I find him in bed, shaking, covered in a layer of sweat.
“What the hell, Cam?” I whisper as I go to him.
He closes his eyes. “What are you doing here?” he croaks.
I put my hand on his forehead and he is burning up with a raging temperature. “Checking on you. Why didn’t you call me?” I snap.
“I’m fine.” He shivers.
“You are not fine. We need to get this temp down. Get up.”
“I’m fine.” He snaps.
I disappear into his bathroom and turn the shower onto a cool tepid stream. I walk back into his room as Owen bounces through the door. “Dad.” He smiles excitedly.
Cameron frowns in horror that his son is seeing him like this.
“Dad’s sick, baby. He needs to cool down,” I tell him.
Owen’s face falls as he watches his father shiver in bed.
“Come on, help me get him up.” I grab Cameron’s arm and pull him. “Cam. You need to have a shower and we need to get this temp down,” I urge. “Have you had any medication?” I ask.
He shakes his head.
“I thought you were a doctor.” I frown with a shake of my head. “Where is your medicine cabinet?”
“In the cupboard, downstairs.” He sighs.
I turn to Owen. “Where does Dad keep the band aids?” I ask.
“In the kitchen.”
“Can you show me?”
Owen scoots downstairs and I follow him and retrieve the Tylenol as well as a glass of water.
I return upstairs and force feed them to Cameron, and then get him up and lead him to the bathroom. Shit, I think I’m going to have to take him to emergency. He’s so sick. What kind of virus is this?
“Owie, go and put some cartoons on. We’ll stay here for a while.”
“Yay!” Owen calls as he disappears downstairs and I hear the television turn on in the distance.
I put my hand under the shower and I turn to Cameron and grab his face as I look into his eyes. He’s near delirious. “Cameron, are you alright?” I ask.
He nods.
“Get in the shower.”
He puts his hand out to the shower screen to steady himself on his feet.
Shit, is he going to faint?
“Cameron,” I repeat. “Are you going to fall?”
He drops his head as he tries to stay upright and holds the wall for support.
“In the shower,” I snap. Damn it. I bend and slide his boxer shorts down his legs and lead him into the shower until he’s under the cool water. He stands as he holds the tiles.
“Just stay under there for a while,” I tell him as I fuss around grabbing towels. I would tell him to sit down, but I don’t think I will be able to get him back up.
I take a seat on the edge of the bath as I watch him standing beneath the water.
He’s naked, and for the first time since I’ve known him, completely vulnerable. For twenty minutes, I sit quietly as he stands under the water. I change the sheets on his bed, and eventually, I walk over to the shower and feel his forehead again.
“How do you feel?” I ask as I check his face temp with the backs of my fingers.
“I’m okay,” he answers quietly.
“How long have you been like this?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “I woke up last night, throwing up. That’s stopped, but the temperature has gotten higher.”
“Cam.” I shake my head. “You know this is dangerous. Why didn’t you call me?”
He closes his eyes, as though embarrassed. “I’m fine.”
“You are not fine. If I can’t get this temperature down, I’m taking you to hospital.”
He nods as he concedes defeat.
“Come on, back to bed.” I hold a towel out for him and he exits the shower. I wrap him in it and he drops his head to my shoulder in desperate need of comfort.
I close my eyes as I hold him and the sick feeling of protectiveness fills me.
Stop it.
I pull out of his arms and dry him, lead him back to bed, and lie him down. His eyes immediately close.
Gosh, he’s so sick.
I pull the sheet over him and sit on the edge of the bed to watch him for a while. I feel his forehead and his temperature seems to be dropping.
He has a virus, by the looks of it, but he needs some water. He’s dehydrated.
Over the next three hours, I sit with him and give him water every ten minutes as he dozes in and out of a sleepy consciousness.
Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t checked on him when I did? After I’m positive he’s better and hydrated, I eventually head downstairs. I find Owen on the couch in his underpants, laughing out loud at cartoons and eating ice cream straight from the tub.
I smile to myself, is this what they do in this bachelor pad?
Owen’s eyes rise to me. “Is Dad feeling better?” he asks.
“Yes, he’s sleeping.” I smile and sit down next to him, placing my arm around his shoulders. “We might stay here tonight, though, I think… just to make sure.”
