt, a slightly overweight man in his late forties, with a classic, original moustache and a receding hairline said approaching me,
“Because he’d understand,” I replied impatiently, he gave me a puzzling look as I stared back.
“We all would. Moreover,
The captain is out, dealing with some affairs, and won’t be available right now. Whatever essential information is it you’ve got to share; I urge you to help us so that we help you.” He placated.
Such a sensible persuasive speech. But I’m skeptical, I have trusted to detail Mr. Fred on the issues with Emperor’s nefarious gang in toto, then their felonious plans as follows, so that they will be subdued and I will live free of threats, but now I think I will have to concur, anyway, but just going straight to the point will better save me from conviction. And also, it’s now or never for time is swooping to the place of yesterday.
“Umm… Okay, okay.”Shrugged, and I started with my narration.
“Guess you all know Jude?” At the mention of his name, I sense all presence became reawakened, they all sat up, and those standing struck a pose triggered by curiosity, it was like Jude had instigated top-of-mind awareness on the community police.