Crystal sniffed the clothes one more time before she started putting them in the laundry machine. She couldn’t understand why his scent still affected her so much even after all these years.
After washing the clothes, she spread it out to dry then went back to the servants lodge.
Crystal could not understand why the servants were suddenly rude to her.
The clothes they had sent her to wash weren’t even her job yet they made her do it.
‘Perhaps it just for today and it won’t happen again’
Well that’s what she thought but it definitely wasn’t the case.
Finally, the day’s work hours came to an end. As usual she was paid the sum of fifty dollars.
Crystal was excited. One more week and she would have saved enough money to sustain her while she searches for another job.
Meanwhile Another maid had also joined Lisa and Gina in bullying Crystal.
The three of them planned to make life miserable for Crystal, they were not scared of their boss finding out, because they heard that the big boss gave his instructions to give the new girl tedious work.
So they plan to take advantage of that.
Lisa was the one in charge of washing the plates, pots and other items used in the kitchen.
She never liked the work but she only did it because of the money. Not everybody is willing to offer you twenty five dollars every day for just washing plates.
Gina on her own side was the maid who took care of the dirty clothes towels and blankets, she had to do the washing and drying of those fabrics.
Unlike Lisa, she didn’t have a problem with the work, it was the salary that she was not content with, especially after knowing that Crystal was paid more than her.
Gina wanted more than being just a maid, she wanted to be close to Logan for the sake of his money, but she feared Lucy, Logan’s arranged mate.
Nevertheless she still made attempts at getting Logan by wearing seductive dresses and always trying to make him notice her, but unfortunately for her, Logan barely had a hard time to spare her a second glare.
He never appeared where the workers lived.
Even his arranged mate doesn’t get much attention from him to talk less of an ordinary maid.
In fact, the only person that noticed Gina was the gate man.
Since he was seldomly doing his work, he would always go to the servants quarters to steal glances at her.
Gina had shunned him so many times, telling him that he’s not in the same class as her.
but the insultive gateman had retorted that she was classless and so he would say to his satisfaction.
Gina felt so embarrassed that day, so she decided to ignore him.
** * * * * * * * *
The next day, Crystal came to work early. She didn’t have lectures at college that day and Aidan was not back from school yet, so she decided to come to the Castle.
As usual, she picked a broom and started her job after sweeping the big compound, she went into the Castle to do the cleaning there.
It took her one hour to sweep all the hallways in the castle, both upstairs and downstairs.
She climbed down the stairs to get a mop and she was surprised when she saw a lot of dirt littered in the Castle compound again.
She was certain that she had swept all those places so where did dirt come from?
Crystal had no doubt that those two maids were up to no good again.
They must have been responsible for this
Now she understood that they were not just taking advantage of her by making her do their work, but they wanted to make her suffer.
She just had no idea why they were treating her like that.
It didn’t matter anyway, she will be gone after one week so there was nothing to be bothered about.
She went and cleaned up the mess they had made in the compound, it was very obvious that they had done it on purpose.
After that, Crystal found the mop and went back inside to do her mopping.
Gina and Lisa also made her wash the clothes that day, this time around they were not Logan’s clothes, they belonged to another member of the packhouse.
After she had washed the clothes, Lisa and Gina confronted her once again.
“You! Go to the kitchen and wash those dirty plates!” Gina instructed
“And the pots too” Lisa added
Crystal was surprised. Now they were making her wash plates too, this was unfair.
“Why are you assigning your works to me, I already have mine to do” she protested
“Listen to me, if you don’t do as we say then we are going to report your lazy ass to the big boss and have you fired”
Crystal, knowing that her goal was not achieved yet, she decided to play along with these two.
“Alright, I will do it,” she said softly.
She wasn’t scared of them, she had always been a fearless girl since birth, but she was avoiding having to meet Logan.
The last thing she wanted was for the Alpha to take a trip down memory lane, she didn’t want him to remember their past or her plans would be ruined.
She went to the kitchen and started washing the dirty plates. Her hands were already sore from sweeping and mopping, it hurt more when the soapy water and spicy plates touched the spots.
** * * * * * * * * *
It has been a week since Crystal took the job. She was able to save some money but she needed more because she did not know how long she would have to stay without a job after she resigned.
She didn’t want to run out of cash completely, so she decided to work for one more week.
On the first day of the new week, as usual, Crystal had finished cleaning the compound.
She had gotten so used to it that it took her less time to do it.
As she had been expecting, Lisa and Gina walked up to her.
Crystal thought they had come to ask her to wash clothes or maybe plates but she was wrong, they had a different demand this time.
“Hey you, stop being lazy… come and scrub the toilets” Gina ordered.
That came as a shock to Crystal. For her that was totally unacceptable.
She hasn’t stood up for herself in a long time, but she will do that now, even if it meant having to face Logan Stewart or even getting fired, she wouldn’t let these ladies bully her anymore.
T. B. C!