He smiles and punches the air. “Yes!”
I hear Ashley’s voice drift from the kitchen. “Owen. Do you want a hot chocolate? I’m making tea.”
I can hear Owen’s little voice from downstairs, too, although I have no idea what he’s saying.
The setting sun is just peeking through the side of the blinds, and I lean over to pick up my phone.
Sunday. 5:00 . p. m.
Where did the weekend go?
Ashley and Owen have stayed by my side, never leaving me for a minute. Ash has looked after me and I have no doubt I would have been hospitalized for dehydration if she hadn’t shown up when she did.
I inhale as I stare at the ceiling above. God, she’s seen me at my worst now.
Naked, soft, and shivering while covered in sweat.
I hear Owen’s laugh ring out and I smile as I listen. Ashley is chasing him and they are screaming and laughing through the house.
What a fucking awesome sound.
I get up slowly, go to the bathroom to shower, and then I head downstairs to find them sitting on the floor with their backs up against the sofa drinking hot chocolate and tea, engrossed in an animal documentary.
“Hey.” I smile bashfully.
“Well, here he is!” Ashley smiles as she looks over at me. “You survived?”
My eyes hold hers and my heart skips a beat. That’s the first genuine smile she has given me in over two months.
“Dad,” Owen calls and jumps up to cuddle my leg.
“Hey, mate.” I rub my hand roughly through his hair. “Sorry to wreck your weekend.”
He smiles and takes a seat back on the floor next to his mom.
My eyes hold hers. “Thanks, Ash.” I pause. “You don’t know how much I appreciate you staying.”
She smiles and sips her tea. “That’s okay. I’m sending you to the pharmacy next month to buy my Tampax as pay back.”
I smirk.
“What’s Tampax?” Owen asks as his eyes roam between us.
I raise my eyebrows. “Weird girl things,” I reply dryly as I lie on the sofa behind the two of them. “What are we watching?” I ask.
“Meerkats,” Owen replies. “But this girl’s been a naughty one and the mother is getting angry. It’s a big family fight,” he explains as he points to one of the meerkats who is circling another.
I smirk as I watch the screen. I don’t care what we are watching, or whose family is attacking each other.
As long as it’s not mine.
The reflection of the fire lanterns flickers across the pool. The sun has set and the cocktail waiters are circling. I’m at Carson’s house at a party.
I’m here with my friends and Joshua, although he’s leaving around nine to go and have drinks with Tash and Murph who are out at dinner.
He doesn’t stay long at these parties anymore. He hasn’t since he settled down with Tash.
It’s funny, you know. I could never understand why he would rush home to be with her when he sees her everyday-why he couldn’t stand to be away from her for more than a few hours at a time. It only got worse when he had kids, and for a long time, he went nowhere without them.
I get it now.
Since Owen came into my life-and Ashley-these parties hold no interest for me anymore.
Beautiful women are approaching me every ten minutes, and all I can do is keep looking at my watch to make sure I don’t miss ringing my son to say goodnight at eight o’clock.
What the hell has happened to me?
“Hey, Cam,” a voice calls from behind me, and I turn to see Celeste in a tight, smoking hot gold dress. She’s smiling sexily up at me.
“Hi.” I smile and bend to kiss her cheek as a greeting.
“Hi, Stan.” She smiles at Joshua.
He nods and smiles politely. “Hello.”
“Do you want to come inside for a drink? It’s been months since we spent any time together,” she asks hopefully.
I smirk, knowing that was code for it’s been months since we fucked.
I narrow my eyes as I contemplate the offer. “Ah, yeah. Maybe later. I’m staying out here for a while.”
She smiles. “Come looking for me when you’re ready to catch up.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You know I will.”
She walks off and Stan’s eyes and mine follow her as she glides through the crowd.
“She’s fucking hot,” he murmurs.
I exhale. “Yeah, she’s okay,” I reply, bored as my eyes glance around at the crowd.
He narrows his eyes as he watches me. “What’s up with you lately?”
“What do you mean?” I frown.
He sips his beer. “Well…” He purses his lips as he thinks. “I haven’t seen you hook up with a girl in months.”
I shrug as I take a drink. “That’s because I haven’t.”
He frowns. “Since when?”
“Since Ashley.”