** * * * * Logan’s POV * * * * *
“Where have you been Logan?” She asked as I approached her.
“You said you would be back but then you are abandoned me,” she grumbled
“I am sorry Lucy, I just ran into someone and… Forget about it, I am really sorry,” I apologized bluntly and climbed up to the bed.
I know I must have hurt her feelings by leaving her like that, but I couldn’t resist Crystal’s scent.
The fact that her scent was so attractive to me is still confusing to me. I mean it has left me puzzled.
How could a human attract me so much that I abandoned my soon-to-be mate halfway through sex?
Also, I consented to placing my mark on her even though I knew the consequences. How, and what is happening to me?
“Fine Logan, I forgive you,” she said and I forced a smile.
Right now I wasn’t thinking of her, the thought of Crystal occupied my mind, leaving room for nothing else.
I set my pillow and lay down, facing the other side of the wall. Away from Lucy.
“Logan,” she called softly and hugged me from behind.
“Yes Lucy,” I muttered half mindedly.
She hovered over me and started to kiss me on my cheeks. She made me face her and tried to unbutton my shirt.
“Please stop Lucy, I can’t do this right now,” I said softly, turning her unsaid request down.
Right now, I can’t lay with her. The alluring scent of Crystal, which I savored earlier, has made Lucy’s pheromone disgusting to me.
Even though I don’t feel the mate pull for Lucy, I had never been able to resist her sexual advances in the past. I had always been attracted to her sexually, and why wouldn’t I be?
She is a beautiful woman with the perfect assets. No sane man won’t be aroused if seduced by her, but tonight after my encounter with Crystal, her scent is suddenly not attractive to me, and her body is disgusting rather than arousing.
What has that human done to me?
“Logan, what are you saying? We were about to do this before you suddenly walked out on me, and now you’re finally back after two long hours, you no longer have interest in me. You’re not even going to make up for getting me hot and cold?” she grumbled.
I sighed, wondering if I should just ignore her and go to bed, but then I would hurt her even more.
“Look Lucy, I…”
“Wait!!” she suddenly said, cutting my words short.
She sniffed my clothes twice and stared at me with scrutiny.
“Whose scent is on you?” She queried.
Oh come on! I am not in the mood for this now.
“It’s no one Lucy, don’t get yourself worked up over it” I waved her question off.
I can’t tell her it was Crystal. What would my tribe say if they found out that I abandoned my soon-to-be Luna to go and be with a human?
It will be embarrassing for me.
“Don’t lie to me Logan, tell me who you went to see, it’s a She right? Isn’t that right Logan?”
“Lucy please, I already have a headache, don’t add to it” I complained
Truly, my head was spinning due to the million unanswered questions and disturbing thoughts up there.
“Really Logan? So I don’t deserve even as much as an answer? I am going back to be your Luna soon, you can’t just leave me in the middle of the night for some other female wolf, it’s not acceptable!”
“That’s not the case, but I already apologized anyway Lucy, there is no need to take this matter any further” I said.
I turned back to face the wall and buried my left ear in the pillow.
“Logan, apologizing isn’t enough to appease for what you’ve done, how could you let another wolf seduce you, and now you won’t satisfy my desires either, it isn’t fair at all” she whined
Her obstinate character was starting to irritate me, but I tried not to lose my temper.
This relationship wasn’t just about me, a lot of people were also involved in the union.
“Lucy… We can make love some other night, I had a very busy day at work today, please just let me sleep in peace” I pleaded.
I did not hear her utter any other word after I said that, so I sighed in relief. I am glad she finally let me be.
Well that’s what I thought, but I had thought wrong.
Once again she started with her nagging and eventually I had to leave the room for her. I walked to the large sitting room and lay on the couch.
I was far away from her nose but yet I was not at peace. The thought of Crystal and the feelings I have developed for her haunted me.
The main question I badly needed an answer to was that, even as a human being, she still attracts me, why?
Maybe, because I have spent so much time with her that I eventually became addicted. That must be it.
No it can’t be, I mean there are so many other people that I have been so close to but yet wasn’t this addicted to them.
Perhaps it’s because she is good with her work. She always carries out her duties efficiently and diligently, that must have been why I developed feelings for her.
No, it can’t be that either. She’s not the first hardworking lady I have met in my life.
Maybe this isn’t love, it could be lust as she thinks. Well, she is beautiful so I might be lusting after her and if that’s the case I would regret it after mating with her.
Um… No, it can’t be that either. I have seen more beautiful women in my life and I am not the kind of guy easily controlled by lust.
Especially for a human being. And let’s say I was, I still don’t think that lust is enough reason for me to make a huge sacrifice like marking a human, it just can’t be.
After pondering over the thorny issue without coming up with any good theory, I decided to go along with the only real one I had.
I am in love with Crystal Lennox, I am in love with a human being and this might not end well for me.
I turned restlessly from one side of the couch to another. Soon I heard footsteps approaching.
It has to be Lucy. I hope she’s not coming here!
I am really not in a good mood and I might take it out on her if she disturbs me further.
To be continued!