Chapter 8
Leila didn’t know how many times she had heaved a deep sigh as she plopped down the comfy sofa.
Everything that happened that day was already wearing her out.
However, what made her more perplexed was about what Butler Henry told her about a while ago.
*** Flashback…
“But Hunter err, I mean Master Hunter seems like he is pushing his brother away…” She inquired nosily.
She even corrected herself as Butler Henry shot her a knowing look.
‘When can I ever get used to calling him ‘Master’? Tsk!’ She rolled her eyes inside her head as she mentally thought.
Butler Henry heaved a deep sigh like he was already worn out. She had been asking him too many questions since Hector went out of the mansion, and he might have cut his cord of patience because of her prurience.
She swallowed hard hoping that Butler Henry wouldn’t throw him out of the mansion for being too meddling.
Leila just wanted to drop that topic when his next words made her more curious.
“Master Hunter didn’t want Master Hector to be around with him most of the time.” He simply replied.
However, being Leila, she wasn’t content to just hear those kinds of words she wanted explanations.
Well, she might as well, ask the ones who knew the truth rather than discover it from mere hearsay which might not be true at all and will just deepen her curiosity.
And Butler Henry might have seen it coming that he continued his words.
“For he is being labeled at the ‘shadow’ of his father and brother. They are always being compared whenever Master Hector is with him. And Master Hunter didn’t want that anymore. Now, that’s it.” Butler Henry continued before walking away from her.
But he suddenly stopped and looked back at her.
“And Miss Leila, don’t forget. Whatever you hear, please leave it here.” He added before finally making his way upstairs to Hunter’s room.
With that, Leila was left speechless and couldn’t say more. She knew that Hunter might have a problem of some sort, but she couldn’t believe that he had this heavy burden lying inside him.
She heaved a deep sigh for sympathy and the melancholic feeling already swamping her system.
*** End of Flashback…
Leila couldn’t stop the tinge of pain as she remembered Butler Henry’s words.
She couldn’t imagine how painful it was to be compared to your sibling. More of being labeled as a ‘shadow.’
She couldn’t comprehend as to how that would be being in Hunter’s shoes… as he lived with his family.
Leila might have thought she was still fortunate to have a loving father and grandparents, despite the fact that they were no longer present. She was blessed with her mother and stepbrother who loved her so much.
It’s just a sad and furious thought to meet her stepfather.
But for Hunter, she slightly shook her head.
It’s no surprise, he’s this cold and… expressionless.
He might not want anyone to see him weak or to make room for anyone to see him hurt. He might have been carrying this burden all along.
She let out another deep sigh.
How much bravery would he have needed to get this far?
Is it the reason he was here? That he wanted to be out of his father and brother’s shadow? The very reason he was living alone?
Leila couldn’t stop the sympathy that she was feeling inside until she had already fallen asleep.
She was woken up by the loud ringing of her alarm clock sitting on her bedside table. She was confused at the moment as to why it was ringing so early. However, her eyes instantly bulged when she remembered that she was now working for Hunter, and she must be in the mansion as soon as possible to prepare him some breakfast.
Leila was already being oriented by Butler Henry. So far, she has had to take note that Hunter shouldn’t be fed any chocolate.
And she was right, Hunter is allergic to chocolates.
She just couldn’t believe that.
In any case, she had made a chicken soup for Hunter. Butler Henry had taken it to Hunter’s room. She didn’t know whether he liked it or not, and since she had nothing else to do, she decided to bake him a fresh berry tart which she learned from Butler Henry was his favorite fruit.
She mentally took a note to prepare a lot of dishes that come with berries. She might need a lot of it as an apology gift.
However, even after dinner, Butler Henry, and Hunter were nowhere to be found. She couldn’t go at the second floor of the house, and she couldn’t see anyone of them coming downstairs.
“Now, what?” She murmured to herself.
The sun sets already, and she needs to go home.
“Maybe, I’ll just post a note on the fridge then.” She shrugged her shoulders as she decided to do that before leaving the mansion.
A part of her just couldn’t believe how her heart was saddened by not seeing Hunter that day. Then, realization suddenly struck her like a lightning.
“Why are you so disappointed, Leila?” She asked herself.
“Oh, yeah… Maybe because I haven’t apologized personally.” She replied to herself like a crazy woman in the street.
“And maybe, I should stop talking to myself, either.” She uttered before doing her evening rituals.
On the other hand, Butler Henry looked at Hunter with curious eyes.
“What do you want to say?” Says the latter.
“She left you a berry tart.” He simply informed him.
Hunter scoffed.
“I won’t be softened by a tart. Just leave it there.” He coldly replied.
However, the butler secretly shook his head because of his words. But he had no guts to talk more, or else, his master might lose his patience and decide to kick him out with Miss Leila instead.
“By the way, any news from my brother?” He suddenly inquired making the Butler lose any emotion reflecting in his face.
“The attacks are getting so recurrent these past few days. I’m afraid they are already being so aggressive this time. And…” Butler Henry swallowed hard as if his next words were hurting his throat.
Hunter’s left brow twitched. He already had a tiny clue as to what he was about to say next, but he wanted to hear it from him.
“And your father wants to make the wedding as early as possible.” He worriedly continued.
He pursed his lips together as he heard the news. He had already saw this coming, and he thought that he already prepared himself for it…
However, he was wrong.
Hunter closed his eyes firmly as he leaned toward the headboard of his bed.
“When is the wedding?”
“The day after tomorrow. Your father wants you to be there.” Butler Henry simply stated.
Now, he had no other choice but to follow like he always does.